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Couple of hours on Wabigoon


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Hi Y'all,


Went out on Wabigoon today. Its the lake that we live next to and so far this year the fishing has been terrible. I decided to stay local despite the slow fishing because somebody has kindly ploughed a path off the main ice road right the way to Larson Bay near our house....and beyond....don’t know how far the ploughed road goes.....but I went a couple of miles.








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I got set up, luckily I decided to bring my flip up shack, cuz I forgot my jacket, but I was outside until 3:30 cuz it was such a beautiful day. I set up 2 lines......and waited.....and waited....and waited. Wow.....this was slow even for Wabigoon! I set about clearing a patch of ice for the flip up.....and waited some more. Still no bites....and nothing showing on the fish finder either.



So I decided to do a little video of the Lowrance X67C in flasher mode to demonstrate that it does not lag as some people have been saying it does.....killed some time anyway....lol :sleeping_02:










<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_2552.flv">









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I could not believe the luck of capturing a fish on the flasher as I was trying to demonstrate it working....pretty cool I thought, considering I’d not had a bite or even seen a fish in almost 2 hours!!!! was my luck about to change?...lol....NOPE!



Well it did get a bit better as the sun dropped which is normal and I got one average size one and 2 little guys. I was seeing a lot of fish on the graph now, but they would inspect the bait and not bite. I did a lot of lure/jig/bait/presentation swapping to get 'em to bite without much success, everything I sent down got the once over and that’s it. Interestingly, when I switched to a plain hook with a split shot 1' above the hook (minnow as bait) it was incredible the amount of fish would rocket towards the split shot, totally bypassing the minnow....really weird. I tried jigs that were plain lead, shiny silver etc...etc...trying to mimic the split shot...without success....really weird....lol.
















Well not many fish today but fun as usual to be out. Really nice sunset to end the day, and even better another fish supper, I was overjoyed to find 2 sirloins in the freezer when looking to supplement the poor quantity of fish I’d brought home....BONUS....SURF AND TURF!!!!!

















SURF AND TURF (ok...not much surf on Wabigoon...but ya know what I mean....lol)




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Great report, pic and videos Simon :thumbsup_anim:


That's real nice of the kind soul to plow the ice road for ya :thumbsup_anim:


I noticed on the first video, on your way to your spot that you past a bunch of ice shacks.... Is this an Outfitter or just local guys that set those up?


Got to love your Lowrance X67c.... great tool to have, shows you exactly where your jig is and also when a fish strikes in real time B)

Cool that you caught one while doing the demonstration :clapping:


The ice must be thick by now in your area since you can drive on it.... Here, the snow is all gone from the top of the ice from all the rain we got..... now must wait until it freezes to be able to get back out there.


I plan on going out Wednesday in the afternoon after work.... will just have to see :thumbsup_anim:

That surf and turf looks real yummy but is missing an ingredient :w00t: deer pepperettes :whistling:


Thanks for taking the time to put this report together and sharing it with us :canadian::Gonefishing::clapping:


Edited by Leechman
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MMMmmmm...tasty! Another great report...I liked listenting to the tunes while driving out to your spot...oh wait...I wasn't actually there! :rolleyes: I think it's proof-positive about the flasher capabilities on your Lowrance...makes me think twice about getting a flasher-only unit.

About that split-shot....I wonder if they thought it was some sort of bug/crustacean? Wonder what would happen if you had a little ratso/finkie/genz bug tied on as a dropper? Just a thought.... :whistling:

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Awesome 4x4 ing on the ice-road,simon !!! :canadian: nice report & video clips/pictures, :whistling: you will have to get back to that spot in the spring,there may just be a few more eyes waiting for you !!! sure looks like beautiful country up there.thanks for sharing your day on the lake !!!!....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Hey leechman, those shacks are just the locals. There is a new town that appears every year out there, last year there were 24 shacks along the 1km ice road. I love the ice road, saves me 25kms on a round trip to town, not to mention the time and gas savings...all for $40 per season!



I might get round to hunting one day, but the fishing is too good and i never find time off from fishing to do my gun courses....lol. I've got deer in the freezer from a buddy, saving it for my parents when they come over in March, they really appreciate it!





Hey Johnny, you read my mind...again...lol.


Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking to find a pattern that resembled a nymph/shrimp type thing too. The walleye i got the other day at Burr Lake coughed up a couple of brown nymph/larvae things too, those Burr Lake fish were also checking out the split shot too.


Finding a good imitation lure, apart from using brown/copper jigs would be useful for June as well when the Mayfly/fishfly hatch reaches plague proportions and literally shuts down the fishing with the glut of food.




Clamp-it Glad i could almost take ya there :thumbsup_anim:

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Hey leechman, those shacks are just the locals. There is a new town that appears every year out there, last year there were 24 shacks along the 1km ice road. I love the ice road, saves me 25kms on a round trip to town, not to mention the time and gas savings...all for $40 per season!

I might get round to hunting one day, but the fishing is too good and i never find time off from fishing to do my gun courses....lol. I've got deer in the freezer from a buddy, saving it for my parents when they come over in March, they really appreciate it!


Cool Simon, new town on ice... ever tried setting up near the shacks for fishing? Looks like a good area since a lot of the locals hang around there :whistling:


If you ever take up hunting and pass your gun course, I'm sure you will love it :thumbsup_anim:

Must be a lot of deers and moose in your area :canadian:

Edited by Leechman
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