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If the fish are all in one container, you gotta be able to tell which ones are yours.

You can't fish off of somebody elses limit. We have teased each other about that for years. When I got my 5, I would put my rod down, put my feet up and say...well, I'm done :P

If it is bass we are talking about then you are allowed 6.

I know the MNR changed the rules on culling just so they could do it bass tourneys. Before, you could only cull once. It was crazy.

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In any tournament I've been in you can only have five fish in the boat. Two guys aren't allowed to carry 8 fish and cull later, you have to cull when you catch #6.

If you are talking about a Pro-Am type tournament where two guys are each fishing for their own limit, I think that culling to make one good limit would be considered cheating.

Edited by garry2rs
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I personally don't believe it happened. I don't believe any CO is going to do that because it will not hold up in court.


I lived next door to a DEC officer for nine years and I know it would never happen here in NYS.


I believe it's a beer tail..............

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In any tournament I've been in you can only have five fish in the boat. Two guys aren't allowed to carry 8 fish and cull later, you have to cull when you catch #6.

If you are talking about a Pro-Am type tournament where two guys are each fishing for their own limit, I think that culling to make one good limit would be considered cheating.

Yeah I think you are correct. Makes my scenario a moot point. So instead of a tournament lets just say we had 8 in livewell and we were fishing (non-tournament). Do I still get charged for having over 6 bass despite the fact I have only caught 4?

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I personally don't believe it happened. I don't believe any CO is going to do that because it will not hold up in court.


I lived next door to a DEC officer for nine years and I know it would never happen here in NYS.


I believe it's a beer tail..............


We got warned once coming off of Simcoe when ice fishing. We'd put the perch on one sled got the "party fishing" speech. We just stayed very polite, thanked him for the insight and chatted with him about how guys had been doing and what charges he'd laid. I've wondered since about the livewell question when there's more than 1 person in the boat.

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I personally don't believe it happened. I don't believe any CO is going to do that because it will not hold up in court.


I lived next door to a DEC officer for nine years and I know it would never happen here in NYS.


I believe it's a beer tail..............



They don't care if it holds up in court.


I know a guy that the CO was gunning for. He knew the guy was poaching, taking over his limit, etc.

Opening day of pickerell, the guy had been out fishing and the CO comes for a visit. Chats with the guy about fishing and stuff for a while. Looks in the garbage and pulls out the hides. He counted over a limit. The guy says, well, other guys cleaned their fish here. He got charged with taking over the limit.

The guy goes to court over it and gets off. But..the CO cost him a days pay to show up in court, and 5 hours drive and gas to fight it.

PS I know the CO was right in this case

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If it is bass we are talking about then you are allowed 6.

I know the MNR changed the rules on culling just so they could do it bass tourneys. Before, you could only cull once. It was crazy.



I don't know what the limits are right now, they have changed so much in the last little while, and I have never kept a bass

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