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Fishing out of North Bay


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So, the pickerel fishing out of North Bay has been pretty spotty so far, the water is high and started out pretty cold so maybe that has had an impact. I have had a couple decent days recently, we actully caught some decent eating fish just below the slot, this was the couple days after the big wind we had last week. Yesterday and this moring were poor again, but hey that happens, what is a little more concerning is the numbers of really small fish being caught compared to decent eating sized fish, this is by far the most really small fish i have caught and the fewest good keeper size I have caught over the past 4 years. The perch numbers seem to be up, we are catching a lot more 8-10 inch perch than i have before, and the lake seems to be full of small ones, are the perch seeing less predation and therefore growing in size and numbers?


While this is a taboo subject here, I have been told that there is a rather large net off shore of North Bay, I wonder if the smaller fish are passing through it while the nice keepers aren't, making for less competition for the small ones. I wonder how other people are dong on Nipissing, and if they are seeing some of the same trends as we are around North Bay so far?

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I'd take the small fish as a sign of good spawn years. I've done well the past two years and caught a 53cm biggie from shore the other day. The way people are reporting their 16-20 fish catches to me this year I'd say the natives are doing something right.

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Most of the people I know would disagree with you, and we have seen a few big ones caught too, doesn't mean anything of course, overall there have been far more very small fish and far fewer decent sized fish caught so far, maybe the best is yet to come. The daily fishing report out of Greenings Bay cottages is saying the same thing that we have seen here in terms of the numbers of small fish. Small ones are good, but not if the medium sized fish have disappeared. Btw, this wasn't a post designed to bash the natives, but im not surprised to see the usual apologist responses.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

maybe you're just not in the right places at the right times blarg. seems some OFC'ers are having no problems catching quality fish.

and remember, when you point the finger you have 3 pointing back at yourself. in my experiences many who are the FIRST to blame the natives are the people that keep everything they catch including larger breeding fish.


"apologist " that!

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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I live on the lake through every summer.

Blarg is correct in the fact that most of the fish that people are catching here are small.

At least at this end of the lake.

Also the numbers caught are nowhere near what they were even ten years ago.

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I haven't been out too much on Nipissing yet due to parenting my 2 boys every night. I have been sharing reports with Rod Caster and others and I have many friends who are catching anywhere from 8-20 walleye per night. Some not catching a single perch. On average they are getting 3-5 keepers with a few 2 person limits (8). THey are catching several slot fish, a few above the slot and lots of smaller ones. Most of their keepers are in the 13-15.5" range. Several "cigar" walleye are being caught and released. They will be keepers in 1-2 years.


Blarg, where are you fishing? PM me and I give up a few good drift spots and techniques to get you some Nipissing walleye. Yes Rod Caster I can catch fish lol.

Edited by Nipfisher
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I've been out a couple times this year. There have been several "dink" pickeral caught each time. That being said, I have also caught my limit of quality eater sized fish on the same outings. Biggest caught this year has been 22" and of course was released. I took the wife out on wednesday and we caught 12 in one hour of fishing.

Edited by Lip-ripper
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The day I pay for and eat gill netted walleye is the day they are feeding me through a tube. I for one, won't support that "industry".



Me neither, when I don't have walleye in my freezer I eat perch, no perch then trout, no trout then pike, no pike then white bass etc etc.


None the less the Nip walleye industry exists. I hate oil companies and banks, but guess what I use everyday?

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May be cheaper then gas in the truck, gas in the boat, snacks, bait, etc.?

Well, there's that, but having a full time fisheries management person on board, to ensure that the lake stays "healthy" would be an added bonus... along with the fish crisp!


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The day I pay for and eat gill netted walleye is the day they are feeding me through a tube. I for one, won't support that "industry".


That can be an endless debate, but if my money helps to put food on someone else's table, I can live with that. Not everyone can have the freedom to choose what job they want to pursue.


I still look forward to going up there.

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I've been out a handful of times this year with limited success. I'll be fishing harder once bass and musky open next week.


There will always be an endless debate as to what is effecting walleye stocks. A lake this size has too many variables to label one specific thing as the "problem", sure there are two or three things that are no brainers but I'm sure there are a few underlying factors as well.

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