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Temagami - Last wk of July and 3 wks of August 2009


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Well we were gone for just over three weeks to deal with my sisters passing and her effects. Back to the lake just in time for a scheduled visit of our nephew's and Leah's sister on July 30th. Our younger daughter also tagged along with them for the ride up from home. (I think she's in need of a stiff drink!)




You've never seen two lads happier to be fishing in your life!








...and our daughter looking for a meal.




Went through a full tank of gas hauling the younger nephew around... he wouldn't stop !




Visitors gone.. time to get to work again. Back entrance (and wood storage room) was starting to sink and fall off the cottage. Jack and dig new post holes before the next company arrived.






CO's off to keep others on the straight and narrow!




Our son and his girlfriend were next up and I found them each a couple of fish.




She's allergic to fish.. hense the gloves!




Making fun of the kids hat!




..and they left so back to work! Mix cement and pour new posts down to bedrock.






I got that all done and leveled up just in time for our older daughter to come in from TO on the train on August 21st.




Her fun was short lived with a phone call the next morning at 7am that my Mother had died in the night.




BUT.. her train ticket home was for the next day so we made the best of what Mom would have wanted us to do. My older brother and sister were both in Wales anyhow so no huge rush for us to pack up. So we went fishing.. what else !










Enjoyed the rest of the day..




and even went across to the island next door and gave my neighbour his very own hat to congratulate him on passing his Captains exam. This allows him to be the pick up boat for the ambulance calls.. and drive barges etc on the lake.




Put Jen back on the train..




and then faced reality and headed home to find this time we're over run by turkeys!






A few days later headed to Smiths Falls to bury my Mother and to pass time between visitations took the kids fishing at some old haunts.






September I'll get up tomorrow is up as well!

Edited by irishfield
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Wayne I know you've been through tough times this past summer in the passing of your beloved sister and mother..... not an easy pill to swallow but you somehow manage to keep it together and made the best out of it...

It's something I admirer in a person, shows their character and determination.


Looking at the pics of this report and previous one, certainly confirms you've been surrounded by great company from guests and immediate family and is just what was needed under those conditions.


Thanks ever so much for sharing your summer with us and hope that better times are ahead!!!


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