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The Muzzling of Science

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)
  On 3/28/2012 at 2:37 AM, solopaddler said:



In my useless opinion politics is a subject that doesn't belong here.


i'm sure if this were about a fish farm on huron contaminating chromers you'd be pitching a fit. if a thread about killing off our wild salmon stocks doesn't belong on a fishing website, i don't know what does.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus

Seemed pretty confrontational to me... but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Truce?


Anyway I rarely think solo has anything useful to say but I do like his last post...Haha just foolin with yah solo.


Lets talk about the science that may affect us as outdoorsmen and fishermen and leave the pollics out of it. Whats done is done. The ellection is long since over. No amount of complaining and infighting will accomplish anything. Why not spend some all this effort collecting data, gathering useful facts, and use this arm ourselves in the next election to make good things happen.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)
  On 3/28/2012 at 2:49 AM, jedimaster said:



Lets talk about the science that may affect us as outdoorsmen and fishermen


such as the fraser river salmon stock? i don't get it.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
  On 3/28/2012 at 2:46 AM, Dr. Salvelinus said:

i'm sure if this were about a fish farm on huron contaminating chromers you'd be pitching a fit. if a thread about killing off our wild salmon stocks doesn't belong on a fishing website, i don't know what does.


No offense but you are the one that chose to bring this topic on here as a pollitical arguement versus an informational thread about some studies that were done.


You could have chosen to link the studies results like I did. Perhaps you can review those studies and comment on the results and what you think they mean instead of posting a pollitically charged biased article because it supports your pollitical viewpoints.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)

i've got thick skin bushart. i'll let them insult me personally if it means the articles are read by freethinking and open minded ofc'ers.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus

I think I would rather chew my own toe nails.... then deal with this crap you are spewing Dr.... quit being anal.... really..



Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)

if science is crap to you then you are better off chewing on your toenails then posting in this thread. some of us like science, others believe the Earth is 6000 years old. :whistling:

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus

Lots of activity on this thread last night. I really hope that everybody who is commenting is reading some of the links are are becoming aware of the impact that farmed salmon are having on wild salmon stocks.

Arguing that present government in Canada is no worse than any past government is just plain wrong. Sure the liberals had the sponsorship scandal, and as it turned out were quite dirty, but the conservatives are not better (election rigging, in and out scandal).

The facts are that the Conservatives are currently ruling Canada like a dictatorship. At least when the liberals did something wrong they were repentant and it seemed like they cared about making it right. The conservative government seems to think that it is above the law, and that it can act as it wants without consequence. Case in point: the current electoral scandal. And they are acting as this thread is going, by attacking their biggest critic (I hope you have all seen the new attack add against Bob Rae.

I think this is a political issue, because the salmon stocks are worth saving. The Conservative government has made it clear that they have made their mind up on this issue. If you can't change the mind of the government, maybe you need to change the government itself. If we do not make noise on this topic nothing will be done.

Accuse me of having a Liberal bias all you want. If you love the outdoors, and fishing in particular, you need to realize that the Conservatives are not doing you any favors.


Watch Sun News then watch CBC. The truth will be somewhere in the middle absent the political spin. I am sure everyone on this forum loves the environment and wants to protect it. Anything other than the truth, which these days can be very difficult to determine, is political spin attaching labels to the respective positions. Right or left labels aside, governments are influenced by and controlled to some extent by big corporations and big corporations act in their self-interest, meaning profits with no national loyalty. Of course corporations have to make profits to exist but the government's responsibilty is to protect the environment and our national interest.


The sad truth is that Liberals are equally culpable, they are in charge in BC and could do something about the leases on the water where the pens are situated plus this virus/ leukemia situation has been around on the east coast for a long time even back to when the Libs were running things Federally. Like most things that are important, and the Sockeye run involved here can run into the millions of fish so it's important, leaving it up to the government is a mistake. Unfortunately the Feds do have management jurisdiction over Salmon, the province of BC has jurisdiction over the waters were these pens are situated and neither of them are prepared to take on a foreign company that is poisoning the wild stocks of Sockeye, Coho and Chinnook salmon all so BC can ship farmed mutant salmon into a market that is already saturated with farmed salmon from elsewhere. It's the kind of governmental business decision only some lawyers that have managed to get themselves elected could make. The whole thing is stupid, will be exposed to the complete embarrassment to all involved, and could conceivably ruin huge sections of the BC salmon run with dire consequences for Orcas, seals and oh ya fisherman both commercial and recreational. It appears that fisherman are already being effected with the announcement of large scale retention cuts. Undoubtedly the Orcas and seals are being effected too, but they don't have a voice. So as far as politics are involved there are no good guys just dicks that are drunk with power but will sellout for a few bucks. In other words situation normal. I don't know what the public can really do other than refrain from buying farmed salmon and pressuring grocery retail stores to stop selling tainted farmed fish. It sounds lame but if anyone is following the story of "pink slime" in the US it seems consumers do in fact hold a trump card when addressing an issue like this. Publicity is key of course, so I guess it comes full circle back to an aggressive and respected press/tv media. Clearly the CBC is not that trusted source and it seems the whole issue has not been addressed by other media. Basically it's just one more stinking mess that will crawl under the radar until it becomes a full blown disaster. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Society is in a very sad state if the gov't is shutting up the scientists. I don't like Sal sometimes, but am totally on his side here. Hard to believe many (most?) of you are okay with this.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

holy moly cram. i should mark this day on my calendar huh? :stretcher:

Posted (edited)

This is very scary stuff. Most of what is happening is not in the news.


Be very aware that scientific findings funded by Provincial/Territorial and Federal tax dollars are being withheld if they do not follow the current Gov't's mandate.


My local MP knows me by name now, I have contacted her so frequently on these issues.


Whatever party is in office or you side with, alot of the actions (or lack of) taken with respect to Canada's natural resources and subsequent science are regressing. Make sure your local representatives know that these are strong issues with their electorate....similar to the outcry against the long gun registry.

Edited by Jay Hamilton
  On 3/27/2012 at 11:14 PM, Dr. Salvelinus said:

i have no problems with the removal of the gun registry. it's everything else they've done since that burns my britches... cutting back on science and environment agencies to fund the building of prisons and war machines is ridiculous and against the principles our country is built on. but keep voting to make harpers friends rich! i can't wait until these bible thumping domestic terrorists are sent packing!


MY MY that's quite a statement from such a little guy......building prisons and war machines is ridiculous and against the principles our country is built on....HUH.....who would of thought that would be necessary in today's world....I guess you liberals could always not have a military to defend and PROTECT your citizens from today's FOREIGN TERRORIST and have your BIG NASTY BROTHER take care of you....or would that also be against what your country was built on and just let the Taliban and al-Qaida come in and take over....maybe if you participate in a group hug with these fine fellows they will spare you and your family..... :rolleyes:

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)

i don't think we need a bunch of non-functioning f-35's to combat a bunch of dudes hiding out in the desert in caves, but that's a whole other carton of eggs. and our new minimum mandatory sentencing is something that EVEN TEXAS advised us against doing because it didn't work for them, and cost them billions, again, a whole other carton of eggs.


you should stick to domestic politics.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)
  On 3/28/2012 at 5:05 PM, Sinclair said:


Equating conservatism to fanatical evangelism is a tired ploy, too.



on the contrary, i'm not talking about average fiscal conservatives like yourself in this case, in fact i yearn for the days of rational fiscally minded conservatives instead George Bush the III... this is reform party politics make no mistake.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
  On 3/28/2012 at 4:59 PM, Dr. Salvelinus said:

i don't think we need a bunch of non-functioning f-35's to combat a bunch of dudes hiding out in the desert in caves, but that's a whole other carton of eggs. and our new minimum mandatory sentencing is something that EVEN TEXAS advised us against doing because it didn't work for them, and cost them billions, again, a whole other carton of eggs.


you should stick to domestic politics.


Why would these in your opinion be non-functioning aircraft... :dunno: and if so (I highly doubt) then even more reason to invest in home defense via the military...


What neighbourhood do you live in so the Canadian government can build a nice big half way house to house all those nice fellows you don't want in prison....you can never have enough good neighbours RIGHT... :whistling:

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Posted (edited)
  On 3/28/2012 at 5:31 PM, Billy Bob said:

Why would these in your opinion be non-functioning aircraft...


Hey Bill, if you'd like to know more google "Canada f-35's"... This thread is going astray, and I'd prefer to keep it on the topic of muzzling scientists. I realize it was my fault for changing the direction of the thread, but I'd like to get back to the topic at hand. Thanks. I'd be happy to talk about it PM. I actually really enjoy discussing stuff with you, but don't want to see the thread get locked because we're not talking about fish related media. Cheers.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
  On 3/28/2012 at 5:35 PM, Dr. Salvelinus said:

Hey Bill, if you'd like to know more google "Canada f-35's"... This thread is going astray, and I'd prefer to keep it on the topic of muzzling scientists. I realize it was my fault for changing the direction of the thread, but I'd like to get back to the topic at hand. Thanks. I'd be happy to talk about it PM. I actually really enjoy discussing stuff with you, but don't want to see the thread get locked because we're not talking about fish related media. Cheers.


OK......I perfectly understand.......GOOD LUCK......


I see today they are going ahead to changes to the fisheries act and back dooring it in with the budget--essentially fast tracking environmental assesment


Likely the same method used in the Gulf just before lives were lost and oil spewed forever into the GOM


No these are not your mom and dad's Prog Cons---it's corporate backed lawmaking--and we're just the farm hands on their own personal plantation called Canada

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