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Funny I don't ever recall either of my folks ever really giving it to me...hit,smacked yes...but nothing life threatening :huh: But I do recall that when Mom said " Tell your father what you did when he gets home"... I was in deep deep doo doo. :o


And I do recall my brother and mom having an arguement and she hit him and he HIT her back. Don't know what happened when dad got home. But I was scared poopless for him and I know he NEVER did hit my mom again...EVER.


It seems that much of my generation....I'm 45.... has dropped the ball in parenting skills. Seems too many of us wanna be our kids friends instead of there parents.


I heard an expression years ago..."There is no such thing as bad kids...just bad parents. I pretty much agree with that statement.

We did not mouth off. We rarely talked back. My kid brother told the stepfather to ---- off once when he was 15.


It took 20 minutes to pry his head out of the wall.



I have paddled both my kids when necessary, and that was rare. Yes they could have called children's aid. I handed them the phone and gave them the choice. "You can live in my house, or you can live in foster homes with complete strangers. You choose."

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ok this thread is awesome!!!!!!!!.....


to comment on the stuff above....still laughing at the head in the wall thing....omg!


ok here we go...first the one about hitting mom....my girls are a different story for this one, my wife is a saint and does everything...so if my step son hit his mom i would pound the silly out of him...not a kid pounding a man size pounding...hes a good boy though so no worries there.....taking the door off the hinges is second....my step daughter was pure satan when i meet her....she would throw sceaming fits and refuse to go to school and many more things....u name and she did it....to start off and keep it short....she used to sit there and slam her door repeatedly....so i emptied her room....everything but a mattress on the floor and a pillow and some linen....even took the light bulb....smart little bugger which they are called cas on me...its all good...explained to her what would happen....she would go into a home with other troubled kids and if she thought she was tough there would be way tougher kids there much tougher....she got the picture and she earned her stuff back....now as for stealing mom and pops car....come on we all did that...we should expect it....just hide the keys better and teach them to drive young so when they do they wont kill anyone....lol....there are no bad kids just parents is right....i coached baseball...they kids were my life....the bad ones made even more fun...i had a blast...we won every game....and i quit and dont regret...u know why...cuz i hated the parents...they disgusted me....oh its not about winning...ahhh yes it is...cuz losing sure isnt fun...i would tell them go put ur boy in ballet then....practises...ya right....if u posted more then 2 a month they would call the league officials and complain...hell 1 to 2 practices a week and 45 min b4 every game....if they even showed up for the games....cheer for the kids...ya right...to busy reading a book or sitting with the opposing team and yakking away...not even knowing when their kid caught a fly ball or something....i miss those kids....and still hate the parents

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...lol....there are no bad kids just parents is right....i coached baseball...they kids were my life....the bad ones made even more fun...i had a blast...we won every game....and i quit and dont regret...u know why...cuz i hated the parents...they disgusted me....oh its not about winning...ahhh yes it is...cuz losing sure isnt fun...i would tell them go put ur boy in ballet then....practises...ya right....if u posted more then 2 a month they would call the league officials and complain...hell 1 to 2 practices a week and 45 min b4 every game....if they even showed up for the games....cheer for the kids...ya right...to busy reading a book or sitting with the opposing team and yakking away...not even knowing when their kid caught a fly ball or something....i miss those kids....and still hate the parents




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Yes they could have called children's aid. I handed them the phone and gave them the choice. "You can live in my house, or you can live in foster homes with complete strangers. You choose."


I got the warning that my second call should be for an ambulance, cause Mom had the time it took for them to respond to beat me with the phone! :D


I guess that I was lucky enough to have parents that were a little older who instilled traditional values in me and let me know that I had stepped out of line.

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I handed them the phone and gave them the choice. "You can live in my house, or you can live in foster homes with complete strangers. You choose."

ha ha, i remember my dad doing that to me when i was 15 when i got an earring.

i took it off, but put it back on a year later, i guess by then it wasnt such a big deal. 16 years later i still have it in :lol:

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Don't know where you've been hiding, but teen pregnancy has, again, been on the rise for some time. It just does not have the same stigma attached to it any more. No more 'statutory rape' charges, no more shotgun weddings, no more forced adoptions, No more insinuations of 'dirt' or 'trash' on the girl.


According to the studies I have read, teenage pregnancy declined from the 50's to the 90's. I believe it has risen slightly since then, but is still not as high as it was in the 50's.

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just maybe if we raised our kids things could be different. the largest babysitters on earth t-day are all electronic.

yes wayne i was drug everywhere including the toolshed.


You said it there, too many parents trying to be their kids "friend" not their "parent". Children need direction and shown the way back when they venture off the right path, I took my share growing up and I deserved every one. But what I believe made me who I am today was the time spent with parents, my father died when I was only 4 so my mother an immigrant who didn't speak the best english was left to raise 5 kids on her own the oldest being 17. You better believe we knew what would come our way from mom if we stepped out of line, but what happened was our Uncles and older cousins stepped up as male role models for us and took us fishing and camping, and helped teach us lifes lessons ( and we all knew they had moms permission to discipline us as needed). Unfortunately parents today are working longer and different shifts making it hard for family life, not like back in the day when you worked 9-5 M-F and stores were closed on Sundays so the family went to the beach or fishing for the day. My wife and I have made serious changes in our jobs to be home more with our kids right now, it has cost us financially but I believe the reward will be worth the price.


Parents need to take the time and do things with their kids, not just leave them to the play stations and computers. Get involved with them, and get them involved whether it be fishing, sports, hiking whatever. Keep them busy and there is less time for trouble, all kids are going to get in trouble from time to time it is part of growing up hopefully we can keep them out of serious trouble. They have to understand that there will be consequences for all actions not just some time out in the corner. Each of my 2 children have both recieved an appropriate spank when justified and understand that the punishment will be used if necessary, luckily it has not been needed that often but they are still pretty young. Great Thread.

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