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Headed to Mitchells Bay Late Friday night to try out a new area for me on LSC for the weekend with a good buddy of mine. We booked the last room left at Parkside motel as duck season kicked off Saturday morning and it turned out to be a decent place for $75 a night. We were driving through the country late Friday night when we saw two flashes turn the sky from black to white and a HUGE streak crossed over the lake! Craziest thing ive seen.




We woke up early Saturday morning to gunshots popping off like popcorn which turned out to be the background noise for the trip. We stopped at Bass Heaven to pick up some Handlebarz double tens on Slowpokes from OFNs advice in Disco inferno and Rusty monkey(great names btw) The launch was pretty good and only $10 but getting out of the "swamp" was a long and bothersome task. A huge clump of weeds clogged my water intake and set off an alarm that I'd never heard before. I thought my trip was over before it started but after a little cool down time the engine was roaring sweet as ever. The area I wanted to fish turned out to be blown out with muddy water and clogged with weeds so we made a long run to cleaner water and it paid off on the third cast with my buddys new PB ski on the Rusty monkey. The fish was light hooked in the snout and spat the hook just as it went in the net.


http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn211/mistaredone/SteveSept2013253_zpsf3aec6d7.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SteveSept2013253_zpsf3aec6d7.jpg"/></a>


Five mins later I had a 50" class fish do a drive by on my lure grabbing a little bit of tincle, head shaking, spit and on his way. I thought that was going to be the dread of the trip but the action was good all day! My first fish hit like a train and fought like a champ and even managed to jump clear out of the net as we are slapping high fives. We re-bagged her and tapped her in at 48


http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn211/mistaredone/SteveSept2013269_zps973d414d.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SteveSept2013269_zps973d414d.jpg"/></a>


http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn211/mistaredone/SteveSept2013272_zps1eb76527.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SteveSept2013272_zps1eb76527.jpg"/></a>


Next to come would be my long awaited confirmed 50" fish!!!!!!!! Ive had a few right around the mark but all were in water measurements that tells you the ball park but I could never put a number down as fact. This fish again spat the hook in the net, came on board the boat and established him self at temporary captain, pretty well doing as it pleased so I figured if it was already laying on the carpet it was a good time to get a proper measurement at 50 and a smidge!!!!!!!


http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn211/mistaredone/SteveSept2013279_zps7833dc05.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SteveSept2013279_zps7833dc05.jpg"/></a>


Next fish that came to the boat was another Big fish that chased on a figure 8 swiping and missing time and time again till finally I got one hook in the tip of the snout to kick off one of the best fights Ive had with a fish figuring the whole time I was going to lose it. Finally its in the bag as the hook flys out. As we high five the net tips, fish jumps and its gone lol! I wasn't even disappointed as that was the most fun ive ever had landing a fish.


Raised lots more fish that day, lost a few but got to cover some new water and get used to pulling double 10's handlebarz all day. Mike and Brian had a good laugh at me on Monday for using 8's to go easy on my self lol


http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn211/mistaredone/SteveSept2013289_zpsb4ca024e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo SteveSept2013289_zpsb4ca024e.jpg"/></a>


Looking forward to Halloween on the Detroit!!

Edited by mistaredone
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"Rusty Monkey"? You might be thinking Brass Monkey but that's a good name too!

Glad you had a good outing and some great pictures. I was going to go today but was just zapped from working over the weekend.

That's too funny, all day I was singing "burn baby burn diso inferno" and Rusty monkey to the tune of the Beastie Boys Brass monkey song lol! Edited by mistaredone
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great going. mike makes a great bait.

hope you have good luck in oct. that's my end of the lake..the boat ramp in Windsor,s a 75 foot run to good fishing.

Late last year I thought I was the only one on the water then I found myself talking my way out of a speeding ticket on that 75' run lol!

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