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Fun times out on the ice!


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After destroying my nifty fifty fishing for brownies last year, I swore I'd never get another one.. Unfortunately my plans to purchase a 24-70 have been put on hold and this little prime has done a pretty good job. I don't think there is a lens out there that's this fast, this cheap and this sharp.. Love it! Oldman even got in on the action.. He made a comeback at the end of the day and iced 6 to my 2! lol






Edited by BillM
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Sweet pics Bill


Also been eyeing up the 24-70 too but just can't justify dishing out the funds for one yet...There's the version II of the lens coming out very soon for around $2500. I have the older 50mm f/1.8 and in terms of image quality, both Mark I and Mark II lenses take amazing pics at an amazing price.

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Sweet pics Bill


Also been eyeing up the 24-70 too but just can't justify dishing out the funds for one yet...There's the version II of the lens coming out very soon for around $2500. I have the older 50mm f/1.8 and in terms of image quality, both Mark I and Mark II lenses take amazing pics at an amazing price.


Yup, the 24-70 is definitely a hefty investment.. I'm going to rent one for a fly-in trip I have planned in late August/Sept of this year.. A buddy of mine has one and says once I use it, I'll never want to return it, lol. I've got most of my basis covered with the Canon 10-22mm and a 70-200 f4L.. The 24-70 fits into the mix perfectly! After that maybe a Canon 100-400 and I'll be set for pretty much everything.

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True Story...many years ago...im sitting in Port Stanley on the pier dunking minnows and worms all day ...this ole man comes up and sets up his little minnow bucket and worm container and sits right beside me ....we filtered try again please chat for a couple of minutes while he sets up...then his minnow hits the water ....5 minutes goes by and he says...."its pretty slow today" of course i agree because ive got hours invested into very little success...( had a few perch but that was it}....so he lifts his minnow out of the water and switches to a worm...2 minutes....bang....pickeral...couple minutes later ...bang...another...well im kinda embarrassed now for the time ive put in compared to the 10 minutes he has been here...so without comming right out and asking him ...i say...you have some magic worms or what?"...he says "yup" as he sets his hook into another fish..(perch this time)....it comes in fast and he casts out again..im thinking "Damn" i have a worm on :dunno: he asks me how it was prior to him getting there...and i tell him Honestly...thinking oh great...hes going to gloat in his glory...but i didnt leave for the sole reason i was too embarrassed to get up and walk away...lol...Bang...( fishing rods dont make a "bang" sound as you know but every time he picked his rod up off the white bucket that it was perched on he would bump it or kick it out of the way} he gets the pickeral in and now im just feeling really stupid if i dont ask..."what do you mean magic worms??? he tells me "African" worms...best worms in the world.....i think oooooooookay....out patient from the St Thomas Psych Ward :blink: .....i say where the hell do you get African worms in this area? He tells me the gas station on highway 4 in St Thomas as he is reeling in another fish...sheephead this time...but it was pretty big sheephead....im too embarrassed to stay any longer as another ole man comes up and sits beside him and starts to filtered try again please chat with him.... i figure this is my out to walk away with my humble cache i spent ALL day to achieve...but reside myself that it was all worth while cuz know i know the secret...African WORMS!!! yeah Baby!!!im gonna nail em tomorrow!!!


Next day im heading back to Port Stanly i pull into the Gas Station the ole man had mentioned and ask for worms...Guy behind the counter says there in the cooler there...i open it up and grab a container and pop the lid off..think to myself...they dont look any different ...dont feel any different...so i ask...Are these African worms?....The counter guy looks up at me with one eyebrow up and screams HEY DAD....are these worms African ???? Low and behold the ole guy from yesterday comes out with his fishing rod and a can of WD 40 and says they will be in a minute....can i hitch a ride with you to the pier kid.. :mellow: ... i dropped him off back at the Gas station from fishing in the early afternoon (opposed to ALL day) ....I bought African worms from there for the whole summer....


Yep true story....so if ya want to get a one up on your ole man ....Get Some African Worms B)

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