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What a controversy.......how come only the rivers have these controversies......god bass dont have these issues ever.........


I've seen people fishing wacky rigged senkos in May before...on a well known bass lake...that got a call to the MNR. There is a local dam that is now policed often because of multiple calls to the MNR from various folks and repeated poaching...Trout & Salmon aren't really the target species there either.


If you don't feel comfortable confronting them take some non-suspicious pictures at least...might come in handy.


Whether or not you think the MNR will do anything or not, it should at least be reported....with a person description, vehicle, and license plate. You could call the local police I believe they can also press charges?. Even if it just gets them a visit or phone call....awareness does go a long way with some people. Some will never learn unfortunately but worth a shot.

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Why is it impossible to look even remotely close to intelligent with yer cap on half lock? It's proof to me that many of today's kids never look in a mirror.




And here i thought his hat was the only proper thing about the picture...just the rest of it was outta whack

Edited by Twocoda
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Had chat with two youngsters as the waded into the water a day or so before you made this post Photoz. I can't say I can remember what they looked like, but I assume it went in one ear and out the other.

They were fully aware what they were doing was illegal and unethical before I left. Educated them on the need of fish to head upstream etc.. blah blah.


As I left with my lab, they prooceeded down stream, probably to line others just below the dam.


I usually speak up, but have ran into trouble before and ALWAYS during the fall salmon run and I never wet a line. Have to take the dog elsewhere for a run. I am done till Dec in the rivers and finished again in March.


Mitch never needs to leave bowmanville creek during the salmon run, between the pier and the river his work day could be full.

Edited by Harrison
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Had chat with two youngsters as the waded into the water a day or so before you made this post Photoz. I can't say I can remember what they looked like, but I assume it went in one ear and out the other.

They were fully aware what they were doing was illegal and unethical before I left. Educated them on the need of fish to head upstream etc.. blah blah.


As I left with my lab, they prooceeded down stream, probably to line others just below the dam.


I usually speak up, but have ran into trouble before and ALWAYS during the fall salmon run and I never wet a line. Have to take the dog elsewhere for a run. I am done till Dec in the rivers and finished again in March.


Mitch never needs to leave bowmanville creek during the salmon run, between the pier and the river his work day is full.



I commend you for your efforts Harrison in my mind Mission Accomplished...regardless if it went in one ear and out the other they moved on and if enough of us did the same as you possibly the kids will learn that they cant get away with it because people and cameras like Photoz are watching ....If the ministry is reading this thread ...might not be a bad idea just to post a BOLD sign stating that the dam is monitored and have a dummy cam installed. I bet it would deter some kids that do know better from trying to get away with something. Sure there are people and kids that have no regard and could care less but hopefully a CO would be fortunate enough to be there during these times.


People act differently when they believe a camera is watching


Photoz your camera has done a great justice to this issue regarding awareness ... :clapping: Me being a person that targets only salmon and bows (year round) for enjoyment weather its catching or raising ....i formally apologize to you sir if you feel my feathers might have been a bit ruffled ...i commend you for your actions


Take Care ..Good Luck...and try to wet a line in the near future

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Why is it impossible to look even remotely close to intelligent with yer cap on half lock? It's proof to me that many of today's kids never look in a mirror.




You could put an Ivy Leage graduation cap on that young lads head, straight and true, and he still aint gonna look like hes drippin with smarts

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  • 3 weeks later...

all i can say is.................that is ridicolous...

i understand that boys will be boys. and i will admit when i was a young boy i did my fair share of snagging and touturing panfish to salmon. but as i grew up i started to aprreciate the sport. and that as in any sport you must have respect for your fellow fisherman and of course the fish. because without the fish there is no sport. what would basketball be without the damn basketball. it would just be 10 guys running from back and forth. i've fished as bowmanville plenty of times for rainbows and salmon. seeing those photos i wasnt shocked i was more disgusted and disappointed. hopefully as those kids grow up they realize that fishing is a sport and like all sports cheating is not how you want to win. recently i went fishing up at port hope and there were plenty of fish to go around. i snagged a few but when i did i was disspointed everytime and tried to unsnag myself theres no sport in it. who wants to fight a fish by the tail or fin? i dont.

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