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Building a desk...beware (N/F)


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A small rant here...

(Which is rare for me)


Anyone needing a fence, Deck or Patio beware of Cons.


Luckily I wasn't dumb enough to fall for this...


I am in the market for Building a deck.

Its a Simple 12' x 24' with center Stairs and a basic railing, raised 4' up to be level with my sliding doors.

I have built decks in the past, just never been the one Purchasing the wood(Ie. helped freinds, and my Dad etc...)


So I was going to build my own deck , but figured I'd get some prices on having it built While I'm it, as time is not somthing I have a lot of right now between my busy season at work and having 3 children under the age of 4 LOL!


So here is the fun part.

All my quotes come in between $2200 and $2500 for Supplies, and if I want them to Build the deck they range from $3600 to $4000

But then I get "Jay Fencing" to come in for another quote...


So I go through the usual information exchange showing the estimator what I want, and asking for a price on materials alone, and a price to have it built, and of course the Estimator is making the usual small talk, but agree's its a good plan etc...


Today the quote comes in at $9600!!!!!

And to make matters even more fishy...he won't give me a materials cost which I requested?

He has a case of amnesia it seems, and didn't realize I wanted prices on both.

Which of course is a farce,

Now he's in deep crap cause their Website advertises the sales price of their lumber, and any one with half a brain can tell the Materials price "should" come in lower then the Rona's and Home depot's of the world yet his Install price is litteraly $5100 more then the most expensive quote I have!!!


These are the type of guys that give contractors a bad rep.

It not like I paid him, but man does it Steam me to have someone treat me as if I'm some sort of clueless kid?


Anyway not much I can do about other then warn others about this kind of thing...

Allthough I have every intention of Contacting the owner at this point being the Estimator now seems to have disappeared, and has not called me back to answer my concerns which only serves to infuriate me even more.


All I want is a materials Price so I can compare it to their Website costs...

Of course he won't do it because he knows full well that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt he's trying to rip me off, and places like the better business bureau just love to see that all neatly written onto a paper estimate.



What an :asshat:

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I hear ya! and I'm with ya!


That's why I often come here with questions...being a woman (and blonde at that) I am often "taken".


Recently I met a guy (I'll call him Bobby) who use to sell cars for a living...was very good at it (years ago)...anyway...I asked him if when I co-signed on a Jetta last year and it never left the lot when I called to cancel, was the law on my side? He said yes. But, at the time the guy I was dealing with at the dealership told me no...I had no choice..and was stuck with the car. Bobby starts to snicker when I am tell him this story and tells me that this happens all the time...especially if a woman comes in on her own...they prey on one's ignorance...and often use scare tactics, especially if you have signed on the dotted line.


Well wouldn't ya know that sweet Karma caught up to Bobby and he has had to claim personal bankruptcy in the tune of $450,00.00 It was my turn to snicker.

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Please take zero offence to this...


Being in the business myself we also call this pricing yourself out of the job..


alot of contractors do this if they are busy hoping that the client does not sign on the bottom line as they have larger contracts on the go.... and well if they do agree to the stipulated price?... GRAVY..


Also be advised.. there is differences in materials used.. IE.. Premium tight knot cedar, Vs. Clear Cedar for instance.. Select PT etc etc etc... Look over EVERY line item.. including time frames, materials used, length of service and warranty...


Those that are the best in what they do.. get paid a premium for it as in any business...


just another way to look at this situation.



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being in the business for close to 20 years now it comes down to dollars and margins...at 4 grand plus by the time trades are paid, materials are paid, overages and extras are accounted for workers comp, liability insurance and good ole GST not to mention a profit for the owner of the company of say 10% Gerrit is right and in many cases most decent contractors wont even come when they hear a material's only or a project managment fee..

a 12 x 24 PT deck with tubes rail steps etc is going to run 23 to 26 in todays market that deck is worth 7 grand to most larger contractors, less to a small 1-3 man operation but there you run risks with workers compnsation, insurance and so on

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No offence Taken at all ;)


But I gotta say...

The "priceing me out" was actually the first thought that came to my mind.

But also part of what ticked me off in the first place.


He wasted my time...I took the time to meet with him and offer him CASH for his services.

I took the time to scheduled myself around "his" availability....

And here I though "I" was the Customer LOL!!!



I have the utmost respect for the trademan...

My Dad was a carpenter, became a plumber, pipefitter and is now a mechanical estimator, I have 2 brothers who are electicians, one who's a milright, and another whos still working on becoming a plumber, so I'm very familiar with the ropes :D


I would have been totaly fine had he said he's to busy to get to us this year, or asked if I could wait till November, or next spring...

Really any common courtisy would have sufficed.


Also its worth mentioning Jays fencing is not a small 3 dude operation either....

I've seen their work and they do good stuff but nothing that warrants a $5000 premium.


Was it "pricing me out"...maybe

Was it "trying to rip me off"...maybe


One thing for sure....he'll never get an endorsment or a red cent from me

We'll see were it goes from here, as he's Still not called me to quote on my supplies.

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