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its a lose lose situation for the guy so he did the right thing.


beat the girl = he's a wussy for beating a girl


lose to the girl = he's a wuss for losing to a girl



I think this is closer to the real deal than anything.


My daughter was the 2008,2009,2010 Canadian NATIONAL Taekwondo champ for her age and weight categories. ( She placed silver this year)


At the regional tournaments she has attended since 5 years old, she would initially fight boys and girls.

AS she got older, the only matches she had against boys were bonus matches (basically for her to fight tougher competitors).


When she turned 11 years old, no boys would fight her anymore and it has been strongly suggested by competing clubs that this is due the above quoted statement.


Do I like seeing my daughter kick the crap out of some boy... damned right I do.


But would I like to see a stronger boy kick the crap out of my girl.... I "may" be able to handle one fight with these results, but if it was obvious that this was going to be a repeating pattern due to physical strength only, I would discuss this with her coach and trust that he would have my daughters best HEALTH consideration in mind first and foremost.


Bottom line, she is well trained, well conditioned, and fights in age,weight and height categories relevant to her sport.


She loves watching the older girls kick the hell out of each other.


This is a real wait and see situation with us as I type this.


Stay tuned.


Splashopper and Botbot ( pronounced like the word good good)

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Well you gotta respect the guy for doing what he believed was right ... I can honestly say (and I was a competetive high-school wrestler) I have only done it once ... it was about 30 years ago .. and I would never do it again ... I met "Wanda", who was on the US womens (mud) wrestling team in a 'classy' bar in Fort Lauderdale ...I think "Playpen" was in the name somewhere... anyway after a couple of hours of chatting and drinking she said she had to go to "work" ... how would I like to wrestle her and by the way there was a $100 prize to any guy who could 'pin her'... it was the main event for the evening's entertainment ... as a guy who at that time was in pretty good shape, I was put up against two women (each of whom were no more than 105 ponds soaking wet with their bikinis on)... well ... I have never been so badly beaten up in my life ... ever ... and yes there WAS biting and scratching and kicking and (groan) stuff that just aint right... but apparantly from the chearing and screaming 'KILL HIM' , 'KICK HIM IN THE NUTS AGAIN !!!'.... there was flying scissor locks and 'gotchy-pulls' ... anyhow apparantly it was great entertainment for the crowd ... I hung in there and lost as gracefully as I could... and while we all showered together and I thought I had 'earned' my graces with her .. I realized how dumb the whole thing really was when she whispered in my ear ... "you are just lucky we didnt rip your balls off !" ...


Moral of the story .... don't fight wimmens ...ever ... even if they invite you nicely and promise you great things ... DON'T DO IT.. nothing good will ever come from it smile.gif

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Well you gotta respect the guy for doing what he believed was right ... I can honestly say (and I was a competetive high-school wrestler) I have only done it once ... it was about 30 years ago .. and I would never do it again ... I met "Wanda", who was on the US womens (mud) wrestling team in a 'classy' bar in Fort Lauderdale ...I think "Playpen" was in the name somewhere... anyway after a couple of hours of chatting and drinking she said she had to go to "work" ... how would I like to wrestle her and by the way there was a $100 prize to any guy who could 'pin her'... it was the main event for the evening's entertainment ... as a guy who at that time was in pretty good shape, I was put up against two women (each of whom were no more than 105 ponds soaking wet with their bikinis on)... well ... I have never been so badly beaten up in my life ... ever ... and yes there WAS biting and scratching and kicking and (groan) stuff that just aint right... but apparantly from the chearing and screaming 'KILL HIM' , 'KICK HIM IN THE NUTS AGAIN !!!'.... there was flying scissor locks and 'gotchy-pulls' ... anyhow apparantly it was great entertainment for the crowd ... I hung in there and lost as gracefully as I could... and while we all showered together and I thought I had 'earned' my graces with her .. I realized how dumb the whole thing really was when she whispered in my ear ... "you are just lucky we didnt rip your balls off !" ...


Moral of the story .... don't fight wimmens ...ever ... even if they invite you nicely and promise you great things ... DON'T DO IT.. nothing good will ever come from it smile.gif


rofl2.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gif Jon.....you slydevil.gif you.I think i remember that nite.....I think so anywaysblink.gifdunno.gif

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Totally different sport, but, Juli's 1/2 sister played basketball for a boys team here in Woodstock these last few months. Made the team fair and square...she's that good...but, did she ever have to grow a thick skin. She's heard many things from opposing players, anywhere from "that's why girls shouldn't play on a boy's team" when she missed a free throw, to comments that I can't repeat on here.

As far as wrestling, I say keep the two sexes separate. Team sports, such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, to name a few...if the girls can compete, let them play.

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