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Simcoe, Sunday Mar 5th/07


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The morning began with my phone ringing... (Seems I always have a hard time hearing the alarm, even when it is for fishing. Might have something to do with laying in bed the night before wishing morning would come and not falling into a deep sleep until just before it is time to wake up) cousin and brother will be here in half an hour.


On the road by 5:30, Horton’s at Dundurn and Aberdeen was closed... eeek... that’s bad, had to stop in Dundas. This is where I have to make a quick note...saying THANK YOU to the girl behind the counter at Timmies for opening six minutes early...


Pick up dad and change vehicles; four of us are heading off to Hanks fish huts for the day. Tired but really looking forward to a whole day on the ice. Razzing one another about who is bad luck and betting on first fish etc. You know how that long car ride gets filled with all the” what if" conversations... Especially when you are all family.


Arrived in St. Jacobs a little late, traffic was slow and the roads were not the greatest. Plus dad was driving; he knows nothing about pushing the limits.


As we were waiting for our ride out to the hut we talked to several people coming in from night fishing. Some whitefish, some trout, most had a good night but were glad to be heading home. We had a great time socializing and watching all the traffic heading out onto the ice. Trucks were getting stuck right left and centre... just a little higher under body, or a little to the left, and they might have done fine... although it was nice to see that not one stuck vehicle was out there without a bunch of ppl around helping to push them out.


We got to our hut around 8:30am... settled in, poured coffee dropped our lines in the water. Row hook, sinker and a minnow, two way spreader, jigs, and a tip up. Throw a line in the hole outside the door that just happened to be there, three way spreader) and now we sit back and start with the stories of long ago... this is the best part of fishing... as the clouds clear and the sun sparkles across the snow covered ice. Time to dream, to chat and to exaggerate many a moment because we are NOT catching any fish.


MNR guy popped in for a quick visit in the late afternoon, nice sleds they ride... omg, checked our licenses, eyes darting around the hut quickly, wished us well said not many others out there were catching and off he went. I so enjoy visitors.


All day there were two men about 500 yards from us out on the ice fishing. It must have been very cold. I kept wanting to wander over and invite them in for a cup of coffee. So cold out there with the wind howling. But every time I thought of getting my overalls back on they moved further away. Maybe next time.


Hut next to us pulled in two nice trout... the guys on the ride back had one whitefish and a trout, so all and all it was a slow day on Simcoe. We didn't catch a thing. However, I will be back, if not for the fish, for the wonderful company and moments in wonderland.


No pics I am afraid, as Sonny was rushing me out the door, asking me if I had everything, I forgot the camera. But I did remember lunch.


Cheers to all



Edited by Jen
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Hey Jen , my buddy and I were fishing around Hanks huts all day. That could have been us you spotted. We were not the least bit cold, we thrive on this weather. We got the big skunkeroo also but it was still a good day fishing. The only killer was walking back in. you don't realise how far you come out cause your pumped to fish ,but, then as the day lingers on and you look back to the point, it seem to get further and further away. :unsure: You should have went for it and came and said hi . The coffee would have been welcomed as we were running out of hot tea.

Even though you got the white stripe kitty too it sounds like you had a great day with your family. Gotta love a woman who loves to fish. B);) .....Thom

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... (Seems I always have a hard time hearing the alarm, even when it is for fishing. Might have something to do with laying in bed the night before wishing morning would come and not falling into a deep sleep until just before it is time to wake up)....




Great read and nice to know that I am not the only one this happens too! Thanks for sharing, always a good day when you can spend it with family/friends doing something you love.



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