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Hey everyone!.


Its about time I posted one of these! lol..


It's been a LONG 3 weeks, but finally today... the curse has been lifted.


tributaryhunter and myself took off this morning bright and early to do some steelheading.


The morning started slow... and heres where the bad news comes in..


I got snagged, and as I was walking with my rod backwards, it snapped in half just below the first joint.


Yes. The rod that I just purchased.. Raven IM6.... :( (On a side note, does anyone know if I can get it replaced?)


Anyways, discouraged, i decided to go back to my car and put together my Quantum QXL 10'6.


Popped the centerpin on and headed back out. Tried drifting the spot again, bobber down, ended up being a SUCKER. lol.


Drift again, bobber down,.. ROUND GOBY.... what the heck? lol...


Meanwhile tribhunter got a nice one on and someone casted their line over top of his while he was fighting the fish, and then yanked, causing his line to snap. :(


I decided to try somewhere else to no avail, so I went back to our original spot hoping the pressure was gone. First cast.. nothing...


tribhunter walks over, first drift... FISH ON....


It was a brute... Pulled its way across stream and then.... SNAP... Leader gone... :(


I cast my roe bag out... Bobber down... but for some reason I didnt set the hook.. I noticed my bobber acting weird... and it went down again, and SET, FISH ON....


Faught it for a couple of minutes and brought it over to shore and landed my first ever steelhead! Man did it feel good...







It was so rewarding to land a steelhead after all that.....


I ended up going 1 for 6 on the day... The next 5 fish took my hooks....


The one I hooked into did a 10ft jump into the air. It was pretty amazing..... I love this fish...... :)


ya two guys could of gone in the water today oh well, it started slow then picked up as the day progressed, nice way to break the ice, defentiely have to do it again forsure, thanks for a greatday off the couch and not listening to the gf squawk today lol.

will keep in touch jason and no the fish didn't jump 10ft it cleared 3ft typical exacteration lol


Nice fish chief.I use the same reel on my raven.2 guys were fishing st kits today and doing well.wasnt sure if it was you across the river.With the picts probably not.

Posted (edited)

Nice fish! The lack of ettiquite from some GTA fisherman is embarassing, casting over a line like that with a fish on, I can only imagine how upset I would be. Sucks about your rod, find your receipt and you should be able to get it replaced without problems.


wow a 10ft jump, did you hook onto Lebron James or a fish lol? Seriously though that must have been awsome.


I'm just starting to get used to casting the centerpin and I notice a huge difference in control. How has the learning curve been for you? What is your prefered cast?

Edited by ctranter
  ctranter said:
Nice fish! The lack of ettiquite from some GTA fisherman is embarassing, casting over a line like that with a fish on, I can only imagine how upset I would be. Sucks about your rod, find your receipt and you should be able to get it replaced without problems.


wow a 10ft jump, did you hook onto Lebron James or a fish lol? Seriously though that must have been awsome.


I'm just starting to get used to casting the centerpin and I notice a huge difference in control. How has the learning curve been for you? What is your prefered cast?



I think what I do is called the Side cast.. :)


Ive had a metric crapton of tangles due to the line twist, but I'm getting better...


Congrats dude! My first fish jumped 15 ft and I fought it for an hour. It really sucks when you break a rod though, especially if it's not on a fish.


I thought I told ya man......no catching a steelie till I was there again, jeesh......


Awesome fish man, happy as hell for ya. Can't wait till we hit it up again in the morning.

Posted (edited)

I've caught some brutes on that rod, It's weird it snapped, especially where it did...


Congrats on the first fish!


Raven should be able to get you a replacement piece for $30... Kemper just went through the same thing.

Edited by BillM

Congrad on your first catch! Hopefully you can get the Raven fixed quickly.

As for lost fish, I run 5.8 lb leader and I use snell knot for the hooks. (my hooks actually doesnt have a hoop/eye)

A good control of the reel while fighting the fish can also increase your landing ratio.

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