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Posted (edited)

Went out with the friends today and caught a nice 29" Northern that was a fatty, just got it up through the 6" hole. Fish was caught in 9ft of water on a Tip-up. I'm still waiting for a 35"+ before I get out my OFC sign. Didn't get any pic's but we also got a half dozen decent perch too. The pike weighed 7lbs 2oz


Picture of the fish, should of seen the snow today behind me ;)




Thanks for reading and viewing,


Edited by Mike The Bass Fisher

Nice Catch. How thick is the ice out there to get a truck out. I think it would be so weird to drive out on the ice, as all i could think is how fast i can get out of the cab lol


Nice Pike Mike...


Now about that background... take the eye dropper.. select the cloud cover at the horizon and then select a spray bomb... and blend the ice to the skyline. Do this at full size and then downsize the picture. Most won't notice you "adjusted" the back ground then. Otherwise you're gonna lose readership like them steelheaders... lol

  irishfield said:
Nice Pike Mike...


Now about that background... take the eye dropper.. select the cloud cover at the horizon and then select a spray bomb... and blend the ice to the skyline. Do this at full size and then downsize the picture. Most won't notice you "adjusted" the back ground then. Otherwise you're gonna lose readership like them steelheaders... lol


I don't need readership. I am happy to keep my location undefined until my summer and spring time fishing reports. O and Henry, we have about 10-12" of solid black ice where we were fishing today.

  Rizzo said:
forget editing photos, I wish I could get out fishing half as much as this guy! Glad you're on my team, keep it up Mike, only 12 more species to go.


I'll try. I've got a 23,25,29,and a 31" pike...If I get another over 30ish then I'll get us a upgrade for the team. And if I hit another of my 12" perch ill get that entered for us also ok.


Now, help me out and get fish'n!

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
  Mike The Bass Fisher said:
I'll try. I've got a 23,25,29,and a 31" pike...If I get another over 30ish then I'll get us a upgrade for the team. And if I hit another of my 12" perch ill get that entered for us also ok.


Now, help me out and get fish'n!


I've been out but the .5-1.5 lb lakers i caught all weekend aren't gonna do the trick in the competition. lol.

  richyb said:
hey mike , what set up are you using for the pike ? how far off bottom ? thanks


The question is what have you been using? Simple circle hook with 2 split shot 4" above the hook. Let line out until weight's hit bottom..reel up maybe 6" and let her sit...Live minnows are key.


If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.



Guest ThisPlaceSucks

there's nothing arrogant about protecting your fishing hole. since you think it is, why don't you inform the board of all your best spots?

  diggyj said:
If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.





Not sure why you would think not posting his spot that him or his buddy took the time and effort to find for the entire membership of the largest ontario based fishing forum is arrogant that's a lot of armchair anglers seeing exactly were you are catching fish which could quite literally destoy a spot with 1 post yes it would take some time but it would have huge effects on a fishery. Nice fish MTBF just get your camera man to zoom in a bit more or take a Knee so there's only ice and snow in the back ground anyways.

  Dr. Salvelinus said:
there's nothing arrogant about protecting your fishing hole. since you think it is, why don't you inform the board of all your best spots?


I do, everytime I post, I don't blurr backgrounds and I say the body of water I am on.


I am not asking for a GPS coordinate nor am I even asking for the body of water. I just dont get the resoning behind taking the time to modify a picture prior to posting a report. I think its arrogant and childish. It's almost like bragging like a child saying, HAHA, I caught a bigger fish then you. I would just like to know what you get out of hiding the background? In future take pics with your back to something less noticeable, or just say you went fishing and you caught an "X'' inch FISH.


If I ever resort to blurring backgounds, a few things will happen. First I will stop fishing all together and I think I will move into the woods and become a recluse like Ted Kaczynski. I will live a life of solitude and play SOLITAIRE, that way no body will know where I am and what I am doing.




I don't fish for Pike on Simcoe. Where I fish during the Ice season is my business. Every report I have ever done during open water fishing is and always has information on what lake and where I was fishing.


It is my choice to keep lake names, spots and general areas to myself. The location where I have been has already picked up in people fishing it and we have still been doing well. In Southern Ontario when I catch pike after pike and jumbo perch I try to keep my location disclosed. It is obviously not a secret otherwise I would not see 4 trucks out on the Ice fishing beside me.


Do research and find your own spots. There is no lake in Ontario that is a "secret".

  diggyj said:
If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.







Hey Guys, first off this is defenetly not Simcoe.(but i do give you props for your "investigation") Mike and I, aswell as a few other good friends have been fishing this "area" for most of the hardwater season and well it like many other spots has its good days and its bad days.. on top of that its more then 10 minutes down the road .. so when we plan on going there we pray that there arnt too many people out there.. or else it some times isnt worth it.. cuz well theres nothing worse then elbowing people out of your way to get to your tip up or second rod..

but hey .. fishings about adventures and having fun right ?!


As for mike bluring out the background.. thats his call.. if he doesnt want "randoms" off the internet slaughtering his new fishin hole.. so be it..

If this site was a little more "locked down" and you had to be a member to view the fourms etc then alot of these "hidden spots" could maybe come out of hiding.. but until then .. I as well as many others on this board would like to keep our fishing holes on the D.L so that the "average jo" that knows how to use google cant just invade all of our spots.. after we did all the work to find them .. fish them .. learn them.. and for them to just come in and abuse it..


just my two cents guys..




Ps. MTB cya saturday




-A fellow angler

  diggyj said:
I do, everytime I post, I don't blurr backgrounds and I say the body of water I am on.


I am not asking for a GPS coordinate nor am I even asking for the body of water. I just dont get the resoning behind taking the time to modify a picture prior to posting a report. I think its arrogant and childish. It's almost like bragging like a child saying, HAHA, I caught a bigger fish then you. I would just like to know what you get out of hiding the background? In future take pics with your back to something less noticeable, or just say you went fishing and you caught an "X'' inch FISH.


If I ever resort to blurring backgounds, a few things will happen. First I will stop fishing all together and I think I will move into the woods and become a recluse like Ted Kaczynski. I will live a life of solitude and play SOLITAIRE, that way no body will know where I am and what I am doing.





I am with you on this one Dirk. I find blurring backgrounds to be ridiculous and as a general rule won`t even bother to look at the pictures if they have been ruined, seems to me that when people do this it is more about looking for praise and a pat on the back.

I am sure people have been catching fish out of that lake long before you were born young fella and will continue to do so. I would hazard a guess that you probably did not find this lake on your own more than likely someone told you about it and more than likely that someone who told you was told by someone else and so on.

Mike I am sure your a nice young man but I find it a little curious that someone who asks a gazzilion questions on this form would bother to do that.

I might invite you out Bass fishing next year if you don`t mind wearing a blindfold.LOL

  diggyj said:
If I can remember correctly your last post said you were on Simcoe. Last time I checked it is a large body of water. More people that go ice fishing on Simcoe are targeting Lakers, Whitefish and Perch and occasionally they will hook into a Pike by accident, I am also sure there are some targetting Pike like yourself.


So my question is this, why blur the background? Thought this was a board to encourage fishing and help others. What is the purpose of hiding a location? You will probably say you don't want 50 others there next time your out, which makes sense, but I just don't get it. It's kind of arrogant if you ask me.



Its not arrogant... its blurred so ppl like yourself are left guessing.. B)
  lookinforwalleye said:
I am with you on this one Dirk. I find blurring backgrounds to be ridiculous and as a general rule won`t even bother to look at the pictures if they have been ruined, seems to me that when people do this it is more about looking for praise and a pat on the back.

I am sure people have been catching fish out of that lake long before you were born young fella and will continue to do so. I would hazard a guess that you probably did not find this lake on your own more than likely someone told you about it and more than likely that someone who told you was told by someone else and so on.

Mike I am sure your a nice young man but I find it a little curious that someone who asks a gazzilion questions on this form would bother to do that.

I might invite you out Bass fishing next year if you don`t mind wearing a blindfold.LOL


Yup. I bass fish enough out of the year but thanks for the offer.

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