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I went hunt,n with a member here


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Well I sent out this invite and sure enough, he,s heading up in the AM. I got a good laugh at his question. Havent you got yer deer yet???????????????????? I said,When you going to shoot yer first turkey????????????? :lol::lol::lol:

Wayne Im sure you know who it is.LMAO

Talk about a kid in a candy shop.


Wish us luck. Im going to need it. :P:huh::lol::lol:


POWER OF THE OFC. :clapping::clapping::canadian:



BTW,he,ll be siiting close to the dogs.HAHAHAHAH

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Well I sent out this invite and sure enough, he,s heading up in the AM. I got a good laugh at his question. Havent you got yer deer yet???????????????????? I said,When you going to shoot yer first turkey????????????? :lol::lol::lol:


Good luck Brian :thumbsup_anim: Don't know to story behind this but eventually will all find out B)


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The best part about this hunt is,It will be about sharing,a bond,sharing our sport and having spent time as friends/sportsmen.If a kill happens,well thats a bonus. Now Remo,get to bed earlly,I need yer eyes keen and sharp,as I,ll be taking a nap.LOL

Dont forget.Exit Essa rd,go through the lights,and park. I,ll be there(just like the song) HAHHAHAHAHA


Oh that didnt sound good did it?????????????????LOL

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The best part about this hunt is,It will be about sharing,a bond,sharing our sport and having spent time as friends/sportsmen.If a kill happens,well thats a bonus. Now Remo,get to bed earlly,I need yer eyes keen and sharp,as I,ll be taking a nap.LOL

Dont forget.Exit Essa rd,go through the lights,and park. I,ll be there(just like the song) HAHHAHAHAHA

Oh that didnt sound good did it?????????????????LOL


Don't nap too much.... and hope you don't get scared the bejezzers out of ya :lol::canadian:

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The only reason I haven't got my deer yet is because I haven't been out archery hunting except for an hour or so one evening.

Saw a buck chasing 3 does across a field, but they were too far for a shot. Got his attention for a second, but he had other things on his mind. :wub::rolleyes:

No worries Brian. If one of those wild mutts takes a snap at me, I'll teach him a lesson if front of all his buddies.

(see signature)


If all goes well, you'll have fresh meat in the freezer. I'm just not sure what species it will be. :lol:


See you in the am.



Saw three does in the yard yesterday... lmao !


You just had to rub it in didn't you Wayne.



Gotta go. Taking the little guy to an OHL game at the Hershey Centre. Mississauga (St. Mikes Majors) vs. Erie Otters



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Something tells me, he,ll be home early. Otters will be doing the major chew, on the Majors tonight.


Got home about 11:15pm. My son wanted to do a bit of skating after the game.

Erie was ahead 4 - 1 most of the game, but we managed a couple of late goals to make it close. 4-3 final.

Good call Brian.


Just got my gear ready & now I'm typing rather than sleeping. Gotta get some shut eye.

Brian will probably be sleeping in the stand and the deer will walk right by him.

Somebody has to be awake to do the shooting. :lol:



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First off it was real nice to hook up with Remo. We shared some great stories on our drive to and from the bush.

Super fella and family man.

When we arrived at our spot,the dogs were yelpping like you would not believe. Tell,em Remo,they wont believe me.LOL

We got ourselves all dressed up and off we head along that road I was talking to you about in my last post. Sure as poop,theres tracks all over,and fresh. Im starting to second guess myself as to weather we go to the stand or sit in the opening. The hell with it,lets just stick with the plan, and go to the stand. I get Remo to the first stand and head off to do some ground hunting.

It was the perfect morning.Quiet and no wind to speak of. Once I got myself set up on my first spot,it didnt take long to hear a snap behind me. The heart starts and Im am afraid to even budge.It,s right behind me. I slowly turn,trying my best to see through the pines and yes there it is,a tan furry animal. I hold steady and still, waiting for it to make it,s next move. For some reason,it backs away,turns and walks off. Man this ground hunting is alot harder then one thinks. I know being down off the stand,they can catch your scent alot easier.

I give the deer 10 minutes to be on it,s way before I decide to try and stalk it. I followed the tracks for about 20 minutes right out to the opening,and right under my afternoon stand. :wallbash::wallbash:


With no sight of the deer I head off to the corn field to see if anything is out there. Nope,no deer nor turkeys,but I did watch them do thier fly downs.Love that.


Since Remo,s son had a hockey game at noon our day was being cut short,so I headed back to him around 10:30ish. On my travels to him I see some very fresh tracks. I was wondering if he got a view of the passer by,but nope,he was sleeping.LOL J/K.


We called it a morning and headed back out. Lots of good sign,just have to be there when they are.


Oh that plan B thing.

Seeing all the fresh tracks heading in,I thought maybe we should just ground hunt the opening and see what happens,whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,because of this :wallbash::whistling::wallbash:




The bloody deer walked our path in,right to the fence line. Oh I was so $%$%&%&%$. I,ll be siting there Sunday.


Well that was our morning,I know Remo had some action at the stand,but I,ll leave that for him to tell.


A vid(sorry for the clacking noice,dont know what causes it)


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://img.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vidmg.photobucket.com/albums/v731/misfish/pic02275.flv">


Remo in the stand.




Looking forward to hooking up again Bud.

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I find it REALLY hard to believe that Brian and Remo went hunting... let alone together.. and bagged NOTHING! :P:o:D


Incredible.... can't be true??? (Insert sarcasm here..)

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