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Had a visitor on the weekend! Critter talk!


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With all the critter talk on here lately, I thought I'd post some pics of some recent visitors we have had here at the house.

A week ago Saturday, I was making lunch for the family, frying up some bacon. I looked out our kitchen window and spotted two critters, standing on my frozen pool cover. Unfortunately, pics were taken with my wife's Ipad and frankly, I don't even know how to turn the danged thing on!

That said, just this past Saturday, last morning I was out for a bit, but upon my return home, I hear that we had another visitor.

Now this one appeared to be very healthy as opposed to the two the previous week, both exhibiting signs of mange... no hair on their tales, dirty mangy coats.

This fellow however, seems to be doing well.




AS I am on a ravine lot, here in Scarborough, we do have quite a few critters from time to time, but only really see the odd fox... these guys are new.

Warned my neighbours to keep an eye out for their cats and small dogs... hopefully no one loses a pet!


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'yotes looking for a meal... they are healthy Joe so no worries there, but someone's pet is gonna disappear in the night! Not a big deal to me with them walking through the yard every day, but as Cliff points out they're in the wrong place in your yard... now fix the hole in the fence! lol

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How'd you know about the hole in the fence!!!LOL

It gets filled in pretty quickly in the spring, actually, you can hardly see the fence once the vegetation grows in.

All the neighbours are aware at this point. Last year, one night in the summer, my neighbour had no less than 6 foxes chasing mice in his backyard!

Cats and small dog owners have been given the heads up.


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A healthy looking yote. Could make for a Wylie moment in a week or two when that ice thins out. :D I hope that no one looses a pet while they are in the area. I had one (at least) of them in my neighbourhood last summer. I never saw it but one of the neighbours thought it was a wolf as the thing was so big, biggest he's ever seen. Head topped the hood of his truck is what he said. Seems to be a greater population of them in recent years in the suburbs.

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