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I have one of those cards. I do not abuse my right to harvest. In fact, I use the same slot size that you do when I fish Nippissing. My brother and I took one moose this year and split it up between six people. We also harvested one deer for the two of us and took one bear. It is unfortunate that some do not abide by the slot and limits, but I know of some outdoor card holders that don't either. These are called poachers. Regardless of what license or card that a person happens to hold, it is every individual's responsibility to ensure that our children will have some resources left when they need them in the future. There will always be people that abuse what is there and feel that they are owed something. I have had some pretty heated arguments with some of my fellow card holders about the abuse you are talking about. These people will never be convinced that conservation is the only way to preserve our heritage. With the cuts in the MNR over the last decade, poaching is on the rise and these people will never be convinced that they are stealing from us all. Thankfully, most people on both sides are aware and encourage the effective management strategies that are set forth by the MNR as well as the First Nation fishing communities. The only thing that we can do is continue to try and get the message across and not point fingers at one another.




I must commend you for not abusing the resource. :thumbsup_anim:


There are to many that do abuse " Harvester Card" .. I could rattle off names.. but that's not like me...


Hatsoff Hogman!




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i agree with randy from sturgeon.


I would like to ad that last year on the south shore I fished a total of 14 days. I did not see one CO the whole time I was on the water and I have not seen one for about 8 years on the south bay where i spend most of my time and most of my fishing is high pressure times such as long weekends opening dates etc.... I know they do get out there but i surely dont see them. I know its busier out by callandar and out front of north bay but they need to control the whole lake better then what i have seen.



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I don't blame a certain race of people for the decline of any fishery.


I blame nets and the governments that let people use them!!!


Outlaw all netting in the world and watch the fish populations boom like you've never seen before!!!


Give the commercial fishermen and other people that use nets a rod and reel and see how much damage they can do!!!

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The thing that bothers me is when people speak the truth they have to have "balls" to do it like Randy. People up here know what's going on because they see it happening. The fish don't just disappear all of a sudden, they're taken and the vast majority isn't by anglers. You can't stretch nets across a river in the spring and not do damage. The mouth of the sturgeon river is barren in the spring now because of that happening. The native fishery is self regulated in large part so what incentive or deterrents are in place when the catch is largely under reported? nothing. The lake is going to be on the verge of collapsing once again, the limits for anglers will be further reduced or eliminated and the real problem will continue to be ignored. There's no point getting upset because nothing will be done about it, there is no political will and anyone who speaks out will be labeled a racist when the real issue is that more money could be brought into this area if there was a thriving fishery rather than having a few take so many, why not have many taking a few? it will never happen as the lake is "theirs".

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Ballsy and vvery appropriate responce Randyfromsturgeon


hotrod Posted Today, 09:47 AM

The thing that bothers me is when people speak the truth they have to have "balls" to do it like Randy. People up here know what's going on because they see it happening. The fish don't just disappear all of a sudden, they're taken and the vast majority isn't by anglers. You can't stretch nets across a river in the spring and not do damage. The mouth of the sturgeon river is barren in the spring now because of that happening. The native fishery is self regulated in large part so what incentive or deterrents are in place when the catch is largely under reported? nothing. The lake is going to be on the verge of collapsing once again, the limits for anglers will be further reduced or eliminated and the real problem will continue to be ignored. There's no point getting upset because nothing will be done about it, there is no political will and anyone who speaks out will be labeled a racist when the real issue is that more money could be brought into this area if there was a thriving fishery rather than having a few take so many, why not have many taking a few? it will never happen as the lake is "theirs".


dickie Posted Today, 04:51 PM

Hotrod you nailed it on the head. I agree. Too bad that people call us bigots. I like to think that we are realists


sandybay Posted Today, 05:28 PM

The problem is when you got the balls to say it like is is online not just the coffee shop your labelled a bigot, more people need to speak up.


Ballsy?... not really... misinformed would be more like it. Don't blame the people, blame your government for letting them do it!!!... Think about it!


Bigotry... possibly.

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GCD I wonder who is the one that is misinformed. If you don't think that the natives play every card that they are dealt, and then play the role as victim, Then I think you are misinformed.


I'll have one of what "little dickie" is drinkin' bartender!!!


Ol' Yeller's been lookin fer a cure to shrink the "Alabama Gila Monster"!!!

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Umm... the 3,000,000 people living just 3 hrs to the south would'nt have nothing to do with the lack of fish around here today now would it?

Cry all you want ya bunch of whiners. Like I tell some of my uncarded friends ( and I do consider them friends).

"There was plenty of fish and game around here before you guys showed up."

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"There was plenty of fish and game around here before you guys showed up."


Well there you have it, I guess "we" are to blame. "We" provided modern day boats and motors, monofilament netting, GPS and sonar and all the other technology and means now available to deplete the wild fish stocks of any body of water we choose, the oceans included. So yes "we" are ultimately responsible.

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Well there you have it, I guess "we" are to blame. "We" provided modern day boats and motors, monofilament netting, GPS and sonar and all the other technology and means now available to deplete the wild fish stocks of any body of water we choose, the oceans included. So yes "we" are ultimately responsible.



Took the words right out of my mouth. Gone are the good old days of birch bark canoes and spears.

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John, the fact is that 40,000 kg is allotted to the native fishery and 20,000kg is alotted to the anglers. You should read the nugget article which spells this out in black and white. Also you can take far more fish in nets than you ever would angling and that's without taking into account the ghost nets drifting around still catching fish, not to mention all the other "undesireable" species that get thrown on the ice like the 300 or so smallmouth that were caught on cross point a while ago. I'm against "kill" netting and under reported harvesting regardless of who is doing it. It's just happens that the only commercial fishing is done by natives on lake nipissing. There would be far more money brought into ALL communities surrounding the lake if commercial fishing was stopped, yours included.

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Well there you have it, I guess "we" are to blame. "We" provided modern day boats and motors, monofilament netting, GPS and sonar and all the other technology and means now available to deplete the wild fish stocks of any body of water we choose, the oceans included. So yes "we" are ultimately responsible.



Took the words right out of my mouth. Gone are the good old days of birch bark canoes and spears.


Sounded like he was referring to the 3 million people down in the GTA for coming up and fishing the waters in the north. Regardless, I don't think this is the place to get into a Native rights debate. I am part native myself, but I probably look "whiter" than most people. The amount of racism I see towards Native Americans in the fishing world is shameful. In my experiences people aren't openly racist towards any other race like they are towards Native Americans, although I don't hang around any KKK members. I have seen some places where the Natives do take advantage of what the government provides for them and I think Drifter from up in YK can relate. Just drive down 50th in Yellowknife after 11pm, well all day for that matter, and you'll see the Natives hanging out on the rails drinking out of a brown paper bag. It's sad really but that's the lifestyle up there for some of them. I have also seen the other side of things, Native Americans who have used what the government has provided to get a good education and become very successful. You are all so quick to respond and place the blame on the other both Native and non-Native alike. We have to all look at ourselves and share the blame. Does the Native netting during the spawn hurt the fish population? Sure it does. Does the massive amount of ice fishing on the lake hurt the fish population? Of course. I think everyone that fishes or harvests there needs to share part of the blame and for the 2 of you above...gone are the days of raping and pillaging as well...and thank God for that!

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This started off being about why the fishing has been so lousy on lake nipissing. Many feel it is due to the over harvest of the commercial fishery that happens to be only natives. I agree there needs to be shared responsibilty from all parties. The anglers already have slot limits and a reduced limit. I believe that more attention needs to be on enforcing the quotas as I and many others feel that they are greatly under reported and do not reflect the actual catch. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Same goes for the guys who keep slot fish, lots do using the justification of why should I let fish go so they can end up in the nets? I know the CO's up here do a helluva job but they can't be everywhere checking catches of everyone on the lake.

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It really sucks spending $1000 for a cottage and throwing back all the nice keeper fish, knowing the natives don't have to or the locals for that matter. I was up on the west arm thanksgiving weekend and all the locals with the french accents were keeping everything they caught and were not afraid to show it off. Drive by em and they pull up a stringer of all slot fish, while we were letting em go. My father caught a 8 pounder and any other lake would have let it go but that was one we were allowed to keep so it was coming home! The other keepers we caught you don't get much more meat then a perch from, what a waste! WE did catch a heck of a lot of eyes in the slot though, more then any other trip and have been going up for years. Everyone around us was catching aswell, thats how I know they were keeping them! Musta been the right place right time I guess.

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Zebco I feel for you and you aren't alone. It's not just the locals with the french accents, lots of people keep them in the slot and they don't really bother to hide it, I've seen them lying right out in the open on the ice. I disagree with that type of behaviour and obey the slots, a fish isn't worth a fine and negative publicity. However, it's pretty hard to argue that one guy can keep all he wants and has no slot, no season, while another guy can't because he isn't in the right group. Different rules for different people will always create resentment.

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