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  Spiel said:
Well seeings how I'm a "sucker" for "overated" fancy shmancy shiny things I allowed myself to be lured in by fancy "marketing" and today became the owner of this funny looking reel.






Given my fondness for things "overated" I still think it beats out spinning as the reel for the job. ;)


As a confessed gearpig I'd come to the conclusion that every fisherman/gearpig needs at least one Calcutta. I was sorely tempted to steal the one I saw sitting on the floor at Garry2r's place but then decided he might remember it, and that I'd been there, etc. That one in the pic is very purty too. There's no such thang as too many toys.



Posted (edited)
  Spiel said:
Well seeings how I'm a "sucker" for "overated" fancy shmancy shiny things


Nice lookin' piece of precision hardware. Kind of has an understated Rolls Royce look to it.


Will you take $5.50 for it?


(Maybe the decimal's in the wrong place.) :D

Edited by Jocko Point Jonny
  JohnF said:
As a confessed gearpig I'd come to the conclusion that every fisherman/gearpig needs at least one Calcutta. I was sorely tempted to steal the one I saw sitting on the floor at Garry2r's place but then decided he might remember it, and that I'd been there, etc. That one in the pic is very purty too. There's no such thang as too many toys.




Oh don't even get me going on the Calcutta.

I gets all twitchy and starts to drool when I bring mine out to play. :w00t:




:w00t: Shiny things! :w00t:

Guest gbfisher
Posted (edited)
  Raf said:
that's 100lb braid btw, you must catch wittle fish and yes, good workout.


speaking of bringing knives to gunfights, precisely my thinking in this silly debate. sure, you *could* use a spinning reel for certain applications or vice versa - why the hell would you want to?



you even tried......

No need for school....:)

Edited by gbfisher
  Jocko Point Jonny said:
Nice lookin' piece of precision hardware. Kind of has an understated Rolls Royce look to it.


Will you take $5.50 for it?


(Maybe the decimal's in the wrong place.) :D



LOL.....maybe when I stops twitch'n. :w00t:

Guest gbfisher
  BenBeattie said:
The great OFC debates... Tiller vs Console and now Spinning vs. Casting reels. One thing in common is there is a time and a place for both.


You can cut your hair with a lawn mower, but it's not the right tool for the job.



They used one on me the other day(a lawnmower) I think it was a # 2 blade.... :blink: You'll see soon enough. lmao



I really love my baitcasting reels and do not use spinning reels

That is why I have these.


Daiwa Steez




Shimano Calais Antares (Japaneses version of the Calais 100)



Shimano Calais 200DC



Yes, I am a tackle junkie


Guest gbfisher

Love the Spinning gear. Specially in between two guys using Pins...... :Gonefishing:


What a hilarious bunch of posts!

Thanks for a lot of great laughs!


Hey Chris, I once owned a Tica Caiman.

I bought it in 2001, mine was a 200 size and it was gold...

Nice smooth reel, with something like 11 ball bearings...

I think it even had bearings in the crank handle paddles!

There is just something I love about retched excess...HAHAHA.



I have a small silver Calcutta, that would be great for stream fishing.

I could sell it to you cheap, but you would have to give up you wicked ways and learn to wind right handed!

  garry2rs said:
Hey Chris, I once owned a Tica Caiman.

I bought it in 2001, mine was a 200 size and it was gold...

Nice smooth reel, with something like 11 ball bearings...

I think it even had bearings in the crank handle paddles!

There is just something I love about retched excess...HAHAHA.



It's gonna be the reel on my new musky stick Garry, opted for it over the Abu Garcia.

It should last a lifetime considering the luck I have catching, hell even casting it will likely sideline it for the summer......bzzzzzzzzzzz *damn, bird's nest* :D


Swing by my place. The nine year old next door can fix you up with a Zebco 33...someone said they can cast farther than your Caiman anyway, and since the line never twists or tangles you can just sit back and watch your bobber while you work on clearing that nasty old birds nest.

There's a little secret about those reels that I will share with you tomorrow when I feel up to typing it out.


You can cast quickly because you pull it out of the water and start casting right away no grabbing your line and flipping your bail, more accuart because you can control your casting distance with your thumb. You CAN cast farther because your bait stays straight in the air because of the little tension on the line. They are geared better for retrieving baits. You can hold more/heavy line on them, and well, they just make your day so much more enjoyable!

  GoneFishin said:
more accuart because you can control your casting distance with your thumb.


You mean "correct". But if your cast is good in the first place, you shouldn't need to correct. And you're working with two variables - the sweep of the rod, and thumb pressure. That unnecessarily complicates things.


You CAN cast farther because your bait stays straight in the air because of the little tension on the line.


That tension on the line is drag. Drag = less distance.

Posted (edited)

100% correct again! It amazes me how you always know exactly what people mean, even though that's not what they said...this is truly an amazing gift!

Your analysis of the drag issue with bait cast reels is spot on too!

Unlike the your Spincasters and Spinning reels they don't operate in the frictionless vacuum, between your ears.

Edited by garry2rs
  garry2rs said:

I have a small silver Calcutta, that would be great for stream fishing.

I could sell it to you cheap, but you would have to give up you wicked ways and learn to wind right handed!


Mebbe I should try to convert. Let's talk.




How about this its CHEAPER


Anyways what your comparing really is Musky Fishermen and Bass Fisherman against all other Fishing. Really, who would use a bait caster for trout, panfish, and 90 percent pickerel applications.


Advertising has it that you ain't a Bass pro unless you can chuck with a spinning spool and level wind with those spinner baits and Astronaut suits with Shimano written all over it. I never have problems with a spinning outfit. By the way, I have four Bait casters and don't , I REPEAT, Don't tell me how to cast a Bait caster.


I haven't been paying much attention to this thread because I don't think there's much I can add to it. But when I saw that Holdie posted...I had to read :) WELL worth the wait...you tell it like it is man! :lol:

  garry2rs said:
Unlike the your Spincasters and Spinning reels they don't operate in the frictionless vacuum, between your ears.


Ah, I see I've run into an "expert". One of those "one shining path" guys.


You could probably try to make your point without the insults, but hey, if that's your bag, go for it. I know the value to place on that kind of opinion.


You do know why baitcasters are so fancy (complex), with all the magnets, etc... It's because a levelwind is basically an inefficient design for casting. :P

  BillM said:
You should also tell the guys that currently hold casting records they should be using spinning reels instead of conventionals :)


Billy!!! I was wondering if someone would bring up that point. I guess all the pros who compete in distance casting competions are doing it all wrong eh? :D

  solopaddler said:
Billy!!! I was wondering if someone would bring up that point. I guess all the pros who compete in distance casting competions are doing it all wrong eh? :D


Stupid pro's what do they know :)


Is it the 17th yet?

  solopaddler said:
Billy!!! I was wondering if someone would bring up that point. I guess all the pros who compete in distance casting competions are doing it all wrong eh? :D


It's the astronaut suit and the sponsor logos tattoed on their first borned chilluns that help them get the extra distance (tortured soul-push) with inferior products all supplied gratis by the manufacturers all in an effort to make JohnF and other gearpigs wallow in the money lined pit of baitcast brainwashed bubbas.





  charlesn said:
It's the astronaut suit and the sponsor logos tattoed on their first borned chilluns that help them get the extra distance (tortured soul-push) with inferior products all supplied gratis by the manufacturers all in an effort to make JohnF and other gearpigs wallow in the money lined pit of baitcast brainwashed bubbas.






Ya forgot about us all coveting overpowered hydroplanes in the guise of fishing platforms. :D



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