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I found this amusing and scary at the same time<br> <br>


<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0a_FA_J6Sw&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Edited by Gerritt
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Some may find him funny, many just don't understand it, and I'm probably one of the few that doesn't believe the recession hasn't run its full course yet. Ya things are picking up, the stocks are slightly higher, etc, etc, but like "Roger" said, who is paying who with "real" money, just paper transactions and who is really laughing the hardest, China.

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Guest gbfisher

China has owned the USA for years. I'd like to see what would happen if they called on their loans. WW3 maybe? :) It's sad but true non the less.

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It fails to explain one of the most important aspects. That being that those who created the problem and have benefited from it are not the same people as those that will bear the costs. You can be sure the international bankers will come out of this unscathed...all the profits they accrued making loans that must now be bailed out will remain exactly where they are...right in their pockets. The responsibility of making good on all those billions of wasted euros will fall squarely on the shoulders of Europe's working people, of this you can be sure. The really scary thing about this is that since these rip-off artists come out of this apparently without blame...there's no reason to think they won't just keep on doing it, or at the very least, resume doing it once the heat dies down.


Maybe I'm wrong...perhaps they have a different culture in Europe than we do here as far as just sitting there and taking it goes. Hopefully they are less spineless than us.

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That was Hilarious! "I think that's called laughing as you sink"


some times it pays to live in an resource based economy.


I guess you didn't watch

Edited by bdox
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Guest Johnny Bass

It fails to explain one of the most important aspects. That being that those who created the problem and have benefited from it are not the same people as those that will bear the costs. You can be sure the international bankers will come out of this unscathed...all the profits they accrued making loans that must now be bailed out will remain exactly where they are...right in their pockets. The responsibility of making good on all those billions of wasted euros will fall squarely on the shoulders of Europe's working people, of this you can be sure. The really scary thing about this is that since these rip-off artists come out of this apparently without blame...there's no reason to think they won't just keep on doing it, or at the very least, resume doing it once the heat dies down.


Maybe I'm wrong...perhaps they have a different culture in Europe than we do here as far as just sitting there and taking it goes. Hopefully they are less spineless than us.


Give this man a prize. bullseye.


This video is a joke. China doesn't own anyone. And it is the same international banks that control China also.


What isn't a joke is that the politicians keep robbing the money and leaving the tax payers the bill.....

That is why this economic system of making money out of nothing and leaving the tax payer the bill is the biggest scam in history.


There's a quote by some old US politicians that said if the people actually understood the way the economy works? There would be a revolution the very next day to over throw it.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Oh I especially like the part where it says that Spain owes Italy something like 41 billion and Italy owes Spain 23 billion???How does that work? They ask where Italy will get the money to pay Spain? Well if Spain owes them 41 billion? Deduct the 23 from the 41 and presto. Now Spain only owes Italy 18 billion and Italy owes Spain nothing.lol

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LOL, Our good friends to the south have solved the problem they just keep printing money.


13 Trillion dollars of debt and growing by the minute. :rofl2:



The problem is with our current monetary system, production of currency is in itself an instrument of debt. As every dollar in circulation is owed to someone by someone. Add on interest and there will never be enough money in the system, to pay the principle and the accrued interest and without debt there would be no money. The moment Money is created at the request of the federal government, it is supplied to the government with interest attached..


as you can see our current monetary system is screwed.


This is why the federal reserve in the USA has been scrapped so many times! (PS.. the federal reserve is about as federal as FedEx) they are a for profit bank.

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