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Billionaire US Citizen blocking access to public lakes

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

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At the loss on ALL OTHER CANADIAN TAX PAYERS .. Comeing Boss , you dont need to get out the whip Im a comeing ...



i dont think its fair to make him sound like the bad guy tho...


its the BC government that is allowing this to go on and backing him up... thats the issue that should be looked at...


this guy is just playing his hand to the fullest...and i dont blame him...

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i dont think its fair to make him sound like the bad guy tho...


its the BC government that is allowing this to go on and backing him up... thats the issue that should be looked at...


this guy is just playing his hand to the fullest...and i dont blame him...


I'm with you Mike old boy.....I never begrudge someone for what they have...but rather look how I can do the same... :thumbsup_anim:

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

But nothing stopping you from becoming wealthy but yourself... :whistling:


your version of the "american dream" died 40 years ago bub. otherwise we'd all be billionaires.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

this guy is just playing his hand to the fullest...and i dont blame him...


i won't blame the people who "trespass" on a public road and wont' be surprised when billionaires and remote tourism lodges begin to suffer property damage. i've heard a lot of angry sentiment at local meetings about "burning lodges to the ground" and while these guys were for the most part blowing off steam it's going to come to that one day very soon. you can only push the people for so long.

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your version of the "american dream" died 40 years ago bub. otherwise we'd all be billionaires.


Maybe for you but not for me.....I retired at the ripe age of 48 years old and both my sons are doing quite well in the financial world....Life's what you make of it....by all your complaints I'm guessing your not happy with all your past decisions so far.....maybe things will turn around for you...here's hoping... :)

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i consider myself blessed for all that i have and achieved but i'm far from a billionaire and so are you. :whistling:


in my worldview, you can not own nature itself and i will never recognize anyone who claims to. sorry but i believe we all have a right to access crown land regardless of our social status. call it, "the canadian dream"... my back yard will never turn into the muskokas.

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i won't blame the people who "trespass" on a public road and wont' be surprised when billionaires and remote tourism lodges begin to suffer property damage. i've heard a lot of angry sentiment at local meetings about "burning lodges to the ground" and while these guys were for the most part blowing off steam it's going to come to that one day very soon. you can only push the people for so long.



and they can choose to do that...and i wont blame the police officers that put em in jail for it...


i know id be mad if i couldnt fish somewhere i enjoy fishing... and id fight it to...


but 2 negatives dont equal a positive... threatening to burn down someones business or destroy someones personal property is a childish and cowardly act... use words people...thats elementary school behavior.... "i dont like you... im gunna beat you up now..."


take your issue to people that can make changes...




i think what Ron did in Cobourg is a prime example of the right way to do things...


he didnt threaten to burn down city hall because he didnt like their bylaws... he fought it the right way and brought peoples attention to the situation.....

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and they can choose to do that...and i wont blame the police officers that put em in jail for it...


i know id be mad if i couldnt fish somewhere i enjoy fishing... and id fight it to...


but 2 negatives dont equal a positive... threatening to burn down someones business or destroy someones personal property is a childish and cowardly act... use words people...thats elementary school behavior.... "i dont like you... im gunna beat you up now..."


take your issue to people that can make changes...




i think what Ron did in Cobourg is a prime example of the right way to do things...


he didnt threaten to burn down city hall because he didnt like their bylaws... he fought it the right way and brought peoples attention to the situation.....

Oh contraire , revolutions say otherwise. When the have nots eventually decide that the haves are profiting at the expense of the many- Craps going to hit the fan. Just because we seem complacent take a look around the proletariat they be a getting restless.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i'm involved in the fight (www.ontora.ca), and don't condone any violence or destruction of private property. i'm keeping the battle through the proper legal channels but i won't be surprised when people usurp the legal process and take matters into their own hands. lord knows, it sounds like the billionaire involved already has.

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in my worldview, you can not own nature itself and i will never recognize anyone who claims to. sorry but i believe we all have a right to access crown land regardless of our social status. call it, "the canadian dream"... my back yard will never turn into the muskokas.


Billy I allso have done "NOT BAD " in lifes wars , 6 children all doing well , so far "NO CRACK HEADS " and I now enjoy 4 very WANTED grandchildren . BUT Im far from a billionare , but if the real estate people are right, the house I bought in the beaches area of Toronto for 10,000 in 1972 (150 a month morage at the time ), is now worth a million (I know scarry)DOC IS RIGHT .. "THE CANADIAN DREAM " the forests , lakes , rivers , BELONG TO ALL TAXPAYERS, NOT ONLY THE ONES WHO CAN OWN IT >>> Thats my dream and the dream I worked so hard for my children to have .. You can take this , TO THE RICH THE SPOILS GO , and put it where the sun dont shine ...Wellcome to CANADA , my home and native land , a land FOR ALL , even the rich , but not JUST THE RICH ...

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

well said captain. the canadian dream is alive in those that appreciate the beauty that this land has to offer. to take a quote from my gun totin' friends.. they'll take my access to nature's spoils "FROM MY COLD, DEAD, HANDS."

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The fact that he is an American is a non issue. I do not understand the point with them making a big deal out of it. I don't care if the guy is from Canada, USA, or Nepal, if he is blocking access then he should be dealt with.




Thanks for adding some reason to the conversation....

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

the fact that a non-citizen is blocking access to citizens of this country makes a difference to me but i agree that it doesn't matter where he is from in the long run, other than the precedent it helps to reinforce.


we have americans next to us at camp and they are phenomenal people. they paid for their small piece of property fair and square and don't mind that a traditional access to camps further down the lake require atv travel right through their front yard. the husband is the first guy to pick up a tool when we're working, and the last guy to put down his beer at the end of the night when we're by the fire. he and his family would be welcome in my home any time. this isn't an "anti-american" thread, but merely highlights that a "non-citizen" is blocking property never forfeited by the crown.

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the fact that a non-citizen is blocking access to citizens of this country makes a difference to me but i agree that it doesn't matter where he is from in the long run, other than the precedent it helps to reinforce.


we have americans next to us at camp and they are phenomenal people. they paid for their small piece of property fair and square and don't mind that a traditional access to camps further down the lake require atv travel right through their front yard. the husband is the first guy to pick up a tool when we're working, and the last guy to put down his beer at the end of the night when we're by the fire. murray and his family would be welcome in my home any time. this isn't an "anti-american" thread, but merely highlights that a "non-citizen" is blocking property never forfeited by the crown.


YOUR GOVERNMENT is FAILING you......now it's up to you to do something about it.......good luck and keep us abreast..... :)

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I also believe that nature cannot be owned. That large plot of once public land was for many years protected by the public with public funds. This means that everyone participated in the management of this land. It was not given away to anyone. It may have been leased to lumber companies at one time, mining companies have surely surveyed this area, trappers have most certainly trapped at one time in this area. Natives hunted this land to provide food. Canadians protected this land from invaders. Hunters and fishermen demanded laws to protect the animals that inhabit this land. Now....all of a sudden....it belongs to one person. It's his personal paradise now.


That is not right. If it had not been protected....it would not be a paradise....it would be a wasteland or a garbage dump for some big city. I don't mind someone owning the land but the public still has a certain right to continue to enjoy this land and most certainly to enjoy the part of this plot of land that is public.


I've seen many lakes in my area become encircled by private land. Only the land owners can now enjoy these lakes now. It's getting to a point where even huge bodies of water like the Great Lakes, the St-Lawrence Seaway, our ocean coasts are becoming less and less accessible to the public.

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Everyone seems to be using the words land and nature interchangeably?

If the guy owns the land its his choice what he wants to do with it. If the government says that he can block the road then he can.... If I started walking around in your suburban backyard and you saw me you'd be pissed and kick me out or call the cops.

Seems like a lot of people who are mad here are the same ones that support blocking roads in northern Ontario to "protect" the fly in Industry. Can't have it both ways

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks


Seems like a lot of people who are mad here are the same ones that support blocking roads in northern Ontario to "protect" the fly in Industry. Can't have it both ways



i have been the most vocal on ofc against the blocking of roads in northern ontario and anywhere else.


it should also be added that lakes are federally legislated, and is owned by the crown... aka the canadian people! so we, the taxpayer own that lake. if you want a better analogy, think of it as owning a home but you're told you can't go to it because you don't own the land around it.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i've literally been the torch bearer on this issue... i'm sure the bourgeois minority will show up and slander me any time now. the entitled few who can afford to snap up land or make annual "fly in" trips have the most to lose by equal access... it's no wonder they try and keep it from us.

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READ my posts .. I dont care if the guy was from mars ... YOU CANT STOP CANADIANS from haveing access to WHAT IS OURS !!!!!! WHAT EVER became of live and let live , help out your neibor , etc. etc. HOW did it get replaced by , "MINE MINE MINE " !!!! Get offa my land or imma gonna kill ya ... Was not THE WAY I grew up on (I'm a long long time Canuk , who was brought up in the outdoors , and have tried to bring the same values to my children .. BUT ALL I SEE NOW , whether its a steel head pool or a untouched CROWN FOREST .. MINE MINE MINE .. WHAT EVER BECAME of companionship , "hey BRO whATs up , hows the bite ??? " its all come down to I GOT MORE THAN YOU .. BUZZ OFF PEASANT < ITS MINE , what ever were you thinking that the likes of you can fish in the likes OF ME waters ????????? YA I know in the old days you could use this road but DONATIONS to Polital Campaigns etc go a long way, we bought out your rights , and it was cheap hahaha get back to your Trailer park and stop your whineing or we will vote another decress in your wellfare , .. CANADA THE TRUE NORTH STRONG AND OWNED< HOME OF THE RICH < THE POOR NEED NOT APPLY ... so so sad ...

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We have quite a few farmers here that have a pond on their land and they bear the expense of maintaining it. If you want to fish it you need to ask for permission and some will allow you that privilege. Remember all land was owned by the government at some time it doesn't matter if it was 5 years ago it changed ownership or 400 it is now owned by someone other than the government. If you purchase the deed to a plot of land up North and you put a small house up their and grow a lawn and one morning you find a man has pitched a tent up and was sitting in front of a campfire you would be a little grumpy. You run outside and ask what the heck he is doing and he says"It was Crown land and my dad used to take me hunting up here as a kid and I decided to come back and hunt again." Would you say that's fine have a nice day or call the police... don't kid yourself here comes the police for sure. Just because it was once Crown land if the Government sells it your issue is with the government not with the person who buys it. When my brother and I decided to move out of town we bought a plot of land we wanted and the plot of land were we didn't want neighbors....




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