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Most important broadcast you should listen to

Guest Lundboy is Done

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Don't need to watch it. The answer is simple:


1) greed on the part of the loaners

2) lack of ethics on the part of the loaners

3) large populations of individuals who don't understand the risks that go with sizable debt. Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, so to speak.

4) lack of assertive action by the government on the above 3.


There....I just saved a bunch of people 44 minutes.



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Don't need to watch it. The answer is simple:


1) greed on the part of the loaners

2) lack of ethics on the part of the loaners

3) large populations of individuals who don't understand the risks that go with sizable debt. Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, so to speak.

4) lack of assertive action by the government on the above 3.


There....I just saved a bunch of people 44 minutes.




That's pretty rude, actually. Did you watch the video? About 1/4 of it has to do with what you're talking about.....the last 2/3-3/4 goes far beyond that.

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That's pretty rude, actually. Did you watch the video?


Hey stop attacking me in the forum! Thats rude!:


Like I said "don't need to watch it". (did ya miss that part?). All this trouble would have been avoided if people could have followed those first 3 steps. Simple rules can make a simple life.....its a fishing forum. I bet most here like their life to be simple.


About 1/4 of it has to do with what you're talking about.....the last 2/3-3/4 goes far beyond that.

By your own words did in less than a minute what it took them 11.25 minutes to do.....how smart can the guys in the video be? :angel:

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Hey stop attacking me in the forum! Thats rude!:


Interesting. The video i linked to describes how things are WAY worse than most people think, including those who know about the stuff you described. Your points explain to a degree who is to blame and what happened, but they in no way describe how/why/what's important.

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Guest lundboy
Don't need to watch it. The answer is simple:


1) greed on the part of the loaners

2) lack of ethics on the part of the loaners

3) large populations of individuals who don't understand the risks that go with sizable debt. Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, so to speak.

4) lack of assertive action by the government on the above 3.


There....I just saved a bunch of people 44 minutes.




Forrest, I agree that debt is the cause of the problems today 100%. In one sense you are correct that people should have lived within their means.


However most people can't live within their means. They have been conditioned from birth by TV, peer pressure, their own parents etc., that they must have this toy or that. Edward Bernays back in early to mid 20th century made his living by using propaganda to convince the public they needed to buy "stuff". He's Freud's nephew and he single handedly created the marketing phenomena. He is known to this day as "The Father of Public Relations". His work convinced people to buy based on wants rather than needs, using psycho-scientific methods developed by his uncle. His work opened the doors to the general public to accept personal debt to get what they wanted. This guy is even responsible for getting women to smoke through marketing campaigns.


Today without credit how many people would have a home, or vehicle to get to work. Not many. People have been conditioned that credit is acceptable to get the toys that they want, and to obtain the things that they need such as a house.


Back in the 1950s/60s/70s people were quite capable of buying a home or car and paying cash or maybe a years worth of payments for a car. Not now, no way. And they certainly didn't live with their parents until they were 35 years old either.


As far as point 4, the governments have been very assertive, all is going to plan.

A more insidious form of debt is being perpetrated as we speak. The bailout packages that are being used to "payoff" the bad debt of the financial institutions and soon to be auto industry. This debt in the trillions is being slapped squarely on the backs of the taxpayer, without any input from those taxpayers. This debt will affect everyone for generations, and will not be paid off even in our great grand kids time. As a matter of fact even more will be added by then. It's one of the purist forms of slavery ever invented. (not to mention a blatent display of cronieism)


A side affect of these bailouts is that by throwing this money into the economy, the buying power of said currency is diminished. This causes inflation, and devaluation of the dollar. That means things like food and clothes cost more.


So, is it the working man's fault that he is using debt to get the things he WANTS in life (which will never satisfy), or is it a plan that has been orchestrated and perfected over many decades (centuries in fact) to create this exact situation to sheer the sheep one final time?


The broadcast link I provided addresses that question. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, is their choice... I guess like being lured into debt was also their choice.


Maybe you have been diligent in your finances maybe even have your house paid off, and from a percieved lofty position can make the points you made, but many people will suffer including yourself once all is said and done.


(Hey did you know you only rent your house even if it's paid off? Try not paying the rent on your house -property tax- sometime and see how quickly the government takes it away from you.... it's all a scam, just depends how well one is willing to accept it)

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I can feel for the ones that have been wise but still been hit hard in the states (ie -8000 DHL jobs= no town), It may happen and there too.


Maybe you have been diligent in your finances maybe even have your house paid off, and from a percieved lofty position can make the points you made,


Lofty? That's a 'when did you beat your wife last?' statement:

I could make those points because they are true and in knowing they are true follow their truth.


I still have investment/risk/reward and work to make it to a comfortable level or the same level. Others are comfortable with relatively higher risk. Some turned a blind eye to the risk.



but many people will suffer including yourself once all is said and done


As long as I and the ones I know and care for do not suffer far more than I planned I will be happy. Others are happy no matter what, it can all be a state of mind. Happiness, spiritual growth and societies ????(fill in the blank here) are the less vocal economy.




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I can feel for the ones that have been wise but still been hit hard in the states (ie -8000 DHL jobs= no town), It may happen and there too.

Lofty? That's a 'when did you beat your wife last?' statement:

I could make those points because they are true and in knowing they are true follow their truth.


I still have investment/risk/reward and work to make it to a comfortable level or the same level. Others are comfortable with relatively higher risk. Some turned a blind eye to the risk.

As long as I and the ones I know and care for do not suffer far more than I planned I will be happy. Others are happy no matter what, it can all be a state of mind. Happiness, spiritual growth and societies ????(fill in the blank here) are the less vocal economy.



Curious -- did you watch the video?

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So Lundboy and Cram, seems you guys are into the Doom and Gloom. Without sending me a Link of any sorry AAAssss gloom predictors I want to know your take on things. Now I'm a Man that hates complainers, I even hate complainers that are not doers, or have no solutions of their own. A waste of good rations I say. So, my feeling is your not happy with society. Canadian or American I suspect. So.. Whats YOUR solution. What is your Point. And don't quote someone else's crap thanks.

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So Lundboy and Cram, seems you guys are into the Doom and Gloom. Without sending me a Link of any sorry AAAssss gloom predictors I want to know your take on things. Now I'm a Man that hates complainers, I even hate complainers that are not doers, or have no solutions of their own. A waste of good rations I say. So, my feeling is your not happy with society. Canadian or American I suspect. So.. Whats YOUR solution. What is your Point. And don't quote someone else's crap thanks.


Funny. THE WHOLE VIDEO IS ABOUT 10 THINGS THAT COULD/SHOULD BE DONE TO FIX THINGS. It is not a "world is going to end" video. Did you watch it, or just assume what was in it?


Anyway - I watch the markets like a hawk (livelihood depends on it) and even though the economy is seriously troubled i am pretty optimistic about stuff. You should watch the video -- its very informative (guarantee there's stuff you didn't know) and interesting (if you like this stuff). I think its a worthwhile 40minutes.

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Guest lundboy

So Lundboy and Cram, seems you guys are into the Doom and Gloom. Without sending me a Link of any sorry AAAssss gloom predictors I want to know your take on things. Now I'm a Man that hates complainers, I even hate complainers that are not doers, or have no solutions of their own. A waste of good rations I say. So, my feeling is your not happy with society. Canadian or American I suspect. So.. Whats YOUR solution. What is your Point. And don't quote someone else's crap thanks.


Well Holdfast I will only indulge in this because I believe you truly are curious of what makes me tick, and that others may glean some knowledge from what I'm about to type.


You probably expect an answer in 40 words or less so I will try (mind you it doesn't involve blowing up hippies or a-rab teyer-ists so it might be boring to you):


The solution is to wake people up to what is going on. That's the only way.


If the people don't wake up (planet wide) with enough critical mass within the next 3-4 years, the "society" that you would die to defend, will be no more. And believe me, if people wake up to what's being perpetrated against them, society as we know it is done for anyways. But at least the people will be in control of their own destiny.


By the way, a little history on the origin of the term Holdfast links it to an ancient Roman term to hold steady or firmly, or to fasten. The term actually stems from the ancient Roman symbol at the bottom of this post. It's called a Fasci and yes it is associated with the other word. It was Mussolini's favourite symbol and you might be surprised to see it's current use, such as the U.S. Congress chambers, the U.S. dime. Funny place for such a symbol, is it not?


The "society" as you put it was never the people's society to begin with. It was forced on us, and built using our ancestor's sweat and blood and earnings. It was always the elite's. Everyone makes the mistake of thinking that it is theirs and it is not. Now should people try to save it as it is now, or should they try to save it as it was in their grandfather's time? Or should people wait to try to save it as it will be in our grand children's time? Perhaps they should not save it at all... hmmm... :blink:


Can I expect you to understand this? Or that even in your lifetime western "society" has changed drastically since even your father's time. This would be easy for you to dismiss as a protective reaction to "terrorism" because that is what you are trained to believe having a military background. I saw your recent post of a training camp your were involved in and it was quite clear that it involved "urban wargames", at least by the look of the mock raids on a mock residential dwelling.


Did you ever consider that this training and the militarization of the police forces (automatic weapons, body armour, armoured vehicles), and the sudden condoned acceptance of using military in the streets, is not for "terrorist" activities, or even that the term terrorist has been applied to a widening body of actions by citizens that may be construed as being anti-government such as protesting or someone that falls behind on their taxes? You should... but I suspect you will not.


I am not anti-society. I am am very much anti-global agenda.


It's funny you should mention the "waste of rations" term. The global elite think of everyone except their own kind as "useless eaters", this would include you and me.


I have in the past posted many links to "Gloom & Doom Sayers" as you call them. My own views based on research from the root documents have also been stated here many times. As I've said before, the agenda, how the banks and corporations, military, and government sponsored terror etc. tie in, and the time frames have all been documented and published to the public by the ruling class for everyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Unfortunately not very many have bothered to pay attention, hopefully you will start.


The link I posted at the top of this thread is an audio link to Alan Watt, one of the best researchers into the elite agenda there is, this man is a Scottish Canadian who lives a meagre existence in Estaire Ontario, and has devoted his life to exposing this agenda. He has documents that date back to the Sumerian and Babylonian era until today, including declassified government and think tank documents that spell it out, and everything I have researched and what he presents is being implemented like clock work. That particular broadcast is only 45 minutes of your time, and it will give you some detail of a small portion of the agenda in play.


As a military man, I'm sure you can appreciate that wars aren't good for anyone, even soldiers. It would be prudent of you to investigate the start of some military actions around the world and not just accept what you have been told up until now.


Here are some key words, of staged incidents that turned into major conflagrations (or could have):

-Sinking of the Lusitania

-Reichstag Fire

-Operation Gladio

-USS Liberty

-Gulf of Tonkin (look for declassified docs)

-Operation Northwoods (look for declassified docs)


That's all I can tell you. I didn't give you any (new) links. I can't make you look at anything, or force you to understand. I can't undo what has been done with years of military training. Only you can do that. That link at the top is a start. I can tell you that there are thousands of military personnel on both sides of the border that now understand what they have been fighting for, and it's not freedom or a way of life. They are scared to death, because they are being trained to turn on their fellow countrymen very soon



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Guest lundboy
Yikes....i thought this thread was about economics. I may have mixed up the name.


It is, you just have to realize who and what is driving "economics" and it's history.


Did you listen to the broadcast at the top?


Google money masters

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Guest lundboy
for whatever reason the link never worked for me. I just assumed it was about the same topic...likely not. My video is largely about gov't spending, paying less tax (being a bad thing), and an all-your-eggs-in-one-basket view on investing in your house.


try this one...




and definitely go to google video for money masters

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Who is this Forrest guy? He keeps posting stuff that has nothing to do with the thread. Weird.


Lundboy -- that's an interesting video. I don't really see (or agree with) the conspiratorial conclusions they're drawing, but some really interesting history that i had no idea about. Also, the subject is remarkably on-topic considering what's happening to the economy today. Many of my friends in finance don't get where the US money is coming from. Not just that its being loaned by foreign bodies (esp. China), but the fact that the US just keeps printing money with little regard for inflation. We're facing tough times ahead. I don't think society is going to crumble and go Mad Max on us, but there is going to be a deep recession wtih lots of folks facing the toughest times of their lives.

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