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  musky_man said:
Feel your pain, Spiel ... wife got laid off at Global 3 weeks ago ... now we have to guess if she'll get her full severance ... if they go bankrupt, then she won't ... now they are bleeding more red than a floating fish factory.


Best of luck to you.



Thank you and I hope your wife does indeed get her severance.


"now they are bleeding more red than a floating fish factory."


I like it, I'm sure I can find a use for that line someday. :):thumbsup_anim:


Outlaw asked "where's our government" I think they just passed legislation that will make it easier for foreign takeover of Canadian companies, they might want to re think that.


canadians deserve better. . i truly hope the steel industry can re-bound. trade policies should be re-vamped.. the un-fortunate issue is the trickle down is now a gusher.


Sure was sad last night. I went to the 1005 meeting last night. The look on peoples faces, was not nice. Some guys will never see a pension or will be reduced so much it will put them welfare, were nobody would have thought. Plus no benefits.

This is just 1 company, the way things are going could be 100's


yup things are bad @ USS... I feel for them boys down there... and the pensioners at home wondering when the cheques will stop after giving so many years of service... one giant crap show if you ask me... I wonder though if the executives still get their bonuses?.....



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