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Silly laws for tourism industry

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Guess if you work in tourism, if your working alone near any source of water, you'll need to wear a lifejacket. Gonna look funny out on the golf course this year:) wow. New rules brought in by the ministry of labor. Learned about it today from my cousin that owns a fishing camp.

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Silly, perhaps, but is comparable to other industries


mine site cannot work alone near the pond or river, and both guys need to be wearing a pfd within a certain distance of water, radio contact with dispatch every 30 mins


once a couple years ago enviro samplers failed to make contact while eating lunch and whole operation shutdown for a mayday, they were a bit embarrassed at camp dinner that night...silly as they sound, SOP's are often initiated because of past incidents...I can see your point on the golf course ponds, but risk mitigation is usually a good thing, common sense does not always prevail

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Well some safety measures make sense. I worked in mining and the measures we took were just commo sense, but very effective at keeping everyone safe. Same in the oilfield, but those were hard to implement because half the workforce is stoned outta their minds. When i worked in the lumber industry our safety measures were awesome, you felt 100% safe in a world class sawmill. But these seem silly and illogical. In theory, my cousin now has to wear a pfd to walk on his dock, because hes "working"? Lol. He said hes buying floatations suits specifically for anyone that comes to check his camp hahaha, camp policy sir, now enjoy your visit in the 30 degree summer heat lol

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agreed, just saying there's a Darwin award winner out there that might be saved lol...but I wonder how that will be enforced too? hopefully about as much as j-walking

yeah true, but if your up for a Darwin i fear nothing will save you. And lol irishfield!
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What if your cleanin toilets at the tourist restrooms---still a water source-----Buddy is gonna look kinda funny wearin the Mustang with a brush in hand :)


ok silliness aside


Back to your regular scheduled tread

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What if your cleanin toilets at the tourist restrooms---still a water source-----Buddy is gonna look kinda funny wearin the Mustang with a brush in hand :)


ok silliness aside


Back to your regular scheduled tread

yep, trip, fall and hit your head on the toilet, drown. Better wear a floatable headpiece to clean toilets too
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Anyone who's ever driven the big porcelain bus knows the fear

hahahaha. Yeah i have a crane system in our washroom. Anytime i need to clean or dirty the toilet i put on my fall arrest harness and pray for the best. Can't imagine drowning in a lake stocked with brown trout! Edited by manitoubass2
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Heres my take on this. Yes,Im a member of the JHST..


Every month there,s a walk through both plants. We have a worker from each plant walk with two leaders.Many eyes to see around. Talk to the floor workers . Yes,even talk to those that are for a day or two or maybe even longer. Concerns are brought up. We listen and come meeting time,we need to decided if they are real concerns or just what one is thinking is a safety hazard.


If the vote is,it is,then we put in the proper PPE or guard.


Now heres where it gets all funky.


One worker is happy.,3-5 others say it makes their job harder.uncomfortable to do.


Where to draw the line.


I always tell my fellow employees. Think about what you say to the JHST. Is it really an issue?

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When i worked for Weyerhaeuser they took all our suggestions too misfish. I worked alit with the mill rights addresses mechanical or electrical hazards. Man i miss working for that company. When they said safety first they actually meant it. I did catch some flack though when the CEO visited and i wrote him up on a lockout violation haha

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Yes Bri---common sense left us at some time---just don't know when it was?






where did you work for Weyerhaeuser?....I once worked for them in Dryden

ear falls bush art. I woulda worked there for life if i coulda. I was let go at the buyout do to seniority. I lived at wine lake, sleepy dog camp. Heaven on earth
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And before anyone brings up the stupid thing I did , I will say I made a bad judgment. Some machines we have,you to by pass safetys to see whats happening. Instead of stopping and adjusting,I made the error of trying to adjust while the machine was active. Quick lesson learned. I was the only one at harm at this point. All operators are kept away. Hazards of the job.

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I can see the logic , as a guide / dock attendant at Chaudiere Lodge for some years (early 90's) , I've had my share of unintentional plunges.


One in particular comes to mind , I was moving Cedar Strips around all morning (20) getting things ready for guests arriving at 2pm , a guest from the previous week had hit a rock and cracked the casing on a 20 Yamaha, I brought the boat to dock and took off the motor , stood up and swung the motor onto the dock , I had forgot to tie up the Cedar :(

The Cedar went out from under me and I stepped into 4' of water , soon to find a 20Hp Yamaha hitting me in the head and knocking me out , falling on my legs and pinning me underwater against a dock pillar , luckily a staff member was there to drag me out ... had I had a PFD maybe things would've been different... either way, I'm glad Dave was there.

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Yes Manitou---I hear there are no walleyes over that way :whistling:


Did ya ever fish those big whitefish in the english river?

lol yep no walleye at all. Never did fish whitefish but wish i had. Fishing up there was nutso. I lost a camera there with over 5000 pics, man i cant believe that. Funny you went to kamloops too. At one point they flew me down for a parts manager position lol. Never even talked work, just golfed beautiful courses and ate like a king
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It really is a small world

yeah for sure, thats pretty cool. I think its danc that did work for Weyerhaeuser in dryden too if I'm not mistaken. But if your ever up that way, check out tom and sleepy dog cabins. Place is unreal. And hes an amazing guy. Rented me a 11 man cabin during the winters for 300 bucks a month lol. Satelite, big screen tvs, jacuzzi. The hole nine yards. Up on the hill overlooking the lake. Brought me supper a few times per week. Plowed the road at 3am when it snowed so i could get to work. That man is a great human being
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Not sure I'll get up that way again---Although I have a good friend who is Chief up there at Wabaskang FN--I would like to visit again sometime


Funny where life takes ya---I left that area and ended up in Wayne's neck of the woods---I went to work as Maintenance Super at Kindred Ind in Midland---see really is a small world


FYI there used to be a great l'il fish N chips restaurant right in downtown Midland---small place but good grub

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