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A steelheading journey through the season


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Steelheading for the most part has always been part of my life in some form or another. I started bottom bouncing and spinner fishing for them at a young age. Moved onto float fishing for them a few years after and then picked up fly fishing when I was able to save enough Birthday and Christmas money to buy my first combo. I remember being a quiet, anti-social hermit when it came to my fishing – Polite and courteous nonetheless to other anglers. I fished mostly by myself away from the crowds and always had an ultra-competitive drive to catch fish regardless of the time or conditions – This could explain my on-going fascination with Gore-tex and polar fleece.


This is my first real steelheading season in about 4yrs. I’ve mellowed out a bit since then. I find myself waking up later, leaving the river earlier and spending more time chatting with other anglers while eating almonds or a granola bar. I’m actually enjoying my fishing more because of it...And yes I do still catch some fish in the process.



I almost forgot how much I love fishing in February through to April. No exams, assignments or homework to worry about this season :thumbsup_anim:


First steelhead of the year



Biggest steelhead of the season



Some other pics







I also had the pleasure of meeting Kemper and JDMLS on the river. JDMLS and I got into a double header one morning



The last few months, I managed to run into fellow OFNer’s, Efka, Okuma Sheffield, Joeytier and Kelfun on a couple of the rivers and I got to see Anton land his first ever steelhead. I also fished with Victor, Silvio and BBnotty quite a bit this season and had a blast.


Opener 2009

It’s a yearly tradition for my dad and I. We’ve hit the same river and fished for steelhead for as long as I can remember fishing the opener. This year Victor tagged along with us hoping to get his first steelhead on the pin’.


Victor managed to catch this fish twice on the same bait within the same hour.LOL



My biggest fish of the trip



I managed to go 4/10 - 2 small bucks and 2 hens. Unfortunately my dad blanked. A few people we talked to did a bit better but the majority of anglers left the river a little disappointed. Certainly far less fish around than what we’re used to seeing on the opener. For me, it was more satisfying watching Victor land his first fish on the pin than actually catching loads of fish myself. Quite funny to hear him say “my arm is sore” after only 2 fish :D


Despite the crowds and the lack of fish, I fell in love with the river almost 20yrs ago and still love the scenery and atmosphere when I’m fishing it.


Post Opener

Road tripping with Silvio (Apr 27-28)


Spent a couple days fishing with Silvio. The plan was to hit up a few rivers and camp out in his truck. BBNotty and his son Brendan joined us the first day. The fishing was slow to say the least. The rivers we fished got pounded all weekend and the low clear waters didn’t help. We put in lots of footwork during the trip and re-tied a heck of lot after getting either snagged up or broken off in the wood. The fish we did end up landing made us appreciate them a little bit extra. Here are some pics I took during the trip – Silvio has the others on his camera (not to mention the beauty hen that Brendan landed).


A welcomed surprise - It couldn't resist a cobra-sized dewie.





A dropback hen that stayed out of the wood






Centrepin in stealth fighter black – The fish can’t detect it on their radar.LOL



Other memories from the trip:

- Cooking chicken burgers in the middle of a plaza parking lot in the middle of the night.

- Mike: “I think the GPS wants us to drive across that lake over there”

- Mike: “Silvio, if you cast behind that rock and keep that drift, you should be able to get one”... “FISH ON!” (His first drift of the trip too)

- Silvio: “Berge [bBNotty], you should’ve seen Mike go all ninja turtle on that steelies @$$”

- Silvio: “Are you really that scared to camp out here for the night?” (crazy redneck guy screams out in the bushes)…”Ok let’s go somewhere else”

- Mike: “Silvio, what’s that smell?...Nooooooooo!”


It was an awesome and very memorable trip which won’t be forgotten anytime soon.


I plan to do a few more trips for steel in the coming weeks before totally switching over to carp for good - I guess you could say I’m making up for some lost time. I enjoyed the fishing and the time spent fishing with others whom I met this season. It’s also my first steelheading season in a long (very long) time where I didn’t destroy a camera [knock on wood] – hence the reason why you folks can see pics today. Hope you enjoyed the journey through my 2009 spring steelheading season.



Edited by MJL
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Mike: “Silvio, what’s that smell?...Nooooooooo!”


I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing BAAHAHAH!!


DOU fill us in!!





Here's the full conversation



“Silvio what’s that smell?....Nooooooooo!….”

“Can’t breath……Must….Open up….Window…”



“I think you’ll find opening up the window to be quite impossible”



“Noooooo!…Damn you Silvio and your power windows!...[gag] I can taste it now”

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Great report and pics Mike :thumbsup_anim:


You certainly had a great season and got into some good looking steel!!! Congratulations :clapping:

Always like reading your reports and now looking forward to seeing your future carp reports :thumbsup_anim:


Keep up the go work and thanks for sharing


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