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Canadian Juniors lose again


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So the Canadian Juniors fell to disgrace again.

Here's my take on why!

Minor hockey is too expensive in Canada and only the well off can afford to put their kids in it. This is eliminating a huge population from ever being able to have a chance. This gets worse with the higher level the kid plays, I know, I've had 2 in competitive for years and now my youngest is playing Midget AA (the highest level she can play) and the fees are insane. When a family has to pay in excess of $10,000 and as much as $15,000 for 2 kids to play hockey, that fact alone rules hockey for many families. Bring down the cost and have more government programs for the kids, other countries do this and it works.

Stop opening the door to out of country players for Junior hockey, period! It's taking spots and development away from Canadian kids. Let alone the money put out to bring these kids over. Developing foreign players to compete against you????? In war time, this would be treason!!

Sutter did it wrong. By only bringing 26 kids to camp and cutting 2, essentially they told the kids you don't have to compete for this position. So the silver spoon, rich parent kids got coddled again. No compete attitude was instilled in them for this tournament. Sad!

Smarten up Canada! We have been losing for too long!

Edited by muskymatt
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Disgrace? Wow man, really? They lost, big deal. You're not one of those fans that expects them to win all the time, every time are you?


Predictable response from a laff fan!


And no, I don't expect them to win every time. Just to show better than they did.


Did you even read the post Bill?


Do you contest every point I made?





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All I can ad to that is,,


Not all great hockey players play rep hockey. There are some real good players in the house league level. It,s due to like you said. COST to the parents..


Im glad my paying days are behind me. Two was hard. When the youngest dropped out,the oldest one went on to play double /triple A. til midget.


Ya,a goalie of all things. :wallbash:

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Ha ha ha I have to agree with Matt to some extent..Its far too expense but disgrace.. nah....
That game against the Fins was a disgrace, The Refs called very lousy penalties to favor the Fins and in turn cost us 2 early goals. I clearly seen the boys in Red and White gave up, I honestly dont blame them..How the heck do you play a system that's all about diving and dirty play.. we cant compete with that and thank god were Canadians and refuse..
I honestly think its time for a coaching change and new management as well.. Till next year Go Canada Go!

Edited by tb4me
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what is the split of players that are currently in the NHL, that were eligible for the juniors?


were the majority Canadian?


a split?


that's what I'm curious about.


I mean if all the teams had players in the NHL, then its more even. But if it was a vast majority of Canadians that stayed in the NHL, instead of playing junior, then that could really swing things.

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Predictable response from a laff fan!


And no, I don't expect them to win every time. Just to show better than they did.


Did you even read the post Bill?


Do you contest every point I made?






Don't be stupid, this has nothing to do with my being a Leafs fan, can't you ever drop that silly crap?


Also quite whining about hockey being too expensive.. Who's forcing you to put your kids in Rep, AA, or AAA? No one.. What ever happened to house league? Not good enough? A 10th of the cost and the kids still get to have fun..

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Don't be stupid, this has nothing to do with my being a Leafs fan, can't you ever drop that silly crap?


Also quite whining about hockey being too expensive.. Who's forcing you to put your kids in Rep, AA, or AAA? No one.. What ever happened to house league? Not good enough? A 10th of the cost and the kids still get to have fun..


Why would I keep my kids in house league when they clearly have the skills and desire to play at a higher level? Am I supposed to hold them back so they don't have an opportunity to get even better and they come to dislike the game? To be that one or two kids on the ice all the other parents hate because they clearly are not playing at their level.

I would love to see my kids with a scholarship or play for the country, who wouldn't?

But to not have that opportunity because of inflated costs is just wrong on every level to me. My kids or someone elses.


Fortunately my wife and I are able to put our kids in hockey for as long as we have and at the levels they deserve to be at. I consider us some of the more fortunate.

Edited by muskymatt
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Thanks for proving my point. You choose to pay in order for your kids to play a higher level of hockey. So stop complaining about it being too expensive and being the downfall to our junior program (How you ever made a correlation between the two is beyond me)

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Also quite whining about hockey being too expensive.. Who's forcing you to put your kids in Rep, AA, or AAA? No one.. What ever happened to house league? Not good enough? A 10th of the cost and the kids still get to have fun..


Nothing wrong with house league Bill. My both my boys started there. The oldest got to the point where he wanted more.. So we let him try out for rep. Atom minor.Made his first team,and never looked back. It wasnt that I thought he was going to be a NHL star,just wanted him to be able to compete at his level. Im not whinning about the money I spent. It was tough,but he was happy.


Looking back,ya,it was worth it.



But now,I all that money to buy new fishing an hunting gear,,for me.LOL

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Thanks for proving my point. You choose to pay in order for your kids to play a higher level of hockey. So stop complaining about it being too expensive and being the downfall to our junior program (How you ever made a correlation between the two is beyond me)


My point is Bill, many cannot afford it and the potential talent base is lost in inflated costs. I'm not talking about my kids, I'm talking about the majority who CAN'T afford it.


I would have hoped the context of my comment would have been read with an open mind!


Never mind, :wallbash: You simply chose to disagree. Fair enough!

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My point is Bill, many cannot afford it and the potential talent base is lost in inflated costs. I'm not talking about my kids, I'm talking about the majority who CAN'T afford it.


I would have hoped the context of my comment would have been read with an open mind!


Never mind, :wallbash: You simply chose to disagree. Fair enough!


If you didn't start with the Leafs crap we'd probably have a better conversation, lol!!! There's lots of talk on TSN today about how the team was picked, who they picked, who stayed in the NHL, etc. I hope they do things better next year, with the talent pool they get to choose from we really should be a contender every single year.

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Nothing wrong with house league Bill. My both my boys started there. The oldest got to the point where he wanted more.. So we let him try out for rep. Atom minor.Made his first team,and never looked back. It wasnt that I thought he was going to be a NHL star,just wanted him to be able to compete at his level. Im not whinning about the money I spent. It was tough,but he was happy.


Looking back,ya,it was worth it.


Worth it?


Best thing for kids, period. I wouldn't change a thing, the people they have become because of involvement in hockey is immeasurable!


Friendship, teamwork, respect, commitment, dedication, social, all amazing!


Best thing for the parents as well, proud hockey parents for sure.

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If you didn't start with the Leafs crap we'd probably have a better conversation, lol!!! There's lots of talk on TSN today about how the team was picked, who they picked, who stayed in the NHL, etc. I hope they do things better next year, with the talent pool they get to choose from we really should be a contender every single year.


I agree! :clapping:


except for the laff stuff, jk! :whistling:

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LOL!!! You ass :)


Someone mentioned it on the TSN panel today, the Canadian kids seem to worry more about not losing instead of winning. I gotta say I agree with them. Always seemed like they were playing catchup in every single game. Not like the teams of old that's for sure.

Edited by BillM
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