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bad news!


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So my girlfriends grandmother broke her hip this past Friday.


shes 62 and involved in her community more than anybody could imagine.


She raises money for minor sports is part of the royal purple, cooks such incredible food for bonspiels, banquets and many other events, she picks up garbage on her daily walk, and many other unselfish and greatly appreciated gestures. She is an amazing person who means so much to a community without ever asking for anything in return. having been diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, recently having surgery to correct her glaucoma, having to make repeated trips to Toronto and now having broke her hip Friday outside of the high school going in to collect a donation for the united church, it seems as though the saying "when it rains it pours" has struck her with bad luck.


As the story turns out two young teenagers from the school assisted her in getting up and calling the ambulance. The school has asked for the two students to come forth as many thank you letters are awaiting them from friends, family and others of Helen. The two young men have not come forth wishing to remain anonymous not wanting any praise or pats on the back from anybody, i guess it just goes to show that there are some people out there who are very thoughtful at heart and help make the world a better place.



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Some people spend a lifetime seeking praise, others don't need it.


Sounds like your GF's grandmother, plus the 2 boys that helped her are all pretty good people and hopefully she has a speedy recovery.


She sounds like quite the lady.

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here's wishing your grandmother a speedy recovery, it sounds like she will be missed while she is recovering. As far as the 2 helpers remaining anonymous I would do the same. They were just doing what you would expect of anyone who would come upon a person in distress. The truly sad part is that there are many who would not do what you would expect! I guess that's why in today's society we are surprised when someone actually does something nice. Good for them for helping, and I agree with their decision to remain anonymous.

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thanks for the wishes and replies everyone.


went and saw her this morning after she got transferred to the hospital here in town and i got a couple days off


she's still a little doped up but in good humour, she brings home cooked meals to many of the people in the hospital for short term patients


and asked me " well who the heck is gonna bring the lunches in for them? (the patients) followed by " actually who the hell is gonna bring me


lunch?" hhaha she's smiling and lookin up hoping to be home in a few days.



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