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Dodge XWRP warranty scam?


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Good luck iionly. I also was never warned about going over the limit in kms. We did after an IMMENSE amount of screaming get a partial refund from xwrp...They gave us $2000 out of the $2500...just enough for me to let the matter rest. To be honest I am sTILL ticked at how the Dodge dealership dealt with me thru this whole process. They were horrible and did not give a crap about helping one of their customers. I may still file complaints against the lady I have dealt with. Terrible that you have to go to court to get your money. My understanding from Dodge is take xwrp to court and you will win...just sad that they sell this stuff to their clients knowing the grief it will cause you. Where do they find people who can do this job, knowing they are screwing you, and then sleep at night? 

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Yeah they offered me about 33% of what they owe me. But I won't accept that. I want my full payment. The way they work is to deny and hope that no one will fight it. I still may put out for a class action suit as I'm sure it was more than just a couple of people that xwrp has screwed over. I even found some of their training slideshows that give an example of a situation where a customer goes over the km but are still eligible for a refund. they state in the slideshow that the customer just has to wait for the 5 year anniversary of the warranty to receive the refund.   slide 45 of this slideshow here: https://www.slideserve.com/brendy/today-s-market

The xwrp guy pretended that he was trying to help me in the beginning. saying that he would do what he could and go to bat for me. complete Bull When I told him he would be going to court he said no problem. I don't yell at people, but he had me close to doing it. either way I know I will win, it just sucks that I have to go through all the effort to do this when it should have been a simple here's the info, here's your refund. 

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Dealership did not do squat. Wouldnt return my calls wouldn't return my emails...basically said screw you, we got our cut not interested in helping.  I eventually got the 2 k from xwrp but like I said there was a LOT of yelling and anger on my part. I bet the xwrp guy who said he would help you was Walter. Some of them were confrontational, Walter had me believing he was on my side...pretended to care pretended to be nice. He isn't. Just his way of trying to act like the nice guy...but then they still decline your claim. Like I said, not sure where they find these employees. Which dealership you deal with? Dodge as well?

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Yep it was Walter who was pretending to help me out too. And same dealership that you dealt with, Waterloo Dodge is where I bought my van. Don't even get me started on the bait and switch that they pulled when I bought my van. That was a nightmare so I shouldn't have expected anything else. However,  will say that the lady who sold me mine did at least write a letter for me explaining that the warranty was sold to me under the premise that mileage would not void the warranty. This guy Walter is just a real tool. He really made me mad. I know that if I were to go to a judge with my information I will win the case so as soon as they receive the plaintiff's claim for small claims court they will most likely offer to settle. However, I will take nothing less than 100% of what they owe me. I won't let them get away with the crap they have been trying to pull on so many customers.

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Yep you made the deal in a Chrysler dealership office with a Chrysler employee being paid by Chrysler and then when you need to deal with something you find out it is a second party you must deal with some office at doesn't have an address . I don't want to say it's only Chrysler because all the big car dealers and small Mom and Pops sell you the product from a second party. They all have Insurance companies that all deal with all the big 3 and all the European and Asian manufacturers. My wife recently bought a used Kia from a Ford dealer and wanted her to sit down for 30 minutes with the dealers business kid to go over the myriad of extended warranties. I said to him to not waste his time and more importantly hers and mine to sell he insurance policy. The 20 something year olds response was basically we couldn't buy the car unless he could go through the entire pitch. I told him to go see the Sales Manager we just made the deal with that we are cancelling the deal and she wants her deposit back, go, now, hurry up, I'm hungry. We just walked out while he was looking for him. But was only doing the job he was given and I respect that, but No is No thank you. I actually called back to ask a question about the paperwork he gave her and never received a return call. I know what As Is means, I watch Judge Judy.

By the way she and we are happy with the Kia Optima after 2 months. More than 1/2 the fuel consumption on that 220 HP 4 banger than my 1/2 ton Chevy, at least, probably more. 2 fill ups a week in winter with the 4X4 when she drove it daily for her safe winter commute, now she passes gas stations for 2 weeks and it never goes below a quarter.

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Knew it had to be Walter. Guess they train their staff to play good cop bad cop...he gets to pretend to be the good cop...then screws you over like the rest. Well if you go to court I would be pleased to help any way I can. Do me a favour...name Waterloo Dodge in the suit as well. They know FULL WELL what is going on, yet they continue to sell this warranty knowing their clients are getting screwed. I would be pleased to join you in court or do whatever it takes to show these people you can't treat people like this

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  • 2 months later...

Well I would go to a lawyer at the first sign of them fighting you. Trust me they do not want to honor this warranty. I still havn't sent this off to my lawyer. I know they will lose in court though. I have even found more information on the internet to back my claim. The biggest hurdle will be the actual serving of the claim to the company. 

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Make them show you the clause that says you have to provide service records. I went LINE BY LINE through all the documentation with one of their managers...eventually they caved. Took craploads of emails and phonecalls before I got a manager. Have your warranty book in hand as well. Mine said nothing about service records. They have some bogus line about "what is not covered" section... it also says nothing about service records. Good luck. There IS a clause that gets them off the hook if you have gone over 100k so definitely don't send in records if you are over 100k! If you are under 100 k and have all the records just send em in. My problem was we didn't keep the records, and when I sent some in they always insisted on more

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4 hours ago, iionly said:

Well I would go to a lawyer at the first sign of them fighting you. Trust me they do not want to honor this warranty. I still havn't sent this off to my lawyer. I know they will lose in court though. I have even found more information on the internet to back my claim. The biggest hurdle will be the actual serving of the claim to the company. 

why pay a lawyer? do it yourself

A lot of people assume that once they have won a claim they automatically get they money. Nope. The laws suck. I won a claim against the Terrace Ford in Burlington snakes. I had to show up in the showroom a few times, it's not until I made a mild disturbance in front of other customers that they finally handed over the cheque. It was some hassle and stress but I think it's better than paying paper pushing, money grabbing lawyers. 


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I'll be going to a lawyer for 1 reason. It won't go to trial. The company knows that they will not win, therefore they will settle. However, I believe that it will require being served with a plaintiff's claim drafted by a legal representative. I say this because I personally have sent them a letter of intent and their response was to offer me 33% of the amount owed. Keep in mind that I have gone to school to draft these letters. Once they receive the letter from an actual lawyer they will settle. 

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Thanks for the  insight Rizzo...Im in the exact same boat as  you...I have some service  records but am missing some and this place doesn't keep historical records like that. I think my best bet is to argue that it doesn't say anywhere that I have to provide service records

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Going to a lawyer over small amounts like this is usually counterproductive as the lawyer will eat up all of the money owed and judges /ajudicaters often take a dim view of showing up in small claims with a lawyer. I suggest a paralegal with experience in automotive. More cost effective. Still no results/response  from  OMVIC?This seems like a gross infraction of automotive consumer law to me and dealing with car dealers who cross the line is their mandate.

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22 hours ago, iionly said:

I'll be going to a lawyer for 1 reason. It won't go to trial. The company knows that they will not win, therefore they will settle. However, I believe that it will require being served with a plaintiff's claim drafted by a legal representative. I say this because I personally have sent them a letter of intent and their response was to offer me 33% of the amount owed. Keep in mind that I have gone to school to draft these letters. Once they receive the letter from an actual lawyer they will settle. 

screw the letter of intent, $75 to file your personal claim (no lawyer) and they will collapse, why give most of your money to a lawyer?

Your talking about settling too. They're snakes, scammers. You don't have to settle, you should be totally refunded plus expenses.

I've used small claims 3 times, no lawyers for me, won every time because I was scammed and the judge could see that. When they would lie in court and I would get angry the judge recognized who was telling the truth. 

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Chris is absolutely right, no need whatsoever to pay a lawyer for small claims court. I too filed 3 claims in Small Claims. Settled for about 80% twice outside the court room with the defendants lawyer and got in front of a Judge once and won. The problem with the case I won was it was a bogus contractor that had no way to pay up. You should file suit against both the dealership and the warranty scammers. I have an extended warranty with I don't even know who when I bought the Silverado brand new off the lot. I better dig it up because I have not had a claim either and may be eligible for a refund too. I have every service record since new. The dealer only did 2 oil changes and some brake and rear end work under new car bumper to bumper warranty. I have gotten all the service records for anything ever done, only tires, a battery and oil service in 7 years. My guy recently sent me PDF's of everything ever done to the truck. A big reason I go to 1 shop and only 1 for service for both vehicles, I'm big on that.

No need for a lawyer. Bring suit against the dealer and if the judge says you need to go after the other guy it only costs you 75 bucks, easy for me to say I'm retired and have time to do that. If you insist on representation go the Paralegal route.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/11/2018 at 10:41 PM, Rizzo said:

Thanks Chris. I actually did look into that option a week or two ago. The site I looked it up on said there are court fees but it didn't say they were only $75! Here I figured it was gonna be hundreds to file a claim. This is a great idea if they don't eventually relent and give me my money. This has been a massive headache, has caused me stress and lack of sleep.  I have documented 40-50 emails /phonecalls. Will I only be able to go after them for the $2500 they owe me? Or because of how this is eating me alive can I go for more? I never get angry, very mild mannered, but in the last three weeks I have yelled in anger at several employees at both xwrp and Dodge.  This is clearly having a very negative effect on me

Rizzo the xwrp is not a dodge product. and the stipulations that were told to you when you bought it were correct! Do not beat up on the poor lady that is also being sidlined. The xwrp company went bankrupt and the insurance company is using every tactic they can to not pay out

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Poor lady that is being sidelined? I do not know what that means. I DO know that the lady who convinced me to buy...when i was adamantly refusing to even listen...was an employee of DODGE. They did not bring in an insurance rep. A Dodge employee sold it to me. A Dodge employee profited when i bought it. And that same Dodge employee, who now manages the dealership, would not even refund to me the portion they themselves kept. They KNEW i was being screwed. At a minimum they should have apologized and offered me back the portion that they themselves profited. I would have walked away thinking "what an upstanding operation". Sadly they did not offer me anything...which is incredibly short sighted on their part. They had a chance to keep a customer happy. Not only did they lose me, i tell others of my terrible experience. They could have broken even...give me back the portion they kept. Instead they have chosen to take a loss...my future business with them and all the people I talk to. It still boggles my mind that they did not at least try to make things right

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Hi Rizzo trust me when I say your not the only 1 to have fallen for this, these companies use what ever tactic nets them the most money, if you want something from these companies you'll get it if your spending money, but god help you if your attempting to get something from them even if your owed.

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  • 4 months later...

I’m the latest victim :(

So glad to come across this group to get feedback and advise. 

Bought a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan to drive to and from work and back and forth from Toronto to North Dakota to visit family.  When purchasing vehicle, they suggested this warranty due to excessive km’s we would be using.  We have 4 kids and have to be really careful with our money.  When we reached the 100,000 km mark I spoke to the dealership about getting my extended warranty money back and they said we had to wait till the 5 year mark passed.  Five years or 100,000 km which ever is reached last.  I have patiently waited and submitted my claim on the 5 year anniversary date.  Just got my letter declining my request because they said it was based on km’s not time.  I would never have bought it, I knew I would reach the km’s prior to the five year mark.  I was sold it because I would be using a lot of km’s.

So upset, we were really counting on the money.

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Another victim. Based on this thread when my brother bought his brand new Ram last month he referred the seller to this thread based on what I have learned from Rizzo's dilemma and my recommendation. The guy at the dealership didn't have much to say other than his insurance was the best. Yea right. 

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Sorry to hear that Kverde. We were never told that if we went over the 100 k that we wouldn't get our money back. Only thing we were told was "If you don't use the warranty you get all your money back...including taxes". When I was fighting for my claim I did notice some wording that made me realize that if I had gone over the 100 k before the 5 years, they could decline the refund. Never noticed this in the beginning, and it certainly never was mentionned. Only found that info once they declined me and I read everything over 20 times trying to figure out what basis they had to screw me. You may be in for a tough battle because there is a tricky little phrase there about exceeding 100 k before 60 months is up (at least my documentation had that "out" clause for them). What dealership did you buy from?

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I bought the van at Woodbine Chrysler in Markham, Ontario.  I have placed a call to them and they said they have never had an issue with the program and will look into it tomorrow.  I am extremely disappointed and feel like I’ve been cheated and misled.  I will fight it the best I can.  One of the comments made here mentions a slideshow that may help me.  Thank you all so much, can’t tell you how much this forum means to me right now.



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interesting...never saw that slideshow before. Although it never says "the refund will be given" it certainly doesn't say there is no point to apply for your refund. If that were the case (going over voids the warranty) it should say it plain and clear right there. You go over in the 4th year...don't even bother applying

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