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Muskoka ice

wee scot

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I doubt the big lakes would have had too much ice anyway...from what I'm hearing out of Muskoka, the snow on the lakes that WERE skimmed over had all the snow soak up the water and are now freezing from the top and bottom.

It'll all work out...I hope!! :s

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It'll work out .. it always does .. just probably gonna be a little sloppy for bit ... they got 100cm ... which would sink any skimmed ice ... and become a slushy mess ... just like last year .. but in the end the fishin was still good and with the proper boots you could slosh around ... Im going up on the 16th ... will let you know what I find :)

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I think I can help you out here ...the big lakes by me Muskoka, Rosseau and Joseph did not have any ice other than a little shore ice in the shallows prior to the big snow dump. Yesterday with the lower temps and no wind allowed most of the bigger deeper areas to skim over but it's going to be a while before I would even consider considering an ice adventure.


Three Mile Lake was just iced over prior to the big snowfall ....unfortunately this did stay up and will do nothing but insulate the ice ....



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Hey Suds -- thanks for the info! My parents live out at 3 Mile...but take off for the winters. I was all set to hit it up for some first-ice action until the big snow dump...at least you confirmed what I was already thinking. I see you don't post much...but it would be super appreciated if you let us know when Rosseau starts to look good :D

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Yeah I haven't posted alot here as I am usually pretty active on several other boards ....me bad!!!


I'm keeping my eye on Rosseau ...most of the bays are closing up but it will be awhile yet before we will be able to wet a line although I have been known to go down the dock a knock out a hole .....I usually put my perm hut directly out from the wharf a hundred yards or so ...its corregated aluminum light blue with a darker blue stripe around it ...I'm out there quite abit so drop by and say hello ... I'll try to keep this board up to date on the Windermere side of the lake anyways .....If we get lucky and keep these temps without any winds/snow the lake should be ready to go in just a matter of the week or so ....Here's hoping



Edited by Sudsmaster
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my cottage is up on 3 mile, the one near utterson. i generally get up there quite a bit in the winter


is this the same 3 mile you guys are talking about, i know there are a few.


any more info on the ice conditions up there?? i am heading up this weekend and was hoping to get out there. any info is much apreciated.


where abouts on 3 mile are you guys?? im just off cutler rd. not too far from inverness.

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Thanks for the links, GBfisher!


LunkerHunter -- yep, I'm talking about the same lake. My parents are in DeeBank, at the outflow end of the lake. I don't fish it too much during the winter, as the lure of trout is so strong :) I'd love to get out there with you though...never pulled anything except perch and rockbass through the ice on 3 Mile.

I would bet that right now, you could walk in the shallower protected areas on 3 Mile, but it could still be a bit dicey across the whole lake.

Just called up there for the latest report, and basically the lake is covered in snow...no tracks except for deer tracks.

I still think with all the cold weather there'll be enough to walk on in protected areas...but I hope to have a new year's report ;) Will keep you posted!

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sounds good johnnyb


thanks for the info. im not to far from deebank, in fact cutler rd is just off of northshore rd, i drive past the dee on the way into the cottage every time.


the fishing can be tough on 3mile, however i have had the odd fantastic day out there. next time your heading up let me know and maybe we can meet up.


i plan on walking out slowly and drilling some holes often on the way out just out front of the cottage. i will let you know how it is after the weekend.



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I'm actually just on the outskirts of the village of Windermere ...two driveways before Longhurst Rd on the left side as you come down the hill ....used to be Twisted Acres Bed & Breakfast as few yrs back ...our family has owned this property for the last 30 or so yrs and I moved up full time just over 2 yrs ago ...Have never fished Three Mile in the winter but do wet a line there through the summer months ....spend the majority of my time on Rosseau either in the perm hut or touring with the auger and portable if conditions permit ...drop by if your in the area as I'm always looking for company to fish with.



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Well I just got back from checking Windermere and Lk Rosseau over to Port Carling ...the sad news is any ice we had in Windermere got blown out with the winds on Tues night ...basically it is wide open right over to Tobin Island....the rest of the small bays are iced in ie Pottage Bay and the deer have been travelling across those areas .....soooooo its going to later than I had originally anticipated ....may have to go fishing off those docks yet!!!!



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Ugg, that's not what I wanted to hear Suds. Portage bay would have been good, but the currents at the mouth weaken the ice all around I hear. I was looking forward to coming up that way for my first outing. It seems that all of the places I want to go are unsafe and will be unsafe. Thanks for the heads up!

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  • 11 months later...

I forgot that I subscribed to this thread! And YES I'm excited for ice....already saw a few smaller Muskoka lakes covered with a skim of ice and/or

slush. And I've got a room booked in Callander for first ice on Nosbonsing in 3 weeks!

Can't wait to start drillin :D

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