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I wish this was fishing related...I've been fishing THREE TIMES all year May 19 , June 17 and Thanks Giving Sunday (regular outings , nothing spectacular)




My work schedule had become extreme this past summer 60-70hrs /wk, winding down now..to something normal.

It's brought me all over Ontario and parts of Quebec, Niagra, Kingston ,Collingwood, Sault, Wawa, Kap , Timmins, Ottawa, Toronto... etc..





My elevator has a name , Delta Chelsea





Muskoka Wildlife Centre Moose




Canada's Wonderland , Rama for concerts a few times a month , fiddle/country fests, drag races, plays at Princess Margaret ( WarHorse was awesome) the Falls, Agawa Canyon, Algonquin Pk, Karaoke contests , BBQ's and apple picking and horse grooming...just to name a few.


that's enough about work.


I did have time for some usual bad luck though..


I started off by breaking a chunk off a Wisdom Tooth, I called all the local surgeons, they said we can take you next week , go to the ER they'll give you pain meds and antibiotics..really?



I figured why wait a week when I can to it myself?


I got rigged up in my basement bathroom , disincefted all my tools and went at 'er.



It HURT !!




Success!!! I almost passed out ~!




Then a Cat Bite


I'm sitting on my deck enjoying a cold beerkingfisher.jpg

, this little black & white stray cat strolls up onto my deck and does a figure 8 around my legs, I drop my hand down to pat it , the Monster rolls onto its back and bites me TWICE ! By the second bite I had the Beast swinging off my hand and off the deck into the backyard, never to be seen again..


I rinse and disinfect my wound.


I called the SPCA , they told me that if I could trap it they'd come pick it up.. :dunno: no help from them whatsoever..


wake up the next day with my hand and wrist 2x normal size.. off the ER..


I immediately get an IV drip,and a shot along with the extraction of a CAT TOOTH embedded in my hand.


they give me 12 hrs to get the cat or I have to go in and get my shots, all 21 of em + 7 IV drips..If i didn't comply , they were calling a JP to quarantine me for 10 days..


Never found the Feline and went for my shots...PEP & Rabies + IV drips..

turns out I tested positive for " Bartonella Henselae" Cat Scratch Fever


all better now.


If you recall, last summer, I hooked up with a brother I hadn't

seen in about 33 years, I did the same this summer , I had the opportunity to spend a few days with him in Hamilton before he flew back home to BC.. where he passed away the same day..



Had to arrange a cross country cremation and funeral here at home, all while having to have a surgery myself..

I broke out in hives for 5 days .. but managed.


all is well now..


......enough with the bad luck..

I spent the little time I had to myself on family and the " little things"




I went to an awesome BBQ with TJ and friends :clapping: :clapping:


In September, my wife and I ended up going to an awesome party/concert at Gramp's Place near Temagami, I actually helped organize a bus , a bus full of very happy party goers :)



With fall arriving , I decided to re-model my "Man Cave" I have,Paint, Trim and flooring left to install.








I also picked up some " Man Cave " decor at a recent auction..Butter Boxes , Decoys , Signage, Rods and Reels a level and a few crates..







Im looking forward to some time off and maybe some fishing ..or at least more OFC and WFN in the Man Cave :)




Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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You sure live an interesting life Randy :o You're certainly entertaining my friend, do it yourself dentistry is something I've never tried :lol:


Sucks about your bro and the cat stuff too, but you came through it, and as they say, what does not kill you makes you stronger.


Man cave and biceps are looking good :good:

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I like this report. It never really needed fish in it anyways.


Pulling out your own tooth, getting bit by a cat more than once in a single sitting and having a captive audience while that chipmonk crushed a nut or two...that was a great shot by the way.


The loss of your brother must've been a real shock. I know that he will never be gone as you will always celebrate his life.

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