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The Progression of a Fly Fishing Newbie


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The water is high but I can't resist putting my new set up into use.

Hitting the river to practise casting but the chance of catching a fish is very low.


Here we go...


We need facts, son. What line are you using? Dry? Wet? What patterns? How do you expect the rest of us to learn from your mistakes unless you give us details? :w00t:


Seriously. I'm ready to hit the creek with my own flyrod now. After the way the bass gobbled up a bubblegum worm laying still on the bottom and a crankbait at the moment it hit the surface I'm not sure what to start with. I'd love to go dry and get to see the explosion. Guess I'll just wing it and see what's what. I was looking at the local bug life to see what might work topwater but none of them ressembled the crankbait that I caught the one smb on. :lol:


Mebbe if all us flynoobs compare notes we can come up with our own rules for flyfishing. I mean whoda thunk 20 years ago that pink plastic worms would be a goto bass bait? So who says we really gotta match the hatch today. With all the ersatz critters we're using successfully with our redneck rods and reels why can't we use something equally imaginative for fly patterns instead of going for realism? I think I need one more trip to the creek and a few more decent smb's on the hook with the redneck gear and then I'll settle down to the flyrod. I've still got the flies that SingingDog sent me. They'll be my first round of experimentation.


Anyway, if you have some success - sorry, WHEN you have success take some pics of the patterns cuz names mean nada to me. It's all just feathers 'n yarn as far as I'm concerned. Wooly bugger was the great hairy bully in public school, not a fly.


I've got my spot picked out. The place I was in yesterday and caught the pair of 18 inchers. It's a perfect spot (I think). I can stand on the shallow side of the river and drop the dry fly over by the other bank in a light current and about 3' of water. Let it drift downstream under the shade of the trees and bushes. Lotsa back casting space behind me. I'm looking forward to it.



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Went with the Temple Forks 8' 6" 4wt 2pc Rod - Signature Series


Temple Forks Prism 3/4 Reel.


Floating Line


A variety of flies, leaders and tippet.


Will report back when the rivers clear up a bit...

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I got a 5 weight 9' 3 pc with a small arbor reel loaded with #5 floating line. Sorry, no cams at home tonight.


I don't have a second spool yet. If I get into thia I'll probably go with a better setup with extra spools for different lines rather than spend more money on spools for a basic reel.


Sounds like the weather is good for the weekend so I'll be out waving it around a bit. I've got the flies ready, I think. Looking forward to it. The rod doesn't seem too bad for casting. Now we'll find out if I can measure up. I might have to strap my forearm to the rod. :thumbsup_anim:



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For the new guys (like I once was) best way to get your confidence up is to fish in the evenings.. Should still be able to get into some pretty good hatches..


Go to your fav local trout stream, match the hatch and have fun.

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For the new guys (like I once was) best way to get your confidence up is to fish in the evenings.. Should still be able to get into some pretty good hatches..


Go to your fav local trout stream, match the hatch and have fun.


Got no trout around here. It's either bass or carp.



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John, shouldn't have a problem nailing any kind of panfish if there are a tonne of bugs around either.


I actually nailed a whitefish on a dryfly on my recent fly-in trip!!


I'm sure all you guys will love the report once Mike posts it up.

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John, shouldn't have a problem nailing any kind of panfish if there are a tonne of bugs around either.


I actually nailed a whitefish on a dryfly on my recent fly-in trip!!


I'm sure all you guys will love the report once Mike posts it up.


I'll settle for a feisty rock bass. :clapping:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Keep an eye on the river temps dude, anything more then 70 and I'd reconsider fishing....


Does the night temps going down to 16 help this any or is it just too hot during the day right now for

that to have enough of an impact?

Edited by laszlo
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I think with these brutally hot days, the temp dropping a bit for a few hours at night isn't going to make a big impact on the river temps.. Bring a thermometer with you.. The last thing you wanna be doing is killing off a bunch of steelhead smolts or brookies :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a couple hours to kill after work so I hit the river behind my place to practise

my casting.


Did pretty well considering the river is as nasty as it is.


3 Chub

4 Sunfish

4 Rockbass


I approached this one stretch to find 5 or 6 carp chillin' just below the surface.

First cast lands right in front of ones face and...BAM...FISH ON!


Was about 6 pounds and it put the 4wt to it's limits.


I wasn't even expecting to catch anything. Hilarious!

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Carp fishing has never really been my thing but sight fishing for them on a fly rod is pretty wicked

and somewhat restores my faith in the river behind my place that I previously deemed useless.



This guy observed my lacking fly skills for a bit.





The Approach...





The Pay Off...






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