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Shorefishing with the creww=

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Hi all,


Had a one hour session from shore this morning with the whole crew, BIG minnow on a floating jig nabbed the only pike, did briefly try a husky jerk with no takers.


Everyone got involved and it was a fun morning till rain stopped play and we headed back to the house for hot choc and marshmallows...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

















<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6GG11Qc-2IE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>









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Thanks for the replies folks :thumbsup_anim:



I hate you, Simon.


For real.


Ok, not for real.


But maybe a little.


awww come on.....lol



awesome , looks like everyone is having fun !


Yah...the dog is even enjoying the water more now that it does not freeze internal organs on contact!



Looked like a perfect meal :thumbsup_anim: .

Do you harvest any pike Simon?





Hey Si, no i dont. I tried it once and it was ok its just that the wife is not keen on it. I dont like freezing fish simply because i dont really need to....and i would have way to much fish for one sitting if i harvested pike. I sometimes only harvest half my limit of walleye as thats more than enough to feed us...and if i have left overs there are far more takers for walleye than pike.


ahhh man I love your reports...


Thats a nice pike! Great shot of Roloff as well.


"Look at the stripes on his tail!" lol, Jack is awesome!!!


Thanks Rick...he is super observant...as are most 3 year olds...dont miss a gosh darned thing!



Did you catch that pike on a bare jig head with no leader?


yes and no. Yes i had no 'wire' leader if thats what you mean....dunno why but i rarely get bit off using the 17lb flourocarbon leader, and no because the jig is only bare because it scarfed down a 6" live, tail hooked dace minnow.


Simon -- You sure do have a nice back yard.....................

great family time - Jack's a riot - so into every fish you guys landclapping.gif


Thanks Will......hopefully Jack can emulate the feats of the amazing multi-talented angler that is the G-Man!



Jack sure does love that "paddle" stick!tongue.gif



Lol...yeah...we have to insist he leaves it at home now too...he wants to take it to town....to daycare...shopping....lol...he definitely loves it alright.

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Another great report.....try smoking them there pike, eh........GREAT snack when drinking beer.... :thumbsup_anim:



Lol Bob...more canadian by the day!


I think some day i will get round to making/buying/stealing a smoker...then everything will be thrown in at least once just to see what its like.

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The more oily the fish the better....White Fish is #1....then salmon/trout and Pike is very good also.....this year I will be trying smallmouth from Erie and see how it comes out. If it's not good I will gift it to my youngest son....LOL....he like anything that's free (my favorite four letter word...and his too)...LOL

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The more oily the fish the better....White Fish is #1....then salmon/trout and Pike is very good also.....this year I will be trying smallmouth from Erie and see how it comes out. If it's not good I will gift it to my youngest son....LOL....he like anything that's free (my favorite four letter word...and his too)...LOL


Iv'e heard whitefish is phenomenal smoked!


As for four letter words i cant comment....sesame street is not on up here until 9 am :mellow:

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Love these Jack reports, Simon. They always remind me of : "You can learn so much from the face of a child. Especially the mouth part of the face."


Thanks for sharing your adventures.

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