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SK fishing report.


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Things didnt start off too well. I decided to fish Cowan but this time about 25 Kms North towards Green and Meadow Lakes to a spot that I know of. There is a small trail off the Highway that has a slight incline no more than 50 meters long. I got stuck and decided to go to the bottom of the hill so I could take a run at her. No go, I figured this is going to cost me money and time. It just so happened there was a guy on the lake in the middle of nowhere four wheeling that I flagged down. With my tow rope and his pickup I was on my way back to Big River. I decided to try out a spot where I got skunked two weeks ago.





I drilled four holes and as I was baiting my second hole I got a bite on the first hole. A nice pike and within minutes. It would be my only bite for the next couple of hours.




Regrettably I threw him back thinking I would not be skunked.


At this time I have purchased a 93 Pathfinder for $500 and another $300 for a new clutch which I am hoping will work out as decent vehicle to do some exploring this summer off road. I am trusting my daughters Boy friend on his word that this is a great vehicle with little rust which is an easy fix, clean inside, great engine and starts up first shot. At that price Im taking my chances. Any thoughts on the 93 Pathfinder

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