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I knew it would happen, which was why I tried to give him some friendly advice.

As for out of season fish pics, yup, I've done it. Think the thing that got the guys steamed were the shots of the bass laying in the grass.


Looking for advice how can laying a fish down in the grass be harmful to a fish? Why are people so affended?

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Looking for advice how can laying a fish down in the grass be harmful to a fish? Why are people so affended?


Did you read my reply?,Either hold it/keep it in the water,that's it. It really is to bad isn't it.Best learning forum there is!,on the contrary.:thumbsup_anim:

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I propose for the next OFC G2G there be a boxing ring set up , i would'nt mind going a few rounds with a few of them here to show that for a newbie i have skills other then just bad spelling and the ablity to use a key board .


Buddy,count me on your side:good:

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I have tried not to get into this ???? When I saw the pic .with the fish on the grass with his shoe .. COMMON guys if that is not the lamest pic I have seen on this site ... But to me any fish pic is !! what ever .. I have not taken A pic of a fish Ive caught since I was 20 , (I do keep a fish pic book on the boat for advertizeing, of the fish customers have caught ), many maNY YEARS AND THOUSANDS OF FISH AGO .tHOSE WHO KNOW ME HERE WILL know that I have fed a family of 5 and put 3 thru colledge with the money I make from fishing .Dude if you are a FISH HERO , than be a HERO catch this guy in season and than brag , but if you are not gonna eat this fish ,if you are kill it clean before you make it suffer the smell from your sneaker , or pop the hook and wish if only it was the end of june . YOu say released to be a toury winner after you put it on the ground , better said there will be many FAT turtles around . ?????? But eatch to his own , but you know my male Appendage has remained the same size NO MATTER HOW many OR HOW big the fish I have caught . Damn here i go getting in trouble again .. Dude I know you ment well , PLEASE LEARN from this and EARN your FISH HERO NAME .. Just my take on things, you had a child with you .. DUHHHH ..

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Looking for advice how can laying a fish down in the grass be harmful to a fish? Why are people so affended?




cause they are key board tough guys - next time lay the fish on some broken beer bottles!:sarcasm: coming from a guy who uses a padded mat for landing carp!


Heres one for you.......... its the law to stop at a stop sign...... do you think I should start taking pictures of people doing roll through stops? Ill keep my camera in my car, and take pictures then phone the police...... but then ill get a ticket for using a device in the car lol......hmmmmmmm

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Some folks seem to have a need to display a "holier than thou" attitude. Once I fished a Ganaraska trib and had a fellow (dressed in the finest LL Bean fashion) berate me severely for killing a brown trout. Never mind that stream resident browns are the tastiest of the trouts IMO and never mind that they're not even native, this fellow considered browns the elite of the trouts so it was ok that I killed a brookie but not ok that I killed a brown. Go figure? I like fish. I like wild fish. I don't much like frozen supermarket fish. In this guy's eyes, I was some sort of buffoon. Don't sweat it when these "holier than thou" types climb on you. They just can't help it.

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Looking for advice how can laying a fish down in the grass be harmful to a fish? Why are people so affended?


Great question!! The main reason people are offended is that it is an out of season fish, which is to be released quickly. Taking the time to lay it in the grass and take a picture is frowned upon.


cause they are key board tough guys - next time lay the fish on some broken beer bottles!:sarcasm: coming from a guy who uses a padded mat for landing carp!



Buddy, relax. If you think I am a "key board tough guy" you obviously haven't been reading the OFC for long. Any and all of my comments were, and are, for the OP's benefit...well except for the comment on his habs hat, lol.


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Never can understand why threads like this and the MNR one and some OOS fish pic thingy will end up getting 10 times the views and 5 times the replies, then likely locked up. While on the front page there's a number of anglers who have put in time and value with some well photographed and written fishing reports, of which are going by seemingly unnoticed in comparison......?



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