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Would You Buy One ?


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Actually don't answer that. You should be out feeding your horses.


Snow tonight, it'll be tough goin tomorrow.


Wax the runners on the sled too.....



The question wasn't about the disposable materialistic consumerism of our time, and it wasn't an invitation to debate the merits of a plugged-in vs. unplugged lifestyle.


It was just asking if you'd like a waterproof case for your phone.


How much run time do you get out of a cord of wood? You know, the wood that you chop by hand to fuel your steam powered generator to power up this "computer" thing that is connected to the Internet?

You say it like we've had these technological assets since the beginning of time. Disposable world Sin. I thought engineers were supposed to be practical and not get sucked in like us common folk.

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Engineers are practical.

We aren't getting sucked in

Maybe you have forgotten that engineers are involved in making this cutting edge technology that u take advantage of everyday.

Most engineers are very practical. If you chop wood by hand to light your common folk fire, but had access to a splitter why not use the splitter.

It always has made sense to me to seek the simplest and most effective solution to every problem. That's what makes engineering so much fun and enjoyable. It's striving everyday to come up with a solution to many many complex problems.

Engineers are not sucked into anything. They are the ones creating the next best thing everyday.

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Y'now. I used to be known as the "have the latest and greatest" electronic guy amongst my friends. I just had to have the latest and greatest of all tech things new. I probably spent 5 grand on point and shoot cameras before I spent another x grand on DSLR's. Was the first to have an HDTV. Upgraded my computer to the max yearly. But I've backed off. I got a Blackberry two years ago. Right when the I phone was taking over. Big deal. So now I get my email on demand for 15 bucks a month. My apprentice walks 50 feet behind me with his face burried in his I phone all day long. Haven't told him yet, but he's laid off this Friday because of this. He's had many warnings. Do they still make flip open phones, where all that they do is make phone calls, and perhaps take a few crappy pics if needed? That's what I want. I'm on the net 24/7 after work. And yes, there's plenty of times I need it at work. But it isn't difficult to find a connection, or phone the office to get the info that I need within minutes. I still like my high tech stuff, but I can live without a wonder phone. I doubt if I'll ever own one.

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I was all gung-ho to get a waterproof case when i first got my smartphone.......the desire has since faded. I just got my first smartphone about a year and a half ago......and the honeymoon stage has run its course. I admit, i was connected to this thing at the hip but its slowly becoming less of a distraction.


Having said that, I can openly admit that i wouldnt want to go without one from here on out. Its like when i made the switch from cars to pick-up trucks, ohhhhh 17 years ago or so........i can never drive a car again!!

Edited by Blaque
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I have a lifeproof case, it does work well (waterproof and shock protection), the fellow that dunked his i the saugeen either didn't have it sealed correctly or the battery charger flap was open....also need to be careful you don't damage the seal on the screen when installing/removing the phone


regardless of what somebody's personal opinion is on need vs wants of electronic devices, why wouldn't you want to protect your investment? just because something is disposable doesn't mean i don't care when i ruin it or how often I replace it...i use a single disposable razer cartridge at least 6 months before i chuck it LOL a box of them is 15 bucks


I use that navionics app on my iphone....bought the waterproof case and a home made floater, cheap insurance IMO


when work gives me a ipad I'll get a waterproof case for that too and find a way to use it in the boat for sure

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