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With the up coming Barrie perch event fast approaching,


http://www.bfff.ca/ ,


Them perch better get in the bay soon.


You talk about way behind. Lots of tick tick tick but very little hook ups. Bottom 2 ft of the screen is thick. All small,hell, tiny stuff. There are some signs of shiners showing up,but nothing in the numbers of years past again. No gulls,no terns to be seen either. That,s a big clue to how far behind this season is.


This time last year,I was ducking away from diving terns.




Covered 14 fow out to 48 fow in the bay here this morning. 7am-11am.


Still seeing small ducklings swimming with their mothers. They will not survive sad to say. What a screwed up season this has been.






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Couldn't agree more about a screwed up season. The spring and summer that never was.


The Walleye fishery here on Erie has been stellar this year, on fire, best numbers and sizes since 93', coincidently 92' was the last bad winter here. But where are the Perch? All the regular hot spots here did produce a few times but here today gone tomorrow. The Perch normally feed on these spots spring to winter. The only spot that produced Perch daily, and still is, is off of the west side of Hastings Road west of Long Point. It's no big secret and very tough to get to. The closest launch is an 18 KM run Burwell to Hastings, it may be 18 miles. Dig Dave, a charter guy there limited nearly every outing. I think he hit 13,000 or 14,000 fish last week. Yes thousand, not hundreds!!

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