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We may need to change the opening seasons


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Well, the weather not with standing, I find it head scratching to try and understand why we allow anglers to fish streams/rivers/tribs, whatever you want to call them, during the spawning season.

We can't fish Pickereyes when they are up the rivers

We can't fish bass while they are spawning

We can't fish musky until after they have spawned

We can't fish Pike until after they have spawned

But we can fish for trout, who in all likelyhood are either about to spawn or have just spawned. And the folks who fish for them, tend to be the first people who will make a comment about how someone holds them "wrong" or places them on a sandy beach or what ever. IMHO, what is wrong is harrassing these fish while they are doing their thing. As some have mentioned before, catching fish in a 4 foot ditch is like shooting fish in a barrel. Yah I know it's legal and they "have a right to do it", but so what, again, in my very humble opinion, it's basically unethical.

Sorry for the hijack Rick, but after reading this thread and viewing some of the recent trout "fishing" reports, I felt I had to air out my thoughts.

Rick, you may be right about having to change some of the seasons to accomadate fluctuating weather paterns, I don't really know, but if it is to be done, I sure as heck know which season I'd be first looking at!



Could someone please pass the marshmellows, I may need a bit of an energy boost to be able to absorb the flack I'm gonna take for this!

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Well, the weather not with standing, I find it head scratching to try and understand why we allow anglers to fish streams/rivers/tribs, whatever you want to call them, during the spawning season.

We can't fish Pickereyes when they are up the rivers

We can't fish bass while they are spawning

We can't fish musky until after they have spawned

We can't fish Pike until after they have spawned

But we can fish for trout, who in all likelyhood are either about to spawn or have just spawned. And the folks who fish for them, tend to be the first people who will make a comment about how someone holds them "wrong" or places them on a sandy beach or what ever. IMHO, what is wrong is harrassing these fish while they are doing their thing. As some have mentioned before, catching fish in a 4 foot ditch is like shooting fish in a barrel. Yah I know it's legal and they "have a right to do it", but so what, again, in my very humble opinion, it's basically unethical.

Sorry for the hijack Rick, but after reading this thread and viewing some of the recent trout "fishing" reports, I felt I had to air out my thoughts.

Rick, you may be right about having to change some of the seasons to accomadate fluctuating weather paterns, I don't really know, but if it is to be done, I sure as heck know which season I'd be first looking at!



Could someone please pass the marshmellows, I may need a bit of an energy boost to be able to absorb the flack I'm gonna take for this!

Forget the flack... :clapping::thumbsup_anim: very good points. For me, now that I've reached my mid 40's steelheading in the spring is rare. I love pursuing them in the fall and early winter, when they are at their prime both in fighting condition and for the table, if you wish to keep a few.

Back in my early 20's I would fish stretches of river where fish were spawning, and I'm sure pull fish off the beds whether I wanted to or not. Never again...I would have no problem with a season opener for Steelhead as late as mid-May. However, if you are fishing deep pools for dropbacks, rivermouths etc...enjoy, guys!!!! Catching a dropback bow that has recovered most of its energy, in warmer water, is alot of fun when they leap five or six times.

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It is pretty funny seeing guys fishing 6 foot wide ditches, in 3 fow with $2000 in float rods, 'pins, waders, etc.


If the length of your rod is wider than the stream in which you use it, you kind of look silly!

how so, aint it fishing, hunting the trout, its water aint it, i know some ditches 3.5 feet wide with brooks in it, should i use my 3 foot ice rod?no i use my 14foot float rod and stand back 5 feet crouching with the rod up, i think your silly :) i dont like your comment...

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Actually Rick this is one of very few years i consider to be on perfect timming with the schedule of the fish...literally thousands upon thousands have been up the river to do their thing and there are still fresh fish comming (in skien) In my opinion the controlled cull of two is perfect to the capita and timming of not letting the bows exhaust the baitfish in the lake...they are one of the prominent top predators afterall...


Im only speaking from this area though but have noticed a drastic decline in the amount of Musky that are normally running the river at this time...

As already stated the warmer water is making for some amazing fish fights with recovering males and fresh hens comming in and going out...


it couldnt get any better to tell you the truth..from the perpective of entertainment ,availability, fish being put back due to recovering and fresh fish for table fare....something for everyone !!!

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In Fort Erie I watched two large rainbow trout exhibiting spawning behavior the day before opener. This was in a small mud bottom creek that was nearly dry and they were stuck in a pool with no way out. On the flip side the DFO found YOY pike well upstream and said they already had some size and figured they had spawned extra early. :dunno:

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Well, the weather not with standing, I find it head scratching to try and understand why we allow anglers to fish streams/rivers/tribs, whatever you want to call them, during the spawning season.

We can't fish Pickereyes when they are up the rivers

We can't fish bass while they are spawning

We can't fish musky until after they have spawned

We can't fish Pike until after they have spawned

But we can fish for trout, who in all likelyhood are either about to spawn or have just spawned. And the folks who fish for them, tend to be the first people who will make a comment about how someone holds them "wrong" or places them on a sandy beach or what ever. IMHO, what is wrong is harrassing these fish while they are doing their thing. As some have mentioned before, catching fish in a 4 foot ditch is like shooting fish in a barrel. Yah I know it's legal and they "have a right to do it", but so what, again, in my very humble opinion, it's basically unethical.

Sorry for the hijack Rick, but after reading this thread and viewing some of the recent trout "fishing" reports, I felt I had to air out my thoughts.

Rick, you may be right about having to change some of the seasons to accomadate fluctuating weather paterns, I don't really know, but if it is to be done, I sure as heck know which season I'd be first looking at!



Could someone please pass the marshmellows, I may need a bit of an energy boost to be able to absorb the flack I'm gonna take for this!



I like your post HH. Catching my first rainbow this week made me soo happy but now that I think about it, it is not ethical to do. Fish should be fished for when they are not spawning. Perhaps river fishing should be put to fishing only for smaller river dwelling rainbows and browns that spend their lives under banks and bushes. I had lot's more fun catching little fish with spinners.


I learned a lot about Ontario's fishery these past few years as a young angler and every year I appreciate the seasons more and more. Honestly, fishing for big trout is done for myself...guess 1 extra fish per year wont be hooked and disturbed by myself. No biggie but spawning and the creation of life is extraordinary and stressful for fish already...having a fish leap into the air 6 ft...run into rocks, up current down current blah blah blah is enjoyment in some peoples eye's.


Rick, as for the seasons they won't change but I do see your point and I am glad the warm weather has some early. I remember last season catching 1.5-3lb smallies and largies on lake seymour for 1 week after opener and lot's of them(not all) had little bellies. Perhaps a warmer start is better for the fishery.


Fish that have already spawned out are better to catch anyway. As a side note...why not fish lakes for trout when they are feeding and building energy to make the journey up stream.

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I like your post HH. Catching my first rainbow this week made me soo happy but now that I think about it, it is not ethical to do. Fish should be fished for when they are not spawning. Perhaps river fishing should be put to fishing only for smaller river dwelling rainbows and browns that spend their lives under banks and bushes. I had lot's more fun catching little fish with spinners.


I learned a lot about Ontario's fishery these past few years as a young angler and every year I appreciate the seasons more and more. Honestly, fishing for big trout is done for myself...guess 1 extra fish per year wont be hooked and disturbed by myself. No biggie but spawning and the creation of life is extraordinary and stressful for fish already...having a fish leap into the air 6 ft...run into rocks, up current down current blah blah blah is enjoyment in some peoples eye's.


Rick, as for the seasons they won't change but I do see your point and I am glad the warm weather has some early. I remember last season catching 1.5-3lb smallies and largies on lake seymour for 1 week after opener and lot's of them(not all) had little bellies. Perhaps a warmer start is better for the fishery.


Fish that have already spawned out are better to catch anyway. As a side note...why not fish lakes for trout when they are feeding and building energy to make the journey up stream.


*crawls out of OFC hibernation



Don't mean to single you out Mike, but this post just caught my eye as have several other similar ones in the past few days...


There seems to be this attitude from a group that is growing where it has become 'unethical' to fish for just about anything, during just about any time of year. "Don't fish for fresh run fish, they are heading up to spawn," "Don't fish for dropbacks, they are weak and will die right on the spot" "Don't fish for residents they cant handle the warm temps"


The trout fishery here is among the best in the world, and with some common sense can easily be kept that way. Reduce limits, extend sanctuaries etc etc, that is all good but let's not get carried away. A trout is a trout, a trout that is in season is a trout that is in season...and likely a trout that is in season is on the end of my line. Start splitting hairs and soon I will have to send Silvio in with an underwater camera to check out if the fish is spawned out or not before I set the hook.


I don't really contribute anymore, but I still read a lot because I learned tons around here and some other boards...but lately I feel like I have been reading P3TA forums. I am all for conservation...but let's just do more fishin and less bit(hin

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So you feel it's ok for my license money to be spent stocking the lake with Bow's so you can fish ditches?

I'm not trout expert by any means, but I understand that the Ministry stocks Lake O with Bows as well as other trout. Would they have to do that if spawning fish were left alone to do their business? Would there be enough natural reproduction taking place? Could my money and everyone else's not be better spent on other species who's numbers have declined or who's habitat has been negatively affected by our expansion into their home?

Each of us have our own perception of ethics, be they related to leasure time, business or what ever. Calling fellow sportman tree huggers for disagreeing with you is a reflection or your own ethics.


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Because our elected officials always make the right deision, don't they? Especially when they are spending our money!

This is a dicussion and only that... legality of it all is well beyond our ability to change, however our own actions are within our control.

So many of us have a slow burn going in every spring with the activities of "a select few" who's rights allow them to do what the average person cannot. As anglers we get upset at preceived inequities. That mindset seems to completely disappear with regard to fish in the trout family and I for one simply don't get it.


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So you feel it's ok for my license money to be spent stocking the lake with Bow's so you can fish ditches?

I'm not trout expert by any means, but I understand that the Ministry stocks Lake O with Bows as well as other trout. Would they have to do that if spawning fish were left alone to do their business? Would there be enough natural reproduction taking place? Could my money and everyone else's not be better spent on other species who's numbers have declined or who's habitat has been negatively affected by our expansion into their home?

Each of us have our own perception of ethics, be they related to leasure time, business or what ever. Calling fellow sportman tree huggers for disagreeing with you is a reflection or your own ethics.



I'm not singling out "tree huggers", I am just stating that there is a line between healthy conservation and hacking at rights to go fishing.


Your license fees, as well as mine should go to all conservation and stocking efforts...contrary to popular belief I do fish in places other than ditches for species other than trout. I realize that the 'steelheaders' (I hate that word) around here and other boards have built themselves a brutal reputation when it comes to attitude towards well....just about anything but try not to paint me with that same brush. That is mostly the reason that I stopped posting, once you are labeled the few ruin it for the many.


Personally, I think that we need a NO KILL on the rivers because I see no need to either eat a fish that is about to spawn, or one that has just spawned and is all worn out and probably tastes like dirt. Will it ever happen? Not likely, nor will we see a reduction in the ridiculous lake limit...if you think the river guys are bad go watch the charters come in day after day with 25-30 fish in the cooler. Why is it okay to kill them in the lake before they have headed up to spawn? I have killed less bows in my life than one guy is allowed to in a single day out there.

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Kemper, I appreciate your thoughtful comments and I think we have more common ground here then un-common.

I agree with you about the Lake fishers... in my experience, those fish simply don't stand a chance of surviving once hooked. I've seen Bows hooked in the blue zone, that have spit the hook after a few minutes, only to be found struggling to back back to their preferred temperature depths. I don't think they will make it.

I don't have as many concerns about that aspect as, well it is a put and take resource, but I still find myself shaking my head at the way these fish are being treated while they are trying to reproduce. And successful reproduction means, IMHO, that our already stretched resources could be applied elsewhere... perhaps regulation enforcement.

Kemper, it too bad that you feel the way you do about posting as I have always found your posts to be fair and logical... please reconsider your position as we could sure use a voice of reason like yours, around here more often.


Edited by Headhunter
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Head hunter I think many feel as you, but with the elitelist attitude spewed by these ditch fishers,they are afraid to get the bashing .. Guys if you want to really enjoy the fighting spirit of these fish , get into a boat go out into the lake , 300 to 350 feet water , most days of the summer, fish the top 25 feet and you can and I have many times(a few on this site have been out with me so they know)brought 50 to 100 steels to the boat in a day (i have a 5 fish guarantee and very rarely if ever do I give a second trip on steels in the summer)I use islander mooching reels , one to one retrieve and 15 foot rods 12pound test, and try to stop boat most fish , to catch these fish in a ditch is so wrong at least go to a real river(niagra or such) , in the lake they are ossome fighters maybe Epic , to allow ditch fishing shows no respect for these great fighting fish ,why stock them just to waste them like this , I would close the season untill end of May?. sorry but Im just sick of all this steelhead eliteism , the if your rod is bigger than the river line is priceless ... guess i just lost more friends lol , but if you want to steelhead fish do it in the lake ,river fishing is for the 1 or 2 pounders that hide amost the wood and such and require a plan and some skill . sorry guys its friday and I have a long commute to brockville to see the wife after a week in the city and Im pissed at the thought of the traffic..

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how so, aint it fishing, hunting the trout, its water aint it, i know some ditches 3.5 feet wide with brooks in it, should i use my 3 foot ice rod?no i use my 14foot float rod and stand back 5 feet crouching with the rod up, i think your silly :) i dont like your comment...


Brook trout aren't spawning in the spring then trying to run the gauntlet back to the lake...


Big difference...

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