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Weekend at Bernie's


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This past weekend was our "winter" invitation to spend a few days with Bernie at his cottage on Lake Nipissing. We were short a few of our regular memebers, who were obviously missed.

We had made arrangments to depart on Friday morning. FishnSled, myself and CCMT were well aware of the pending Snowmageddon, the good folks at Environment Canada had predicted and sure enough, I got a call from FnS Thursday night, setting up contingency plans for Friday morning.

Well as you know, Friday morning was a bust from a snow event perspective, atleast in the GTA. So I made my way to FnS's place, loaded up and we were off to CCMT's house to gather him and his belongings for the trek north.

We all kinda giggled at the weather, that is until we got just north of hwy 7, when the snow began. We seemed to be just ahead of the front, that wasn't supposed to move that far north! We arrived in Powasson in time for lunch so we stopped at a local for some eats... the snow was falling pretty good at this point.

About an hour or so later, we were at the cottage, being greeted by Bernie. After loading in, we decided to enjoy a few beverages... which turned into an evening of enjoying beverages. The snow kept falling...

Saturday morning came and the wind was up, the temps were down and I took up my place on the couch waiting for things to get "better".

FnS and CCMT decided to go out... I decided to stay and enjoys Bernie's company as he didn't have a burning desire to get out there either!!!

I'll let FnS or CCMT add to the report with their catch!

Sunday morning was crisp and clear (-19C plus windchill) and we were all up at the crack of 9:00am!!!!

Again, the "urge" to get out there seemed to have stayed at home as we ended up chilling till mid-day, which was time to leave.

As always, we had far too many laughs to recall... a two hour jam night with Brown Eyed Girl taking it's place as our "closing number"! LMAO

Thanks again to Bernie for the invite, it's one of the things that I always look forward to...

See yah in the Spring!

I hope that FnS and CCMT will add to this with some pics... heck they might even have one of the one fish they caught!!! LOL


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Sunday morning was BEAUTIFUL! I was late on the lake at 830 and with the low winds and high sun, it was a glorious day and the fish were crazy active.


Either way, sounds like you boys had a great, relaxing weekend! I tried to join up with you guys for the evening fish on Saturday, but i had other GF related commitments.

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Sunday morning was BEAUTIFUL! I was late on the lake at 830 and with the low winds and high sun, it was a glorious day and the fish were crazy active.


Either way, sounds like you boys had a great, relaxing weekend! I tried to join up with you guys for the evening fish on Saturday, but i had other GF related commitments.

It's too bad that we weren't able to connect Chad... more than likely would have motivated me enough to get my sorry butt off the coach...


Joey, as you know, we don't go up to Bernie's for the fishin....



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Now you see, that is my idea of a perfect fishing trip! It isn't about how many fish you catch or how hard you fish (or how much you drink LOL) it is about spending time with good friends, relaxing, and enjoying the company be it on the water or in the living room! Nice post!

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Now you see, that is my idea of a perfect fishing trip! It isn't about how many fish you catch or how hard you fish (or how much you drink LOL) it is about spending time with good friends, relaxing, and enjoying the company be it on the water or in the living room! Nice post!

Exactly Big Cliff!!

I have been telling Bernie for quite some time now, that I simply don't go on this trip three times a year to go fishin... I go up there to enjoy the company of a good friend, the incredible views from his cottage and to enjoy the time with those other guys as well... ok, most of them! LMAO

I gotta get a t-shirt made up that says "I don't come here for the fishin"


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I had a great time as usual up there! Always a ton of laughs, good food and great times. Thank you once again Bernie for putting up with us! I have a few scenery pictures to upload and will do so soon....and fishnsled has the pic of the ginormous fish I caught :whistling:

Edited by ccmt
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A great time as always, thanks for putting up with us again Bernie ;). Will see about getting that giant fish posted tonight Cliff.


So true Big Cliff. If you have a great group of guys it will always be a good time no matter what happens and what you end up doing. Always more about the company than anything else at Bernie's. Lots of laughs and great food (a few drinks don't hurt) make for an awesome weekend. Nice to escape the rat race for a couple of days as well.

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