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Just said goodby to my best friend

Big Cliff

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So sorry to hear the news Cliff; Not easy saying goodbye to a friend who nver questioned you and was always there for you no matter how hurt he was. My Ben is 15 years old and he is a cross between Golden Retriever and Collie with a bit of Sheperd in him. He is 105 lbs and still kicking, well not kicking but still around. He has been having trouble standing up too and the day is coming when we will have to say goodbye to the most good natured, laid back, easy going intelligent dog I ever met or owned. I know in my heart that I have been blessed with the best luck a man could ever have, a dog that unequivocally loves me and anyone that comes to greet him.


I believe that you and Sue had the exact same relationship with Andy, God bless him and he is in Dog heaven chasing after what ever he wants.

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I feel for u, but u really did whats best for him. My golden retriever is just over 3 years old now and i can't imagine loosing him already. Sounds like he had a great life and u had a great time with him! Keep the memories close.



Edited by lovetofish
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Thank you one and all for your words of understanding, for posting the pictures, and for all the PMs. Those of you that have been here before know how much they all mean and how much they really help. It makes you feel that you are not alone.


They say the price of love is grief, I guess we loved him a lot. They say that time will heal! I don't know if it will really heal but it will help us to walk in the door without the tears when we don't hear his foot steps comming down the hall to great us. It will take time, this we know.


Reading and re-reading all your posts sometimes cause the tears to flow but each and everyone of them are helping us cope. Thank you all!


Very sad news indeed Big Cliff,my thoughts are with you and your lady--a thousand little things will trigger his memory---enjoy them


You can never replace your best friend. I hope a new pup is in your near future



Take Care




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Losing a member of the family is a heart wrenching experience, we've had our chocolate lab (copper) for almost ten years and he is my boy, he is starting to show signs of his age. My condolences on your loss, I'm sure you have enough memories to last a lifetime, a very beautiful dog.

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Reading your post was like watching a rerun of Old Yeller, tears welling up and everything...pretty soon I will be in the same boat, have an old guy who's pushing 13 and is having rough days with arthritis in his front paws and his hearing playing tricks on him. So I'm bracing myself...got two other younger ones to take the edge off it, but hey, he's got the seniority!


You'll remember all the good times and who knows maybe another little guy will step into your lives. Nothing like a few chewed up shoes and slippers to keep you distracted :)

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