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Carp or Muskie?

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I went out last night to one of my most productive fishing holes of the year in hopes of catching some nice walleye and bass and kinda got skunked...The spot usually gets me at least one nice walter a trip and over a dozen bass.. a trip is usually a little over an hour of fishing so the productivity is pretty darn good. Yesterday while the bite was non existent, the surface activity was ridiculous with some huuuge splashes. The area I fish holds a ton of carp and also some muskie. The splashes were not constant, there would be a couple all at once and then the activity would die for a bit and then a couple of splashes again...These splashes were definitely made by big fish.

So..My question is...could the muskie feed have been hot last night and all the surface activity due to a muskie feed which slowed down the walleye/bass bite? Or could they have been carp with their usual surface play. The fish weren't jumping out of the water but you could hear the gurgle of the water like when a big fish hits a top water lure...


Your thoughts? :)

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Do Carp Jump out of the water at all? I was fishing teh Grand last night and I saw some HIGH jumpers pretty consistantly. I know there is Carp there but I know there is also some big Bass in there. Now I am Wondering what it was. I couldn't get a good look because it was on the other side of the river.

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Do Carp Jump out of the water at all? I was fishing teh Grand last night and I saw some HIGH jumpers pretty consistantly. I know there is Carp there but I know there is also some big Bass in there. Now I am Wondering what it was. I couldn't get a good look because it was on the other side of the river.


Yep, Carp jump lots and consistently, what you saw would have been carp. Bass don't jump clear of the water unless they're on the end of my line.



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carp will toss them selves out of the water pretty high in waters that have some current to them i've noticed. in more still waters the'll tail slap while they roll out just under the surface.


Nope, they jump clear out of the water in still waters as well. I see it ALL the time (though they do what you say they do as well).

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Waters connected to the area i fish supposedly have sturgeon but I doubt their presence in the area since the body of water is small with a max depth of 15 feet..


Looks like i'ma gonna try some summer carping....need to see how big these fish are...

Thanks for all the responses.




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Ya carp will come clear out of the water, I usually only saw it during the spawn, some big fish and it is a bit surprising to see how well and far they can come out of the water. I have seen Muskies feeding on walleye a couple of times, they are a good enough predator that they never seem to come all the way out of the water, just a surface roll and the walleye is gone.


Seen bass trapping bait fish against the shore and smashing them if they entered water a bit too deep, some times they would clear the surface.


Seen smallies, walleye, and steelhead rolling on schools of emerald shiners along the breakwalls on lake erie in the fall.


Seen perch and bluegill clear the water in absolute panic, gills flared fins ridged, a big pike had entered the back of a cove they where in to feed.


Also seen schools of big crappie and white bass busting surface schools of bait fish. Night time makes it hard to get a good look, I did carry a pair of binoculars in my boat, fish breaking? lets take a look.

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I've seen carp jump clear out of the water in Humber Park Bay near downtown Toronto. I always thought carp were the obese goldfish of fresh water until I hooked into one and it fought me harder than any bass or steelehead I've caught. Now I know why people target them, they are not to be underestimated.

Edited by ctranter
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Had a cruiser I kept at East Harbor back when I was single, the carp would jump and hit the side of it during the night. up there for the weekend one time with a lady, " what was that?" carp, what`s it doing? same as us, spawning.


LOL carp? ya heck of a fight, but like waking up after bar hoping> oh no I didn`t want that? :clapping:

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So I took my good buddy D carping last night...He does not fish much but got him hooked on carp a couple of years ago. So when I told him about the possibility of a decent carp bite, he bit. Corn kernels were the bait of choice..peaches and cream corn to be more precise :P ..The night air was cool but the water was nice a warm...We sat for a good hour and all we got was a decent sized crappie on corn?!..The surface was calm, no splashes..nothing...


We were about to switch to jigs for bass and walleye when the surface erupted...splash here..splash there...5 minutes later D has a fish on...We don't have heavy duty carpin rods and reels and usually fish for carp with medium action spinning gear with 8lb test mono...So we usually allow the fish to have a solid first run..The screaming reel reminded me of my saltwater fishing days, shore fishing for king fish on light gear...

Anyways, after the first run the fish came in without any problem which was odd since these beasts usually take a good couple of runs on the looser drag.

So we net the 30 incher and find that the fish is missing one of its gill plates?!?


Took a picture of it for you guys to analyze...At first we thought maybe we were the cause the injury and were trying to figure out how it happened...but on closer inspection of the the remaining gill, it looked like it was a previous injury...the remaining gill was thick and smoothed out on the edges...Was the most unusual thing I have ever seen. Take a look at the pic and let me know what you guys think...



Twas the biggest carp D has caught thus far so he was ecstatic as can be seen in the pic of him with the fish..

A quick couple of photos and the beast swam away...We were still puzzled by the non existent gill plate...


I had a fish on but the line snapped on the hookset...stupid mistake by me, still getting used to braid...

All in all it was a decent night out...Got to catch up with D and see him giggle like a little girl when he held up his fish for the camera...


Nice to know that the carp are still biting...Now I know what to do when the walleye bite it slow..






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