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I talk to people all the time that say there going walleye or steel head fishing even though there out of season after i tell them there out of season i ushaly get a "o well i just fish them for fun any way" is it right that people are pulling these fish off there nests <_<


Rules will always be broken and that's how it is. People just don't care.

What bothers me most is people taking too many fish. Geez, keep a couple for eating and let the big and small ones go. I hate how people keep everything that comes out of the water.


I was up on simcoe today.and saw people catching some walleye in the beaver river..and keeping them...walleye is closed on the 14th of march up there and doesn't open again until may.. I have to say that I see this more and more these days...Really ticks me off!


Only thing you can do is explain they are in violation of the regs and they should know better.


The license they buy gives the impression they should know better.


You also have to take into consideration people don't know the regs. There are so many that people don't bother to care. Because I love this sport, I take the time to look at opening seasons, my limits even though I rarely keep fish and worse part is, every place and species seem to have their own rules. People who don't have internet access don't bother checking or calling.


The regs clearly state that it is illegal to attempt to catch fish that are out of season even if you are going to release them. If they clearly know this and are fishing anyway, call the MNR and report them. Regulations are in place for a reason.


This is now on my cell phone as well as the local CO's contact info.


To contact the ministry, call our toll-free line at 1-800-667-1940 (TTY for Hearing Impaired - 1-866-686-6072) between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.


The CO's are your first call, then the local coppers. either way, make A Call...


Its pretty much got to the point with all the bull that I keep hearing about the average person not knowing anything about the regs where I want to see some sort of fishing licence exam come in. They do it for the hunting course, why not fishing? Idiots still keep over their limits, fish out of season, use illegal rigs, ect ect and everyime they just say uhhhhh oh its in the fishing regs eh guess I better check those ha ha ha. Its just too easy to get a licence in this province and some people really dont care about the fish regardless. Something really needs to be done, because there not nearly enough COs in this province to deal with these people.


Bold, very Bold. Its a little like pan handling, you sort of have to have no pride and not really care what others think, and they know they wont go to jail, so they take the risk. Bad behavior in my opinion.


i tell every one i speak with and i just get a "o,well im only fishing for fun anyways" and they have the nerve to ask me where the best spot is for walleye and pike after i tell them everything is closed

Posted (edited)

Call the MNR ( 1-877 -847-7667) this number is toll free and open 24hrs a day. Let them know what's going on. It may take a few calls before they act but it's a start.

Edited by timmeh

i know an old guy that will take as many animals and fish as possible. he hasnt been to a grocery store in 2-3years and he has a big garden in his backyard. he feels that since he doesnt go buy his food he has the right to catch as many fish as he wants and shoot as many animals that he wants. i've seen pictures of his catches and he has a tarp on the ground with over 50specks on it piled up. last olding partridge season he shot 30 birds and he last one was on the highway. hes been caught a number of times with well over his limit and hes paid the fines and hes not aloud to moose hunt for the rest of his life. they have to lock him up for a while. people like this wreck it for everyone else.


let me tell you... The Grand is PACKED full of people up at the damn... and from the three minutes I sat in the park and watched.... few were carp fishing..



  Gerritt said:
let me tell you... The Grand is PACKED full of people up at the damn... and from the three minutes I sat in the park and watched.... few were carp fishing..





You've got that right for sure! That damn in Caledonia might as well be designated a poachers sanctuary. See a lot of guys carp fishing with minnows and roe. If a CO were to drop by that place next Saturday he'd hand out enough in fines to pay his salary for a month or more.


call your CO or local cops as stated sitting around and doing nothing isnt helping either call the tips line ! they cant be on every river all the time but if they get a number of complaints they will have to check it out sooner or later ,

Posted (edited)

Wiser.... you can call and call till your fingers go numb... not enough CO's in the area.. and the OPP here have more problems to deal with, then probably most county's do... being we are in Haldimand County



I am thinking of donning my waders and bringing my Fisker's with me...


Snip, Snip Snip... LOL!



Edited by Gerritt

buy a CO badge put it on your coat and walk around asking people what there fishing for lol they prob crap them selves on the spot

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