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Fishing regs books heads up


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Personally I don't have a problem with printing less regs. Sounds like the business case makes a lot of sense. Like said there are tons of ways to get the info. But there are good arguements on either side and I can understand how having a hard copy handy is helpful for some. But does it make enough sense to keep spending the money printing them? It would be great if those that need a copy can request one if need be. Hopefully the money saved here is going to good use!

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Here's your license but its an extra 5 bucks for a copy of the rules...no...we pay enough that they can print the rules and give us a copy.


They get enough ad revenue off them to cover it anyway.


I would be very surprised if ad revenues cover even 25 percent of their costs.

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Right...the government should cut back on services because taxpayers are wastefull

No, because I, as a taxpayer, think they could spend my money better...instead of catering to a bunch of guys who don't want to adapt to some incredibly easy changes


They are still printing regs, just not as many...so I don't understand what all the fuss is about...print them at home, at a library, download to a mobile device...it's pretty dang easy to get the regs


Get a copy, hold onto it, don't take 3 copies to start fires with

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Wayne,I just go online when I need to know and print off what I need too.


I was just saying how the book was so handy.


Im glad to have good friends that correct me on new limits though. :whistling:


Simcoe crappies are being protected from the white bucket clan. Nice to see..

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Wayne,I just go online when I need to know and print off what I need too.


I was just saying how the book was so handy.


Im glad to have good friends that correct me on new limits though. :whistling:


Simcoe crappies are being protected from the white bucket clan. Nice to see..

Unfortunately from what i witnessed in my backyard this spring, limits only apply to those who care.

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