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Just some observations

Big Cliff

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It's been an interesting weekend so far. Beagle Dad and I got out Saturday morning for a few hours, I really enjoy fishing with him, very knowledgable and an excellent fisherman. 4 walleye, a huge SM, a jumbo perch (biggest I've seen on Sturgeon Lake) a large crappie (still full of eggs) and a small but fiesty muskie. Not bad for a morning fishing. Carp are in full spawning mode, they are rolling all over the place in the shallows.


Bly and I got out on Sunday morning for a few hours, two more walleye, another decent muskie cut my line right beside the boat, and another large crappie, again full of eggs, makes me think they haven't spawned yet, seems a little late though. Almost all fish were on bucktails, even the perch.


Saw a guy bow fishing for carp, watched him for a few minutes, saw him shoot at a few but couldn't tell if he was making contact. Watched him retrieve his arrow a few times but didn't see him land any. My only concern is that if he did hit any, they are dead and will be left to float. I'm not a fan of killing anything for the fun of it but each to their own I guess.


Water temperatures were in the 62 - 68° range. None of my deper holes produced anything but a few hits. I did talk to Shawn and he had picked up a few walleye in deep water trolling.


I was out again this morning, wasn't nearly so lucky. Three hours and I didn't land a single fish. Tried everything I could think of, plastics, bucktails, spinners, every colour combination I had. Even a few never fail crank baits. had a few hits but couldn't set a hook. Never mind, it was still a perfect day, came back in, took wife and dog for a nice boat ride, got some more stuff done on the Honey Do list.


Got Beagle Dad and his lovely bride coming over for a BBQ this PM, Life is good!

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I was out again this morning, wasn't nearly so lucky. Three hours and I didn't land a single fish.


I planned to get out there to find you but couldn't drag my tired old a$$ out of bed. The alarm went off at 0500. That should have given me time to head north and catch you as you headed SW. But at 0510, D was poking me, telling me to turn off that damn alarm. I hadn't even heard it. Next thing I knew, it was 0800. Drat!

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Sound like an interesting weekend indeed, Cliff.


My grandparents lived by Ken Reid Park and I would see bow fishers on occasion. They won't have long before the wild rice comes up in the south end :S

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I too was on sturgeon but wasn't able to find any eyes... Did manage some feisty muskies n' a huge SMB as well, all released of course...

was fishing the north west part of the lake and at one point there were 10 boats surrounding one of the buoys fishing a weed edge, but didn't see anyone land anything.

the bite was completely different for me from sunday to monday as well.... on monday, wind picked up and everything just seemed to shut off.

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just like to thank you again for a fun morning..we need to expand the area we fished as there are more walleyefurther to the west as i got a report last night from good source

look for the other section of open water they are there.. try and get out again shortly...

got to get more jigs as i seem to have given all the good 1's away

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Did you try the toys I sent you last week?


I did and thank you very much, they will be putting fish in the boat! It's early yet and the fish were all holding close to bottom, very shallow and weedy. Those will have their place shortly though as soon as the fish move out and really start to feed. I'll be sending you pictures!

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