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Pics of the Jeep that went through in Innisfil


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NO.. we were out there in a van Saturday....ice was perfectly safe (as ice can be). Some pressure cracks where getting questionable when we came back in and some refreeze spots looked iffy so you just don't drive on them. Looks like he drove into a pressure crack area where the ice got pushed down (what he's sitting on) and it refroze above it.. but not solid. He went thru the refreeze and is sitting on the original ice (that is most likely over 14 inches thick.)


That would be my guess as well.


I wouldn't have driven over that spot to start with. I'd be driving parallel to that crack, looking for a safer spot to cross. I'd say 99% of vehicles thru the ice are in a crack that could have been crossed in a much safer area. I see guys out there doing 60-80km/h.........what do they do when they come to a bad spot?? Hope for good luck?? I never understood that. Taker slow, and watch where your going. And fer gawd's sakes, don't drive over anything that looks "different".



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NO.. we were out there in a van Saturday....ice was perfectly safe (as ice can be). Some pressure cracks were getting questionable when we came back in and some refreeze spots looked iffy so you just don't drive on them. Looks like he drove into a pressure crack area where the ice got pushed down (what he's sitting on) and it refroze above it.. but not solid. He went thru the refreeze and is sitting on the original ice (that is most likely over 14 inches thick.)

Very close to that.

appenrently (this is according to my friend who witnessed it) there were 3 big pressure cracks that that joined together at this area and kind of made a pie slice in the ice. as the driver approached the location and noticed that 2 pressure cracks were present, he slowed down quickly, The sudden slow down put pressure on the front of this 'plate of ice' which caused it to move forward and down below the ice. The jeep is sitting on a 14' slice of ice that has sunk under the ice. there is now open water around the jeep from the slice that has gone forward and down.

Kind of hard to explain but if they could get that slab of ice that the jeep is sitting on to move back a few feet it might float up to level. Not going to happen though because it weighs too much and is probably frozen in place.

We will have to see what Bassassin says. i think he is going to get it out today.

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So, what if you just brought your brand new vehicle down for a days ice fishing and its been decided that you're going to walk out to the fishing grounds. Once you get there though, your buddy says "AWWW cmon man! Lookit all those vans and fullsize trucks out there. Can't be bad if THEY"RE on it!!!" You go out and your Jeep goes in the drink. Do you a) hang your head in shame B) make sure your friend is never seen again c) Stay friends with said buddy, but only if he pays the 30K and d) Split the bill??? You can pick more than one...

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The cost of clean up can be really high! Our neighbour had a fuel oil leak: The bill to date for the clean up (because he has waterfront property) is in excess of $1.2 Million and still climbing, it has been 2 years and the clean up is still going on. It was only a 250 gal tank and leaked into the ground about 150' away from the water!


The marina a couple of doors down was going to put in a new gas tank: Cost $50 K for a containment system in case there was ever a leak + all new tanks and equipment + only people that could serve fuel had to take a course @$1000.00 ea. They couldn't afford to put it in.


The rules and laws are getting stricter all the time and the fines? I don't know what they are now but I'll bet they are high!


The real reason the rules surrounding sale of fuel are so strict is because the big oil and gas companies want it that way. They don't want anybody to be able to sell gas, then they might have to compete on price. They want owning/operation of fuel depots to be out of the reach of anyone other than established giants. They make billions, so they'll always be able to afford to play the game...average joes like your friend the marina owner on the other hand can't keep up and are squeezed out. That's capitalism in the 21st century for you.

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can someone send me the GPS points those Jeep Compass make great structure for smallies look at all the room



You might get lost, its a cherokee not a compass. :)


Anyone updates? Is he still on the ice? And I don't think he is near leakage yet, if he goes in then I can see him getting an enviro bill

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