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my past 2 fishing trips! good times

pike slayer

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So last wednesday i went out fishing with my old foreman from work. We went out on tilley lake about 40min north of sault ste. marie. We got on the water at 1pm and we started trolling. Right off the bat we got a double header, 2 nice walleye, one on a worm harness and the other on gulp. We then trolled around around all afternoon just picking up oos smallies. The one smallie i got was 5lbs my personal largest to date and she went back in to grow bigger and be caught another day! We were trolling along a weed bed with worm harnesses and my buddy hooked into a speck! now i've fished this lake 30-40times and i never seen a speck come out of there before but i have heard they were in there yet i've never actually talked to anyone that actually caught one. i was upset my buddy kept it, i would have thrown it back to help them out to produce more fish but ahhh well. at the end of the day we got 4 walleye, 10smallies, 5suckers and 1 speck. We were using #8 x-raps, berkley gulp, and worm harnesses.


So on friday my buddy and i hiked into bone lake which is a 20min drive north of the sault then a 20min hike through the bush. Now i've only ice fished this lake and everytime i went i've cleaned house. So we were feeling pretty good about this lake. we carried in a rubber dingy, a minn kota, battery, and fishing gear. We went trolling around the lake and we were just laying into them with a #2 mepps comet with the dressed treble hook. We hooked into about 15-20 small lakers and lost a ton at the boat cause we didnt bring a net. we did end up bringing home our limit. we fished from 11-4 till it started raining and it was a great day other then a spillion skeeters everywhere and carrying the heavy battery. theres a pic of the one laker in the second post, thats the average size in the lake and its just polluted with them!





Edited by worm dangler
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thanks for the comments and ya this is only 40min from the sault! you dont have to go far at all for decent fishing



Fish are everywhere....we just travel for the scenery :D


Nice catch Mr Dangler

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I don't have time for the back in the bush fishing anymore. I got that boat to fish the river...Bells point to Desbarats sort of thing. North Channel. I wanna go get some of them 5 to 10 lb eyes.

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haha ya i have to agree with ya dara! the farther away from the bus terminal the better LOL. all the weirdos are down there and i don't like talking to them!

Wow. Our bus terminal is full of nice, normal people. :blink:

You could not pay enough to work there.

Nice fish by the way

Edited by Cudz
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