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Weekend carping - June 2


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Spent today carp fishing with dad again. Weather forecasts looked prime for such an outing (a little too hot for my taste though). I was expecting to also meet up with Victor and his dad and Wolfville but alas, Wolfville found out he had other engagements.


Got to the lake at 7:00am and to my amazement, there were a number of carpers trying their luck. There weren’t that many available places to set up but the surrounding anglers on either sides of us were gracious enough to let us fish beside them.


I spodded in some bait with emphasis on groundbait placement rather than sheer quantity. Maize and method mix made their way into the swim. I put bait on the hair rig and tossed my rig out. Within 10 minutes I’m into a fish. Victor arrives just as I’m playing it to shore and he nets it for me


Victor and I with first fish of the day



I guess the reason no one was fishing the swim that I was fishing was because of the huge snag on the right hand side.


Narrowly avoiding the huge snag of roots.



End result of tug-o-war



Action was consistent among all the anglers along the bank. It’s always entertaining watching people catch fish even when you’re not. At one point I saw a rod coast down to the water when the angler forgot to set his baitrunner on. I got to fish and chat with several OFNer’s who were fishing along the bank.


Victor brought his dad with him…We were planning on having a father-son day at the lake. Victor’s dad was thrilled when he was catching fish like this. I’m sure Victor will continue this thread with a few pics of his own.



I also got to meet and chat with Photoz, Rodpody and Mikeh. All of whom are great anglers and wonderful people. I’d gladly fish with any of them any day.


Here’s Mikeh with his biggun of the day. He was fishing for his OFC team and did them a favour with this fish. Mike really is a giant in person (at least compared to me) and this really is a fish in the mid-20lb range.



Victor and I also had a few double headers throughout the day.



No report would be complete without a picture of carp making love. Looking at the pics, I actually think both fish are males.



It was a great day overall. My dad and I had a blast with 25 fish banked. A couple fish were in the lower 20’s and the rest ranged from 5-19lbs. Victor and his dad also had fun and were pleased with their catch results. Had a blast fishing with fellow OFNers and can’t wait for another carping g2g.


I’ve got plenty of bait left…I guess there’s always tomorrow :D

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Wow! Big carp, great pictures and big smiles - must be an MJL report. Well done guys - sounds like quite the gathering of OFNers.


25 fish all between 5-20lb that's a great day! Still waiting to land my first of the year, despite seeing lots of them everywhere I go.



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WOW!! What an awesome report...too bad there wasn't a real planned G2G...I would have ventured out there myself! To meet up with that many accomplished carpers would have been an honour for me! The numbers were awesome...the action seemed great. Amazing pics...amazing results.


I went out tonite, but every spot I went to was just teaming with spawning fish...not even a line bump for me!


Congrats on a great outing!

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WOW!! It seemed half the carpers on the OFC board showed up yesterday. I arrived about 04:45, got all my junk out, and set up in my fave spot . . . by the time I'd liberally spread corn around the area I like to fish, I noticed a 5 liter container I'd thought was fulla corn, WASN'T! Uh . . oh h h h! The carp around here like to be fed . . . no food, they move to where there is some!! I'd landed 2 when Mike arrived, then MJL, his Dad, Victor & his Dad, Rodpody, and a couple other regulars. But, since I could only fling out a sling-shot pouch of corn every half hour or so, to keep 'em around, I watched as EVERYBODY else, who'd prepared themselves well, haul in fish after fish, many in the 20+ range! NEXT time, I'm takin' a whole 40 kilo bag of the stuff with me. But, even though I didn't catch many, I DID have plenty of chances . . . . but just wasn't paying enough attention, (too busy standin' around yappin') and did enjoy myself, just bein' there, among a VERY friendly group, with many different methods of catchin' these fish. You NEVER come away from one of these excursions without learning something. Hopefully I'll make it back a few more times this summer.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Great Report. Its great to see fathers and sons fishing together!Now get out there and catch more carp in the Kawarthas. They are annoying when you are fishing for Muskies in the shallows!!!

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you should have taken a pic with your dad ... did u guys get into any double headers?


i'll post up my report alittle later tonight when i go back to Waterloo. thanks for posting the pics


Vic, my dad and I didn't get into any double headers. We mostly took out one of our lines when we had a fish on. We didn't want to risk having 2 fish dive into the snag.


Here's the 2nd double header we had. Vic's fish at 15lbs mine at 18lb 2oz. As you can see she didn't feel like being fondled without putting up a fight.



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It was quite an enjoyable day with all the folks there. I'm not in the pictures because I'm mostly behind the camera. I find action shot interesting and tend to do more of them. Secondly, after over five years of carp fishing I still cannot get use to the fragrance associated with carp.


The second picture with the silhouette of MJL was an accident as I couldn't get the flash going in the heat of the action and there's no time to play around with the white balance on my Nikon D40 SLR. It did turn out to be an interesting picture.

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It was quite an enjoyable day with all the folks there. I'm not in the pictures because I'm mostly behind the camera. I find action shot interesting and tend to do more of them. Secondly, after over five years of carp fishing I still cannot get use to the fragrance associated with carp.


The second picture with the silhouette of MJL was an accident as I couldn't get the flash going in the heat of the action and there's no time to play around with the white balance on my Nikon D40 SLR. It did turn out to be an interesting picture.


yeah i noticed you didn't really like to handle them from last week's report where you took a picture with the fish in the net :thumbsup_anim: ... guess what you have to buy now MJL? gloves for ur dad so he can be ready to take a picture with his 40lber in the near future :D


i also love those action shots ... took quite a few on saturday ... especially with these long rods it's just so cool

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