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Quotes of the year


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Fred Shapiro, associate librarian at Yale Law School, released his fifth annual list of the most notable quotations of the year:



Sometimes the comments posted by readers are worth a read to, sometimes.



Here's the list:


1. (TIE) “I'm not a witch.” Christine O'Donnell, television advertisement, Oct. 4.


1. (TIE) “I'd like my life back.” Tony Hayward, comment to reporters, May 30.


3. “If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested.” airline passenger John Tyner, remark to Transportation Security Administration worker at San Diego airport, Nov. 13, 2010


4. “Don't retreat. Instead — reload!” Sarah Palin, Tweet, March 23.


5. “Chi! Chi! Chi! Le! Le! Le! Los mineros de Chile!” Chant at Chilean mine rescue, Oct. 13.


6. “I hope that's not where we're going, but you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies. They're saying: My goodness, what can we do to turn this country around?” Sharron Angle, radio interview in January.


7. “We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it.” Nancy Pelosi, speech to National Association of Counties, March 9.


8. “I'm going to take my talents to South Beach.” LeBron James, television broadcast, July 8.


9. “You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?” Christine O'Donnell, Delaware senatorial debate, Oct. 19. (The Associated Press reported the quote: “So you're telling me that the separation of church and state, the phrase ‘separation of church and state,' is in the First Amendment?”)


10. “They should never have put me with that woman. ... She was just a sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be Labour.” Gordon Brown, comments about a voter he met while campaigning for British general election, Apr. 28.

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Quotes of the Week - Dec 7, 2010:

"I unfortunately have never in my life been to a wild party." -- Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister, insisting, amid a scandal stemming from alleged sex parties at his estate, that he throw only elegant, dignified soirees at his villas.

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