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Bad Restaurant Experience

Billy Bob

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On one visit one of the girls came back a little shaken because she had seen a 4 ft snake on the stairs - apparently one of the fresh dinners had escaped and needed to be put back in his pen ....


Chinese food can be exotic, the snake just touches the edge of what you can get -



My son was an iron worker for 20 years and back in the 90's the Canadian company he worked for was putting up 2 hi-rise buildings in China, one in Shanghai and another in Bejing. Jim was sent over there for 2 years to supervise the construction of the steel.


His crews were mostly Chinese and Jim became very close friends with many of them and they'd often all head out to restaurants after work where they'd introduce him to many of the local delecacies. He really enjoyed alot of the dishes not available here but said many were just too brutal to even try.


He said the worst experience was when they decided to have snake for dinner one night and placed the order. The waiter left, then came back to the table with a live 5' snake for their approval. When they decided that was the one they wanted, the waiter stood on the snakes tail and with one hand grabbed it by the head and stretched it out to it's full length, then with the other hand used a razor knife to gut and skin the snake right at the table while it was still alive. It was then taken away and cooked.


Jim was very tough guy but said that was just too much for him and he was unable to even try it.


He lasted longer than me though, I woulda left when the waiter 1st brought it out :lol:

Edited by lew
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It is a tough industry but if you serve a good quality product, have excellent service and fair prices you have a fighting chance.


A good example is a place here in Lindsay, St. Dave's Dinner. Dave opened in a little out of the way hard to find place but he insisted that everything he served would be quality. It didn't take long and it was standing room only, you had to line up just to get in for lunch. Even his coffee had to be the best, his logic, save a penny lose a customer you do the math.


Dave just opened a new place on Hwy. 36 here in town, it is much bigger than the last one but still packed to the doors from morning to night. This is in the same place that the former owners couldn't make a go of it because of a lack of business. The difference; quality, portions, service, and fair prices. Oh, and he is within sight of a Tim Hortons.



Hey...We drove by Peter's Buns Shop and it ain't there no more!!!...Damn !!!


They made great roast beef g'weeeches with sauce au jus, and a bunch of other great stuff besides bread and buns...


Will have to give the new place a try next time I have fasting lab work done in Lindsay...

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It all depends on where you go. Generally, the better the restaurant, the better the customer service.


One time at Baton Rouge with my family for my birthday...


I ordered a steak, medium. The cut of the steak was a little bit uneven and by the time I got to the other end it was completely raw. Unacceptable at a steakhouse.


We told the waiter, who took it upon himself to tell the manager.


My steak was comped and I was offered a new one, even though I had eaten more than half. I was also offered free dessert and given a $25 gift certificate.


Now that's service.

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I have, and will, leave if I don't receive my dinner within 20 minutes of ordering.


Easy cowboy LOL...

I think you have to bare in mind what you are ordering and where.

There's and old saying in proffessional kitchens when customers get pushy on times.

"you can have it now....or when its cooked"


If your ordering a Burger, fish N chips, or basic Pub grub 20minutes is fair.

But if you're in a more upscale restaurant some items can and will take more then 20 minutes to prepare.

But I suppose thats the difference between an upscale restaurant, and a road house....


High end eatery...your paying for quality, and the overall dinning experience

Road house....your looking for big portions, fast, and cheap.

I try to keep an open mind and remember that when I'm out, as I can be fairly discerning when it comes to my food.

Heck the Wife usually makes me promise to not judge while I'm out....apparently it gets annoying LOL!


I think you all need to be a lot more vocal about your service.

Just remember to be polite and honest....I have seen my fair share of hot heads.

If your being respectfull, and reasonable its all good.

Just remember those waiters/waitresses are people who are there to provide a service

They are not "servents", Slaves, or any less of a person then you as the guest.

I have dealt with my fair share of guest service issues, and I can say with certainty

A Respectful complaint will get you further then ranting or yelling at your waiter will.

On occasion I have been known to throw the more obnoxious complainer, and if nessasary their entire table out....


Dinning is about atmosphere, as much as it is food...Yelling & Screaming like a lunatic, or being mean to the point that your server is forced to tears disrupts the room for the rest of my customers.

Respect is a two way street And the way I see it....

I will make ANY complaint right, pay the tab, and discount your next visit...but if the respect isn't there.

You are simply taking up space in my restaurant that could be otherwise occupied by another customer that would be happy

Just to be here...don't let the door hit ya


But thats just me :whistling:

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My son was an iron worker for 20 years and back in the 90's the Canadian company he worked for was putting up 2 hi-rise buildings in China, one in Shanghai and another in Bejing. Jim was sent over there for 2 years to supervise the construction of the steel.


His crews were mostly Chinese and Jim became very close friends with many of them and they'd often all head out to restaurants after work where they'd introduce him to many of the local delecacies. He really enjoyed alot of the dishes not available here but said many were just too brutal to even try.


He said the worst experience was when they decided to have snake for dinner one night and placed the order. The waiter left, then came back to the table with a live 5' snake for their approval. When they decided that was the one they wanted, the waiter stood on the snakes tail and with one hand grabbed it by the head and stretched it out to it's full length, then with the other hand used a razor knife to gut and skin the snake right at the table while it was still alive. It was then taken away and cooked.


Jim was very tough guy but said that was just too much for him and he was unable to even try it.


He lasted longer than me though, I woulda left when the waiter 1st brought it out :lol:



I was in China and there certainly some strange dishes. One we had was a fish where the body was cooked but the head was still alive. Another time they opened the lid of a pot that was still sizzling and out jumped live shrimp. Everyone at the table was grabbing the shrimp with their chop sticks and eating them live.

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