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October 6,7,8,9

Skipper D

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Never being a fisherman but a work alcoholic my hole working life and after some wise words from the old doc i have been working hard this summer at making boating & fishing my relax time . I have a lot to learn about the sport yet i know but i am working at it . A brother of mind who i was very close with at one time sudgested after him finding out i bought a boat and was trying the fishing thing that we get together this fall after so many years of not being able to do any thing together "because of me always with my work" and spend some fishing time together . I agreed and now the time is almost here and i have to find away to whip his butt at his own sport . This guy is a fisherman and has all the toys that one would want to get the job done and i don't , but i convinced him to leave most of his stuff at home when he comes and use mine and i have nothing but a boat and three fishing rods and no tackle , this should level the playing field i figure . Last night he called me to say he was getting ready and because he just bought a new truck and dose'nt want to get it scratched he's borrowed a buddys skidoo trailer to haul is tackle box on for when he comes , word has it from over his way that this is no joke , he just had it made for this trip up and its 2 feet by 4 feet , i'd say if you live in Barrie keep your camera handy cause for shure your gona see this thing going around tied to a trailer . Any ways not to ramble on here for ever i'd like to invite who ever to come out and meet us more so him and talk fishing and see his electric fish skinner , popbottle shinner trap and what ta hell else he brings and join in with me to show him a good time of fishing on the Simcoe because i know nothing out there . Thank you .............Ron

Edited by Skipper " D "
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Never being a fisherman but a work alcoholic my hole working life and after some wise words from the old doc i have been working hard this summer at making boating & fishing my relax time . I have a lot to learn about the sport yet i know but i am working at it . A brother of mind who i was very close with at one time sudgested after him finding out i bought a boat and was trying the fishing thing that we get together this fall after so many years of not being able to do any thing together "because of me always with my work" and spend some fishing time together . I agreed and now the time is almost here and i have to find away to whip his butt at his own sport . This guy is a fisherman and has all the toys that one would want to get the job done and i don't , but i convinced him to leave most of his stuff at home when he comes and use mine and i have nothing but a boat and three fishing rods and no tackle , this should level the playing field i figure . Last night he called me to say he was getting ready and because he just bought a new truck and dose'nt want to get it scratched he's borrowed a buddys skidoo trailer to haul is tackle box on for when he comes , word has it from over his way that this is no joke , he just had it made for this trip up and its 2 feet by 4 feet , i'd say if you live in Barrie keep your camera handy cause for shure your gona see this thing going around tied to a trailer . Any ways not to ramble on here for ever i'd like to invite who ever to come out and meet us more so him and talk fishing and see his electric fish skinner , popbottle shinner trap and what ta hell else he brings and join in with me to show him a good time of fishing on the Simcoe because i know nothing out there .


Hope no one takes me wrong here but i join the OFC a little while back to better enjoy in the fishing fun that comes with the sport and to share it with others . Heres hoping that some of you want to join in with us and you are welcome , it also suites us just fine if you chosse not to . . Thank you every .

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work alcoholic my hole working life

I guess if you are your own boss, you can't fire your self for being drunk on the job :whistling: ..


I might be out for a bit on one of those days. Perchin. I'll let you know closer to the date. Trying to sell my house. So I we have another open house that weekend, I will have to leave for 5 hours. Good excuse to go fishing, not that I need an exuse..

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I guess if you are your own boss, you can't fire your self for being drunk on the job :whistling: ..


I might be out for a bit on one of those days. Perchin. I'll let you know closer to the date. Trying to sell my house. So I we have another open house that weekend, I will have to leave for 5 hours. Good excuse to go fishing, not that I need an exuse..



Sounds good , i'll post the night before on here when we're heading out as well or do the PM thing ,

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~~~I'll be out that weekend on Simcoe out of Pephpherlaw, chasing Perch, along with most likely 200 Yankees that come up for this weekend being Columbus day down south. If you want to show him a great day on the water bring him over to my side of the lake and join the Armada. We'll be in about 35' of water, using a drop shot rig with 2, or 3 hooks arttached above about 8" apart tip with minnows it's a blast. My self I use a Gold Swedish Pimple, and jig slowly just off the bottom.

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~~~I'll be out that weekend on Simcoe out of Pephpherlaw, chasing Perch, along with most likely 200 Yankees that come up for this weekend being Columbus day down south. If you want to show him a great day on the water bring him over to my side of the lake and join the Armada. We'll be in about 35' of water, using a drop shot rig with 2, or 3 hooks arttached above about 8" apart tip with minnows it's a blast. My self I use a Gold Swedish Pimple, and jig slowly just off the bottom.



That sounds like a lot of fun , i'll check my map and see just what kind of trip that would be by boat from over my side and don't worry , us boys from the old St Lawrence will have the right rig'en for them perch then again we're all eyes & ears , Thank you for the invite old fart ..........lol

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Sorry but i have to ask this one again because i have'nt had time to check , are the silver shinners easy to buy out there right now , is there any where along the shore of Lake Simcoe that they can be bought that you can get to by boat while out fishing ?

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~~~~With the MNR making in hard on bait sellers, there isn't too many shops around the south east side of Simcoe, Casey in Port Bolster should have them in, but best check your own bait shops foor some Emeral Shinners. For me in Ajax, I'll be hitting Tightlines in Pickering and hoping he has them in.

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Best advice I can give.Take one weekend to give plastics an honest effort for Simcoe perch. 90% of the time they outfish minnows and then you will NEVER have to worry about hunting down bait. I'm on Simcoe for perch 8 months of the year and I haven't bought minnows in almost 20 years.



I have a bag of thease babies , just was'nt sure when to use them as i am still getting them { the perch } with worms ........

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