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NF: Interesting link for the day

Guest lundboy

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Guest lundboy

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...

climate change provides the greatest opportunity to

bring about justice and equality in the world."

- Christine Stewart,

fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment



"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up

with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,

water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

- Club of Rome,

The First Global Revolution



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Yea giving cheap gasoline is like giving a kid a cheap machinegun...


Isnt that insane, hateful lady that tried to Ban Rock music by the name of Tipper, Al Gores woman. Pathetic. Same as all the rest of the Green movement. You cant out think a person that doesnt think.

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Guest lundboy

If you read deeper on this site, you will soon learn that these people aren't just heads of big companies. They ARE the WORLD policy makers and think tanks. They are royalty, and politicians of the G8 countries. They respect no borders, or sovereignty.


It is interesting to also note that the "recommendations" that they have been making and writing about from the 50s to the present are being implemented right now. And these people mean business, they aren't fooling around when they say they want sterilization and one or no child policies. They aren't just making comments when they say they want to tax everyone for breathing (CO2), and to reduce the population by 90%. They are moving it forward.


That link explains it all pretty much. All you have to do is read what is posted. Then step back and ask yourselves, "Have they actually been doing these things for real?" I can honestly say they have. And it's been happening while we weren't paying attention. All while we were preoccupied with celebrity gossip, sports, and keeping up with the Jones & careers, and just trying to make ends meet. But now it's time to start paying attention!


These people publish everything they have planned, everything they are doing to us, but they know very few are are listening or watching. So, there it is pretty concise in black and white, from their own words.


There will be a lot of you that won't believe it, or won't understand. Or simply refuse to believe that any other human on the face of the earth could be so ruthless and uncaring about their fellow human being. That's OK. They also depend on you feeling that way. Even when the proof is put out in their own words. But you aren't beyond understanding what the site is trying to tell you. You will just have to admit that the world is run by others that only have their own interests at heart and don't give a damn about anyone else. Then you will see what they have and are doing to us.


Here's the link again, spend some serious time on the site and take a closer look...



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Guest Johnny Bass

I agree with a lot of what you say but I think there is definite global warming going on. What do you think happens to all the pollution we are sending into the air? Does it evaporate into nothing?

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Guest lundboy
I agree with a lot of what you say but I think there is definite global warming going on. What do you think happens to all the pollution we are sending into the air? Does it evaporate into nothing?


Agreed. Global warming is taking place. The more pressing danger highlighted by the green-agenda site offers clear proof and history that "the powers that be" (PTB) have intended all along to use the climate change problem as a way to strong arm the world population to bend to their long planned agenda of control, surveillance and population reduction. This agenda falls nicely into place with their ongoing eugenics (now called trans-humanism) program, and the genetic downgrading of the population.


This simple quote says a lot about the premeditation in the intended use of the climate change issue to advance their agenda:


"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up

with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,

water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

- Club of Rome,

BOOK: The First Global Revolution


The subject of whether or not humans are causing the advancement of climate change, to a larger proportion, as opposed to ocean vents, volcanoes or solar activity (or aerosol spraying & HAARP), should be treated independently from this clear attack against humanity, while using the climate change issue as the weapon to help carry it out. If the PTB get their way, their agenda will be mostly completed by 2010-2012 (far sooner than the real devastating effects of climate change are expected). Then the next 30 years will be chaos and upheaval, and the next generations will not know of any other way of life outside of slavery imposed by the PTB. Already there is at least one generation that has never lived without fear of "terrorism" and "war". Already there is a generation of children being lead to believe that they need to die for destroying the earth or to turn in their parents and friends, and already there are some that would gladly give up their lives or be sterilized for GAIA. The indoctrination of our future generations is disgusting and a part of the agenda. The following links should raise a few eyebrows:






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population reduction.


In my opinion,


All world populations should be reduced, gradually.


I believe that the entire world population should not exceed 1 billion people.


1-2 million per continent seems sustainable.

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Guest lundboy
In my opinion,


All world populations should be reduced, gradually.


I believe that the entire world population should not exceed 1 billion people.


1-2 million per continent seems sustainable.


That's an easy statement to make when you think it will affect someone else and not you or anyone you know personally, so...


Are you and your's volunteering to be first?

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Guest Johnny Bass
Agreed. Global warming is taking place. The more pressing danger highlighted by the green-agenda site offers clear proof and history that "the powers that be" (PTB) have intended all along to use the climate change problem as a way to strong arm the world population to bend to their long planned agenda of control, surveillance and population reduction. This agenda falls nicely into place with their ongoing eugenics (now called trans-humanism) program, and the genetic downgrading of the population.


This simple quote says a lot about the premeditation in the intended use of the climate change issue to advance their agenda:


"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up

with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,

water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

- Club of Rome,

BOOK: The First Global Revolution


The subject of whether or not humans are causing the advancement of climate change, to a larger proportion, as opposed to ocean vents, volcanoes or solar activity (or aerosol spraying & HAARP), should be treated independently from this clear attack against humanity, while using the climate change issue as the weapon to help carry it out. If the PTB get their way, their agenda will be mostly completed by 2010-2012 (far sooner than the real devastating effects of climate change are expected). Then the next 30 years will be chaos and upheaval, and the next generations will not know of any other way of life outside of slavery imposed by the PTB. Already there is at least one generation that has never lived without fear of "terrorism" and "war". Already there is a generation of children being lead to believe that they need to die for destroying the earth or to turn in their parents and friends, and already there are some that would gladly give up their lives or be sterilized for GAIA. The indoctrination of our future generations is disgusting and a part of the agenda. The following links should raise a few eyebrows:







They are using climate change to strong arm the world??


I'm sorry, but this theory of yours does not fly. Climate change IS something that the world must unite to stop. There has been an upswing in extreme weather all over the planet.


True they always need an enemy to divert the attention of the masses to the real enemy(which is them). But climate change is not one of them. Right now Islam and rising China are their best bets to convince the people they are in danger and have to spend a few trillion dollars more on defence. Of which they are making a killing.


They are using terrorism to take control, surveilance, ect...


And yes,they have dumified the population with so much mis-information, that they can steal, control and manipulate at will. We keep working, they keep getting richer off our backs. And most have become accustomed to it. Try comparing the domesticated horse, working in the field and then try to enslave one that runs free and you will see, the free horse will fight for its freedom. The domesticated horse, does not know any better. Guess which most humans have become?


I am also well aware that wars have been used as a method of population control. But this has absolutely nothing to do with Climate change.



Again. You cant compare volcanic fumes to car and factory fumes. One is natural, the other is not.


Already the green push is being made, and it will be not only for the better of the earth, but for the entire human race. Solar power, wind and many alternative energy sources are being introduced and it will only get better from here on.


I think the only people trying to say that humans aren't contributing to global warming are the ones that are profiting from polluting it, the ones hired by them to spread mis-information and the ones that have bought it, hook line and sinker......

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Guest Johnny Bass
In my opinion,


All world populations should be reduced, gradually.


I believe that the entire world population should not exceed 1 billion people.


1-2 million per continent seems sustainable.



Thats a pretty bold statement......


And how do you propose we get rid of the other 5 billion people? 1-2 million per continent does not even add up to a 1/4 of a billion.


Also should we do like China and only allow 1 child per household?

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Guest lundboy
They are using climate change to strong arm the world??


I'm sorry, but this theory of yours does not fly. Climate change IS something that the world must unite to stop. There has been an upswing in extreme weather all over the planet.


True they always need an enemy to divert the attention of the masses to the real enemy(which is them). But climate change is not one of them. Right now Islam and rising China are their best bets to convince the people they are in danger and have to spend a few trillion dollars more on defence. Of which they are making a killing.


They are using terrorism to take control, surveilance, ect...


And yes,they have dumified the population with so much mis-information, that they can steal, control and manipulate at will. We keep working, they keep getting richer off our backs. And most have become accustomed to it. Try comparing the domesticated horse, working in the field and then try to enslave one that runs free and you will see, the free horse will fight for its freedom. The domesticated horse, does not know any better. Guess which most humans have become?


I am also well aware that wars have been used as a method of population control. But this has absolutely nothing to do with Climate change.



Again. You cant compare volcanic fumes to car and factory fumes. One is natural, the other is not.


Already the green push is being made, and it will be not only for the better of the earth, but for the entire human race. Solar power, wind and many alternative energy sources are being introduced and it will only get better from here on.


I think the only people trying to say that humans aren't contributing to global warming are the ones that are profiting from polluting it, the ones hired by them to spread mis-information and the ones that have bought it, hook line and sinker......


JB you have been hoodwinked. I'm sorry you can't see it.

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Guest Johnny Bass
JB you have been hoodwinked. I'm sorry you can't see it.


The proof is as plain as day. I'm sorry you can't see it.

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That's an easy statement to make when you think it will affect someone else and not you or anyone you know personally, so...


Are you and your's volunteering to be first?



It's not an easy statement.

Of course it will affect me; as well as everyone I know and don't know.


It's an assessment of a global problem.


I've already decided to stop at having 2 children. I only have 1 right now. That could be it.


I've traveled to a number of 3rd world countries to see what limited resources and the competition for them does to a society. Hell on earth to me.



Thats a pretty bold statement......


And how do you propose we get rid of the other 5 billion people? 1-2 million per continent does not even add up to a 1/4 of a billion.


Also should we do like China and only allow 1 child per household?





Please re-read my post.

I don't propose to get "rid" of anybody. I'm not genocidal.


LOL, I am not saying that 1mill./continent= 1 bill. either.

I am saying that I believe it is more sustainable to have no more than a billion people on the planet. We had those numbers a loooooooong time ago.

Could be good for the planet to recoup with a few less of us around.


If our numbers hit the same population as China than we would have no choice than to adopt the same policy.


The difference between having 2 children per household as opposed to 3 or more is substantial.


It is a bold statement but our planet has lost so much natural beauty replaced by human needs (cities, agriculture, infrastructure, etc,) that it seems we are not managing ourselves responsibly.


We could feed billions but when everyone has the same 1st world lifestyle, there will be no more resources for consumers and marginalized natural space will diminish faster.


I will make sacrifices/choices for my families future as will everyone else here.


Like it or not, humans have truly proved ourselves to be destructive.


I would prefer the future generations see more nature.




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Guest Johnny Bass


Please re-read my post.

I don't propose to get "rid" of anybody. I'm not genocidal.


Unfortunately. That is the only way we can achieve that kind of number. Or people would all have to stop having children for centuries.




LOL, I am not saying that 1mill./continent= 1 bill. either.

I am saying that I believe it is more sustainable to have no more than a billion people on the planet. We had those numbers a loooooooong time ago.

Could be good for the planet to recoup with a few less of us around.


Maybe so, but it wont happen any time soon, so thats a no go.


If our numbers hit the same population as China than we would have no choice than to adopt the same policy.


The difference between having 2 children per household as opposed to 3 or more is substantial.


It is a bold statement but our planet has lost so much natural beauty replaced by human needs (cities, agriculture, infrastructure, etc,) that it seems we are not managing ourselves responsibly.


We could feed billions but when everyone has the same 1st world lifestyle, there will be no more resources for consumers and marginalized natural space will diminish faster.


I will make sacrifices/choices for my families future as will everyone else here.


Like it or not, humans have truly proved ourselves to be destructive.


I would prefer the future generations see more nature.



What you would prefer to see and reality are two different things.


Resources are not running out but they are being abused.Capitalism makes a lot of waste.


Or they can just sterilize an entire country to extinction. What do you think about that?


Isn't that what we do to exploding cat populations? Neuter them?


Its already getting harder and harder to have kids and many people have to pay big bucks to get impregnated.


They are already working on finding inhabitable planets outside our solar system. Until then? I think there is a lot more room than you think.


We can build more apartment buildings that go up. We can actually build solar powered, hydroponic apartment buildings for the sole purpose of growing fruits and vegetables.


If there is a will there is a way.

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Guest lundboy
The proof is as plain as day. I'm sorry you can't see it.


Exactly my point.


"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

George Santayana


On that note here is your history. Read about the planned greening agenda back before the first world war and forward to today. About how all the major foundations, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Rand, Planned Parenthood, were all devised to advance the agenda, and have worked hard to get us to the state where there are people fooled in to thinking they are the cause of "Global Warming". Read it from the masters that designed the plan. Only then will you understand how you have been had. I've read them. Have you? Pretty clear road map for whats transpiring today, and what is to be in our lifetime.


360BC Plato: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3137937/Platos-Republic-


1798 Malthus: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2367010/1798-Tho...ation-OCR-Mrkva


1925 H.G. Wells: http://www.scribd.com/doc/186719/1925-H-G-...orld-Revolution


1940 H.G. Wells: http://www.scribd.com/doc/186721/1940-H-G-...New-World-Order


1953 Charles Galton Darwin: http://www.scribd.com/doc/405285/The-Next-...on-Darwin-1953-


1961 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2490570/1961-Car...f-Civilisations


1966 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/4710337/1966-car...rld-in-our-time


1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski: (this guy is till steering your life) http://www.scribd.com/doc/3474571/Zbigniew-Brzezinski-


1981 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/431914/Carroll-Q...n-Establishment


1991 The Club of Rome: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2341179/1991-CoR...ution-OCR-Mrkva


And for those less inclined to read such vast tomes of history, current and future plans:




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LundBoy you kind of remind me of Tammy Fae or Jim Baker. I feel like a lightning Bolt may hit me. Seriously though, I think people are jumping to conclusions. About a year ago I warned OFC that if this Global Warming, now called Climate change because there is no proof of warming that it would cause an economic disaster. Any Turd Ball with any common sense know people will take advantage. Oil has sky rocked, but there seems to be all of a sudden no shortage. There is supposedly a food shortage but certainly what we eat has sky rocketed. Farmers are producing ethanol instead of food, and every bloody thing that keeps us going has gone up. Electricity and Heating. Then you have that Creep from out East that wants to put a carbon tax on the very things that has already sky Rocketed. As far as Kyoto is concerned why in the Hell should we suffer and pay even more when obviously China, USA, India, and every other country in the World obviously is polluting my air. So tell me, why should my kids eat less because of a bunch of Paranoid, one tracked, mindless Zombies. Id love to slap these paranoid freaks like prune. If you really care and want to make a difference, go hug a Polar Bear, because I don't need ya. My Opinion on this Green shift that has all of a sudden has hit most of ya. By the way, if we have some of the Arctic melt, I don't give a dam because I don't live up there. As far as Polar Bears, who cares. There is always the zoo.

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Guest lundboy
LundBoy you kind of remind me of Tammy Fae or Jim Baker. I feel like a lightning Bolt may hit me. Seriously though, I think people are jumping to conclusions. About a year ago I warned OFC that if this Global Warming, now called Climate change because there is no proof of warming that it would cause an economic disaster. Any Turd Ball with any common sense know people will take advantage. Oil has sky rocked, but there seems to be all of a sudden no shortage. There is supposedly a food shortage but certainly what we eat has sky rocketed. Farmers are producing ethanol instead of food, and every bloody thing that keeps us going has gone up. Electricity and Heating. Then you have that Creep from out East that wants to put a carbon tax on the very things that has already sky Rocketed. As far as Kyoto is concerned why in the Hell should we suffer and pay even more when obviously China, USA, India, and every other country in the World obviously is polluting my air. So tell me, why should my kids eat less because of a bunch of Paranoid, one tracked, mindless Zombies. Id love to slap these paranoid freaks like prune. If you really care and want to make a difference, go hug a Polar Bear, because I don't need ya. My Opinion on this Green shift that has all of a sudden has hit most of ya. By the way, if we have some of the Arctic melt, I don't give a dam because I don't live up there. As far as Polar Bears, who cares. There is always the zoo.


Call me what you like.


It's not about material crap, and money. They make the money, they control everything.


I didn't write the books that spell it all out. If you can't see what is happening and who is doing it to you, then I guess no amount of evidence is worth pig spit.


It really doesn't take a lot of effort to understand what is going on. But then again maybe it does, because they have been able to pull it off this long, and will keep right on rolling along until they are done. The sleep-walkers outnumber the people that are on to the agenda by 10,000 to 1. Which group do you fall into? Kinda sounds like you are sitting on the fence.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Exactly my point.


"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

George Santayana


On that note here is your history. Read about the planned greening agenda back before the first world war and forward to today. About how all the major foundations, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Rand, Planned Parenthood, were all devised to advance the agenda, and have worked hard to get us to the state where there are people fooled in to thinking they are the cause of "Global Warming". Read it from the masters that designed the plan. Only then will you understand how you have been had. I've read them. Have you? Pretty clear road map for whats transpiring today, and what is to be in our lifetime.


360BC Plato: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3137937/Platos-Republic-


1798 Malthus: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2367010/1798-Tho...ation-OCR-Mrkva


1925 H.G. Wells: http://www.scribd.com/doc/186719/1925-H-G-...orld-Revolution


1940 H.G. Wells: http://www.scribd.com/doc/186721/1940-H-G-...New-World-Order


1953 Charles Galton Darwin: http://www.scribd.com/doc/405285/The-Next-...on-Darwin-1953-


1961 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2490570/1961-Car...f-Civilisations


1966 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/4710337/1966-car...rld-in-our-time


1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski: (this guy is till steering your life) http://www.scribd.com/doc/3474571/Zbigniew-Brzezinski-


1981 Carroll Quigley: http://www.scribd.com/doc/431914/Carroll-Q...n-Establishment


1991 The Club of Rome: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2341179/1991-CoR...ution-OCR-Mrkva


And for those less inclined to read such vast tomes of history, current and future plans:






Documents have been forged and doctored for centuries. What does all this prove? There is tons of mis-information everywhere.


But if you take a look around and see whats happening. How sea life is being affected, plants, animals, the arctic glaciers, the global floods and extreme weather. These are things that cannot be denied.

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Unfortunately. That is the only way we can achieve that kind of number. Or people would all have to stop having children for centuries.


Not true, just less children/family




Or they can just sterilize an entire country to extinction. What do you think about that?


I think that's ridiculous.


Isn't that what we do to exploding cat populations? Neuter them?


Cats are extinct.



Its already getting harder and harder to have kids and many people have to pay big bucks to get impregnated.


It's not that hard.



They are already working on finding inhabitable planets outside our solar system. Until then? I think there is a lot more room than you think.


Fantasy. Let's ruin another planet. By the time that plan comes together we could've reduced our population



We can build more apartment buildings that go up. We can actually build solar powered, hydroponic apartment buildings for the sole purpose of growing fruits and vegetables.


Fantasy. There are limited cultivars that can be grown hydroponically and the non-organic inputs are still unsustainable in the long-term.

Why would you want to see more hideous apartment buildings anyways?


If there is a will there is a way.


Not always.

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Guest Johnny Bass
LundBoy you kind of remind me of Tammy Fae or Jim Baker. I feel like a lightning Bolt may hit me. Seriously though, I think people are jumping to conclusions. About a year ago I warned OFC that if this Global Warming, now called Climate change because there is no proof of warming that it would cause an economic disaster. Any Turd Ball with any common sense know people will take advantage. Oil has sky rocked, but there seems to be all of a sudden no shortage. There is supposedly a food shortage but certainly what we eat has sky rocketed. Farmers are producing ethanol instead of food, and every bloody thing that keeps us going has gone up. Electricity and Heating. Then you have that Creep from out East that wants to put a carbon tax on the very things that has already sky Rocketed. As far as Kyoto is concerned why in the Hell should we suffer and pay even more when obviously China, USA, India, and every other country in the World obviously is polluting my air. So tell me, why should my kids eat less because of a bunch of Paranoid, one tracked, mindless Zombies. Id love to slap these paranoid freaks like prune. If you really care and want to make a difference, go hug a Polar Bear, because I don't need ya. My Opinion on this Green shift that has all of a sudden has hit most of ya. By the way, if we have some of the Arctic melt, I don't give a dam because I don't live up there. As far as Polar Bears, who cares. There is always the zoo.


You don't think there is any proof climate change will cause an economic or catastrophic disaster? It already has. How many people have been killed or affected by extreme weather? And who do you think pays for all the damage? Can you imagine for example, if tornadoes start to increase in numbers and strength?


There is no food shortage. The rich have taken hits on their loans (of money of which is not even theirs) and guess who has to pay the bills? We do, thanks to inflation.


If farmers are producing Ethanol instead of food? Where is all this Ethanol? This is all a bunch of Bull if you ask me.


If the arctic continues to melt, water levels will rise and floods and heavy downpour will occur. I think the Eskimos would care. Every animal plays a part with the earth's eco-system. Sure the eco-system would eventually adapt, but it could change a lot affecting some people's lively hood.

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You can see the following here with charts:

Population Growth


Do a search on Population Growth Charts and it'll give you an idea of where I'm coming from.


1830 the world’s population was One billion.











Ÿ 1830 the world’s population was One billion.


Ÿ 1930 just 100 years later, the population reached 2 billion.


Ÿ 1960 30 years later world’s population reached 3 billion


Ÿ 15 more years later in 1975, it climbed to 4 billion.


Ÿ 12 years later in 1987, world’s population reached 5 billion.


Ÿ In 1998 11 years later the world’s population reached 6 billion


Ÿ By 2029, the world’s population would be about 10.4 billion








1. East Asia: Approximately 1/4 of the world's population lives in East Asia, including Eastern parts of China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and the island of Taiwan.




2. South Asia: The second largest concentration is in South Asia region where more that 20% of world’s population resides. It comprises India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. India is the world's second most populous country.




3. South East Asia: Nearly 500 million people live in this region comprising series of islands located between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They include the Philippines and Indonesia (which is made up of 13,677 islands). More than 100 million people live on the island of Java (Indonesia).




4. Europe: The world's third largest population cluster comprises about two dozen countries that make up much of Europe. Approximately 15% of the world's people live in this cluster.




5. North America: The largest concentration of people in the Western Hemisphere is in the Northeastern United States and South Eastern Canada. Approximately 150 million people live in this region.








1. Desert Regions: the largest desert is Sahara. Others are the Arabian, Atacama, and Gobi deserts. The largest desert region in the Southern Hemisphere is found in Australia.




2. Very Hot and Wet Tropical Rain forests such as the Congo forest in Africa and the Amazon forest in Brazil, South America.




3. Very Cold lands such as Northern Canada, Greenland, Siberia and Antarctica.








Fertility refers to the average number of children every woman in a population can have during her reproductive years (15 - 49 years). Some reasons for the disparity include:




1. The use of children as economic assets by some groups.




2. Lack of financial security during old age may cause couples to have more children who may take care of them in old age




3. Lack of educational opportunities for women.




4. Lack of Employment opportunities.




5. The status of women in society (as domestic workers or part of the general work force).




6. Religious Beliefs (e.g. abstinence and one wife policy by Catholics, and more wives for Muslims).




7. Availability of Family Planning Services




8. Legalized abortions




9. A high infant mortality may compel married couples to have more children so some can live.








Changes in the population of a country are caused by:




1. Births (fertility)


2. Deaths (mortality) and…


3. Migration (movement of people among nations).




Natural increase refers to changes that are caused by changes in births and deaths only. The number of persons born per 1,000 individuals in a given year is the Crude Birth Rate. The number of persons per 1000 individuals who die in a particular year is the Crude Death Rate.








Population pyramid is an age structure of a country’s population that shows percentages of the total population in five-year age groups. The pyramid reveals several characteristics about a country’s population. They include population growth, sex structure, working force, number of dependents and a record of historical events that led to high births or great loss of lives.




The shape of a pyramid indicates the relative growth of the population. There are three main shapes:




1. Rapidly growing population: Broad-based because a large percentage of the population is usually less than 14 years old. Many African, Asian and Latin American countries have broad-based pyramids. More than 40% of their populations are under age 15.




2. Stable population: A pyramids with proportional sides – almost equal base, mid-section and top. Countries with stable populations include France, Scandinavian countries and Canada.




3. Declining population: A pyramid with very narrow base. Few children are born. Examples of countries with declining populations are Austria, Germany (East and West), Hungary and Japan.





















Demographic transition refers to changes in population that occurs because of industrial growth when a country moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates. There are 4 stages involved:




Stage 1 - Pre-Industrial Stage:


A country experiences high birth rates and high death rates. Death rates sometimes fluctuate.




Stage II – Early Industrial Stage:


High birth rates and high death rates are experienced. A small fall in death rates because of improving economic and social conditions.




Stage III – Industrial Stage:


Low death rates and Low birth rates. Education and job opportunities cause a reduction in birth rates while improved medical facilities cause a decline in death rate.




Stage IV – Post Industrial Stage:


There is a zero population growth. Low death rates and fluctuating birth rates are experienced.




Why Cant Developing Countries today take advantage of the Demographic Transition




1. Lack of trained personnel for industrial development.




2. Lack of an essential energy base




3. Rapid population growth and poverty




4. Lack of financial resources.








Indirect Methods:




a. Increasing food production


b. Food Aid.


c. Economic Development.


d. Mass Education of children




Direct Methods:




a. Planned Parenthood and Family Planning Services


b. Abortion


c. Abstinence

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