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Joe Opener


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Here is a question for you all.


Its always said bigger/older fish accumulate more mercury, and mercury is toxic. But fish actually accumulate a far more deadly form of mercury, and thats methyl mercury.


Now, both forms are fat soluble.


So what does that mean when you eat white fleshed fish that are almost all protein???

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If you have to smoke something just so its edible, thats pretty gross in my opinion. To each their own I guess.

Ive tasted lake simcoe fish (perch,whitefish,lakers) and they're not good at all. The whole lake is polluted thats for sure.[/quote"] First off, smoking is one of the best ways to prepare these type of fish (herring, Lakers, whities) secondly, lake simcoe whities and perch taste horrible and its a very polluted lake? I can understand why you wouldn't like the greasy simcoe Lakers but whities and perch? Something's wrong with you dude, lol, and I mean sure its polluted but compared to other lakes in the area, its one of the cleanest.

Whities are as greasy as lakers and I just dont enjoy eating greasy fish from polluted lakes like Simcoe, Lake O and every other water system in Southern Ontario. You're not going to die from eating them but like I said, to each their own. Enjoy!

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Simcoe whities are very fat. I still love them though. I'm not big on lakers from anywhere unless they're smoked. Just like the reel peel.


EVERY lake is polluted to some extent.....so is the air. I bet just breathing is worse than eating a few fish from lake simcoe.



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White fish are fatty and oily. Maybe after you smoke them for 8 hours they are palletable, but thats just me. If you enjoy them then who cares.


Lake O is worse than Lake simcoe, no question, but all of the lakes around southern ontario are polluted so I choose not to eat fish period. And of them all, Lakers and Whities...no thanks. In fact, I don't really eat fish because I know where they come from, including the farm raised fish out there like salmon, trout, tillapia etc. no thanks.


Sinker, good point. Breathing that nasty air in the GTA is probably worse.


BUT, to each their own. I don't hate ya for it lol.

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